New Story of Lv Bu

: : I don't believe that you can't smash the dog's head!

Yuan Shao's temperament is sparse and magnificent, he is able to treat his subordinates favorably, plus the name of the four generations and three gongs, he is truly an unparalleled hero in the world. Therefore, the world's heroes, scholars and scholars are shouldering shoulder to shoulder, traveling thousands of miles to cast. Yuan Shao can also know people's responsibilities, measure their talents, and observe their dispositions. Everyone has an extremely proper arrangement. Therefore, he will receive the hearts of heroes in the world.

At that time, people sighed and yearned for it. The scholars of this dynasty agreed: "Yuan Shao is handsome, prestigious, and loves to be famous. It is a Taiwanese company for many generations, and the guests are home, and they will love to go to the court. The scholars are not noble and inferior, and they will resist." For a while, Yuan Shao's reputation as a lover of light wealth was the best in the world. Without it, heroic demeanor cannot be learned.

Now, Yuan Shao boarded the watch chariot alone in the chaos army, and stood under the banner of Yuan character according to his sword. From a distance, he looked like a man in a fairy. At the same time, his left and right guards kept shouting loudly to show Yuan Shao's determination to fight to the end and prepare to die on the battlefield. The Jizhou sergeant who had fled in chaos and scrambled with his head thinking about Yuan Shao's kindness, instantly felt the same hatred of the enemy.

"His grandmother is a bear! Boss Yuan is not afraid of death, I am afraid of getting a ball? If it weren't for Boss Yuan to help with food, I would have been damned for this fate! Today Boss Yuan is in trouble. If you don’t need eight or a half catties, you must also keep Boss Yuan safe! Brothers, you must not forget your roots, and if you receive the kindness of dripping water, you will repay you as a spring! Come with me! Come on!"

A former Black Mountain thief, currently under Yuan Shao's military commander, had his legs clamped between his horse's belly, and with a wave of the ring-saw, he rushed towards the watchtower where Yuan Shaozhuo stood in a whirlwind with more than 200 Qingqi around him. This group of black mountain thieves were chased by Gongsun Zan and Cao Mengde with no way to the ground. Seven to eight people were killed or injured. They had to surrender the Jizhou army tremblingly. Unexpectedly, Yuan Shao treated the same, and personally went out to comfort the army, not only allocated a large amount of food and grass, but also allocated a large number of armies, and the thieves were inexplicably grateful for this.

Every time Zhang Yi slaughtered dogs, most of them were scholars. Now that Yuan Shao was in trouble, these black thief suddenly became chivalrous. They were not far away from Yuan Shao's Great Tent of the Chinese Army, and when they rode their horses like flying, they charged under the watchtower. "Good brother! Please also quickly go to the left line and shoot at the foot of the line with a bow arrow! Respond to the friendly forces!" Yuan Shao's soldiers were overjoyed and quickly thanked them. His grandma is a bear! Lao Tzu turned out to be the first to come here to help! The Black Mountain Junhou was ecstatic, and hurriedly followed the order.

"My lord! Jizhou is in great chaos, food is scarce, and the lord is constantly transporting and supplying munitions, and the army has never had a day of food. The lord has waited for me very much, just like my biological parents. Now the state of the iron cavalry raid the camp, the lord is in danger Among them, Xiangshang's head is facing unpredictable. Should I leave my helmet and armor to flee, leaving the lord alone to face Lu Fengxian's 100,000 cavalry?"

One of the four pillars of Hebei, the pillar of the Jizhou army, Yuan Shao's general Yan Liang topped his helmet and drew his armour, riding a black horse under his hip, carrying a long-handled sword in his hand, facing the fleeing defeat. Jun, full of anger, roared every word. Yan Liang's left and right were surrounded by three or four thousand cavalry and more than two thousand infantrymen, and more cavalrymen were still in the team. These soldiers and horses were all elites under his command.

Yan Liang had a resolute temperament and a strict rule of the army. He was quite familiar with the famous general of the dynasty, Cheng Bujie. His stronghold was extremely strong, and there were a lot of antlers and antlers in Dazhai, without cutting corners at all. Although he was caught off guard by the night attack by the Bingzhou Iron Cavalry, Yan Liang's troops only lost more than two thousand paces, and most of the heavy troops outside the camp were still there. It's just that I slept late in building Dazhai yesterday. The soldiers were exhausted and couldn't wake up for a while, and the department was still under reorganization.

"General, we listen to you! Go immediately to rescue the lord, go through fire and water, and do not hesitate!" Yan Liang's several school lieutenants were aroused by the real fire, one by one slapped their chests and shouted vows. "Passing orders! The infantry is in the center, and the cavalry guards the two wings and advances toward the Chinese army camp!" Yan Liang nodded with satisfaction, and the long-handled sword in his hand pointed forward and shouted loudly.

