New Story of Lv Bu

: : The bad news comes

This time, the Kwantung Allied Forces formed the Lv Alliance, knocked on the West, and pressed closer to Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty. It was quite a posture that the first to enter the pass was the king. But where is the White Horse General Gongsun Zan, one of the four pillars of the Kwantung Allied Forces? Why hasn't he shown up? Let us go back to five days ago and take a look at the situation in Youzhou and the handling of the eldest son Lu An.

On October 12th, at Chenshi, Youzhou, Guangyang County's Junzhiji County, above the North Gate Tower, banners were fluttering, and the barriers were strong. Jihou, General Banshou Huwei, and Chang Shi Guan Jing of Youzhou Mugongsun Zan looked towards the northeast in silence, and sighed. At this moment, there was an ominous premonition in his heart. Since the master Gongsun Zan and his younger brother Gongsun Fan separated from Yuyang County and Guangyang County, the county governor of Yuyang County was governed by Yuyang and Guangyang County. In Jixian County, the Eagle's letter is always communicated twice a day, and it is impossible to move. However, since three days ago, Jixian has never received a letter from Yuyang. It is estimated that something went wrong.

Youzhou was originally a vast land with sparsely populated land, and it governed ten counties, but there were only five to six thousand people. However, since a few years ago, the Union State Army captured the three counties of Daijun, Shanggu, and Zhuojun in the eastern part of Youzhou, and established Youzhou Governor and Youzhou Mu, the good days of General Baima Gongsun Zan were gone. The new Youzhou governor Wei Yue and Youzhou Mu Fu Xie were determined to forge ahead, collected exiles, cared for the people, and moved more than 100,000 people from the densely populated Sili. In just over a year, Daijun, Shanggu, and Zhuojun were under great control.

That's not even a big deal. Grand Sima Lubu sent his eldest son Lu An on a fake way to Xianbei, and caught Liaodong Hou Gongsun by surprise, and regained the land of Liaodong in one fell swoop. As a result, out of the ten counties in Youzhou, eight counties fell into the hands of the Bingzhou Army. It turned out that under the command of the white horse general Gongsun Zan, there were only Yuyang and Guangyang counties left, and they really became a lonely widow who was trapped in a lonely city.

Because of this, Gongsun Zan did not send troops this time the Kwantung Allied Forces asked Lu. "Brother Bogui, Youzhou ten counties, Lu Feng first occupied eight counties. If you send troops again, Yuyang and Guangyang counties will be completely finished! If this is the case, you might as well stick to Yuyang and Guangyang counties. At any rate, I will support you until we capture Luoyang City, the capital of the capital. As for Jiazheng grain and grass, I will transfer it to you from Jizhou!"

General Yuan Shaoyuan saw the current situation very clearly at first. If Yuyang and Guangyang counties were lost, Lu An and Wei Yue’s army would immediately move south and hit their home in Jizhou. The half-million army knocked the Kanxi, and one more Gongsun Zan and one less Gongsun Zan did not affect the overall situation. On the contrary, if you leave him in Youzhou, you can drag Lu An and Wei Yue in the first half of the year. Based on the above considerations, the Jizhou Army assisted Gongsun Zan with a large number of armour battles, food, grass, and luggage, just to let him hold on.

Gongsun Zan is also a veteran who has experienced many battles, Yuan Benchu ​​can see and understand, can he not understand? The moment he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, he made up his mind to stand by and wait for help. As long as the Kwantung Allied Forces captured Luoyang City, his old man would be relieved! After slurping Yahuazi for a long time, Gongsun Zan finally had a solution. He and his son Gongsun continued to guard Yuyang, and his younger brother Gongsun Fan adhered to Jixian.

"Have there ever been an eagle letter from Yuyang?" Guan Jing frowned and asked. "Master Qi, Changshi, never had it." There was an anger in the stomach of Junhou who was in charge of communications. His grandmother was a bear. You have asked eighteen times since an hour ago to now! If there is an eagle letter from Yuyang, can I not give it to you? But Guan Jing is a well-known little belly chicken intestine, and he must report it. He didn't dare to leave the impression of despising Shangguan in the heart of Lord Chang Shi. Master Guan frowned and assured you that there were endless little shoes to throw at you.

"Are there any other military reports?" There was still no Yingxin from Yuyang, and Guan Jing's face was as black as the bottom of a pot. "Yes! There is less and less news from Nan Mian'er, and the grain transport from Jizhou is almost cut off." The military officer in charge of communications cautiously looked at Guan Jing's face and replied cautiously. "Hey! So, are we surrounded?"

As Gongsun Zan's long history, Guan Jing has been able to fight Xianbei, Wuhuan, Yellow Turban, and Jizhou soldiers. Hearing this, he immediately took a breath. Most of Lu An's trilogy came from exotic Xianbei, Wuhuan, Xiongnu, and Qiang people. These people are best at driving thousands of miles around their foreheads and ears, cutting off people's food and killing outposts.

"Send Jingqi immediately and search within a radius of two hundred miles! The focus is on the northeast direction! I guess Yuyang County is probably bad luck, but I don’t know if the lord and the eldest son are safe. Pass my order! Enter from now on In the state of war, I would rather the brothers suffer a little bit than lose this Ji County! I will go to see General Gongsun." Guan Jing slapped his thigh and said loudly.

In nominal terms, the military and political power of Guangyang County is in the hands of Guangyang Prefect Gongsun Fan. However, this General Gongsun has two deep hobbies, one is to drink alcohol, and the other is to play with women. Perhaps it was due to the remoteness of the borders. Gongsunfan's preferences are different from ordinary people. He likes ordinary women with big breasts, fat buttocks and a strong body. The color is second.

With a heart full of thoughts, Guan Jing drove down the city wall, flew like a horse, and came to the gate of the prefectural palace. "Passing orders! Everyone is on guard and ready for **** battles at any time!" Guan Jing threw the horse bridle to the guards who came to greet him. While striding to the backyard, he gave orders loudly. "No!" Although their faces were surprised, the guards responded loudly.

Before reaching the back house, Guan Jing's nose smelled a strong smell of alcohol, which was the smell of old-fashioned knives, like a fake replacement. Accompanied by the strong aroma of wine comes the squeaky country sour koji, and besides that, there is also the licentious laughter of the women. "Come on??? General?????? Drink it again!" "Okay! You will dance this one, I will drink this cup!"

Gongsun Fan Chouhao's voice resounded throughout the backyard, and it seemed that he was already drunk. "Come on?????? Give me a fragrant one!" "No??????" Guan Jing almost vomited out when he heard the sound of this strong woman behaving like a child. Think of a healthy woman with a big mouth wide open and her face like a silver basin winking her eyebrows, and Guan Jing covered her mouth. "General Gongsun, Guan Jing has something important to report!" Guan Jing couldn't help it anymore, he kicked the door open and went in.

Sure enough, in the huge room, there were five or six sturdy women who were almost impeccable with their mouths wide open, and they surrounded Gongsun Fan and were pouring wine. There was only a pair of calf trousers left on Gongsun Fan's body. "Get out!" Guan Jing shouted in disgust. "Huh!" Several healthy women snorted a little dissatisfied, leaned over to salute, and disappeared in an instant.

"Guan Changshi, why are you here? If you come, please sit down! Come on, you and I will drink three hundred cups!" Gongsun Fan's alcohol volume is very good, although he was drunk and dimly drunk, he still glanced at it. Recognized Guan Jing. "Drink, drink, drink! It's his mother's knowledge to pour cat pee!" Guan Jing cursed secretly in his heart, but said respectfully in his mouth. "My lord, absolutely can't drink anymore!"

"It's a long winter, what can you do without drinking? It's suitable for a drunk woman, having fun in hardship?????? Hahahahahahaha!" Gongsun Fan said drunkly with his drunk eyes open. "General, don't drink anymore! The big event is not good!" Guan Jing shouted loudly. "Big things? What can you do with my wise brother? Go! Go! My brother went to make contributions by himself, and then passed on to my nephew. As for my grandson fan, I had no choice but to be a wine woman. Have fun!"

Before he finished his words, Gongsun Fan raised the giant in his hand, drinking like a cow, and drank completely. "Can you solve your worries? Only??? Only this burning knife!" Gongsun Fan, who was already drunk and drunk, drank a lot of wine, and in an instant, he became drunk. His hand slipped, and the giant in his hand fell to the ground with a cry. Hulu??? Hulu??? A rhythmic grunt followed. "Oh!" Guan Jing stomped and walked out the door with a long sigh.

"Open the door! Open the door!" "Hurry up and open the door for Laozi!" "Laozi are the lord's vanguard, Yuyang County is over! The lord will be there in a moment!" Outside the north gate of Jixian, five or six hundred cavalrymen rushed into chaos. Crowded under the city gate, waving the ring sword in his hand, shouting loudly. Most of their bodies are two-stage armors, and there are dark red blood stains everywhere on the armors, mixed with bits and pieces of bones and flesh, plus layers of mud, they look very embarrassed, as if they have been running for a long time. general.

"Is there any experience or biography?" Above the top of the city, the military prince who had received a strict order from Guan Chief Shi asked boldly. "Nonsense! I escaped from Yuyang for more than a thousand miles before getting here. Where did the **** come from? Even if it did, it would have been damned long ago! Lu An's black and white robe couldn't be pursued. She, if you don't open the door, the lord will be cut to the head by Xuan Jia's white robe!" A heroic voice cursed.

"Guan Changshi has an order. In an extraordinary period, there is no passing of it. It is treated as a spy? Brother, you are too late! You can still enter the city before an hour." Looking at the appearance of the remnants under the city gate, the guarding army Hou has believed in 70% to 80%. But Guan Changshi just issued a strict order to conduct strict investigations. How can he act for personal gains? Is it the guy who doesn't want to eat on his head? "His grandmother is a bear! Laozi are born to death, so they are not allowed to enter the city? Come on, take down the city, and cut the guard at the gate!"

The rough voice became more and more angry. "Brother, don't worry! Do you have a seal?" Upon hearing this, the guard at the gate immediately became anxious. This group of Ziqiuba just escaped from the dead, and really committed a gangster to cut off his head. Master Shi Su Rili will never redress for himself. "Yes! Lao Tzu's army marquee is printed here! Shoot him up!"

Wood printing? The guard at the gate was relieved immediately. Youzhou was barren and the official seals were all carved from hardwood. This is true.

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