Boom boom boom, boom boom boom, boom boom boom boom boom! The agitated drums of war sounded, and Yan Liang's subordinate rushed forward with the sound of the drums.

Dianwei and Xu Chu were like two tigers, slashing and killing them, rushing all the way to the watchtower where Yuan Shao was. In an instant, hundreds of corpses were left behind them. Seeing that the generals were so fierce, the tiger army and the Xu family's children under his command roared together, leaping horses and swords, following the main general, stepping into the waves and rushing over the thorns and thorns.

"Zhongkang, Yuan Shao's Chinese army is in front of you. You and I will make a bet to see who is the first to capture the flag and cut off Yuan Shao's head!" Dian Wei waved the double iron halberd and stopped. The three or four Jizhou pawns in front of the horse chopped over and said boldly while flying the horse like flying. "Right! Just like a king's words!" Xu Chu swung a knife and chopped down two Jizhou pawns, and replied without looking back.

Among the Bingzhou cavalry who broke into Guancheng Camp, Dianwei and Xu Chu were the fastest and the most aggressive. However, both of them have the courage to be improper, and the two of them work together, and there is no one to stop them. Relying on their martial arts, Dian Wei and Xu Chu Qingqi sprinted forward, throwing away the Jingqi under their command for dozens of steps. Seeing that they were only li Xu from the watchtower, they suddenly encountered Yuan Jun's counterattack.

To the north of Yuan Shao's army's big tent, a sturdy cavalry rushed forward, passing by Yuan Shao Zhuoli's watchtower, and rushing towards Dian Wei Xu Chu. This cavalry was only more than two thousand, and the leader was a sturdy man, holding a big sword in his hand, riding a green-maned horse under his crotch, looking really majestic. But a closer look revealed the original shape, except for the boots under his feet, he was only wearing a pair of calf-nose trousers. "General Wen Chou is here!" Below the watchtower, Yuan Shao's soldiers suddenly burst into cheers.

Wen Chou generals learned from Li Guang, the famous flying general of the dynasty, and did not lay **** the stronghold, and did not pay much attention to military discipline. Whenever you are camping, you are free to let the soldiers under your command, river banks, ditch slopes, as long as you like, everywhere is a camping place. Suddenly attacked today, he immediately suffered a big loss, and the state iron cavalry rushed over, rushing the cavalry under Wen Chou's command everywhere.

Anxiously, Wen Chou only had time to put on his boots, picked up a broadsword, and Zhou Jingqi rushed into his army account. Under the desperate cover of the left and right soldiers, Wen Chou picked up the knife and mounted his horse. Looking up, the lord Yuan Benchu ​​had already issued a distress signal. "Follow me! Go to the savior!" Wen Chou leaped his horse and raised his sword, and took hundreds of soldiers to hack and kill, and went straight to Yuan Shao's Chinese army account. Along the way, Wen Chou's cavalry continued to gather, coupled with the retreating chaos, finally gathered more than two thousand light cavalry.

Dianwei and Xu Chu went from south to north, and Wen Chou went from north to south. There was only a mile away between the enemy and ourselves. After more than ten breaths, the two cavalrymen collided together, and in an instant, the people shouted and the horses screamed. "Wu Na Wen Chou, take his life!" When he was happily beheading the flag, he was suddenly cut off by someone. Dian Wei was about to vomit blood to his throat with a gulp of old blood.

Dian Wei was so angry that he screamed, but he was so angry that he always had to continue fighting, and he had to take a bite of the meal. If you want to cut off Yuan Benchu's Xiangshang head, you must first clean up the black man in front of you! Dian Wei sank his anger to Dantian, exhausted all his strength, rounded out two double iron halberds, and smashed at Wen Chou fiercely! "His grandma is a bear! Don't stand in the way, get out of my way!"

As soon as Wen Chou blocked Dian Wei's path, Xu Chu's face suddenly showed an unkind yin smile. Laodian, Laodian, it's not a brother, I won't help you, it's really important to cut off the head of Yuan Benchu's item! Your old man will be busy slowly, I will continue to rush forward! "Follow me!" He stabbed Wen Chou along the way, and then slipped away with his legs clamped in his belly.

Peng! Puff! Puffy! There was only a loud noise, earth-shaking, and it shook the army's ears numb. The first loud noise was when Wen Chou took Xu Chu's knife. Who is Xu Chu? He is eight feet tall, with a big waist and ten rounds, with a majestic appearance and extraordinary courage. He can give birth to fierce tigers, just like Fan Kuai's reincarnation. How easy is it to take the knife he issued?

Wen Ugly sinks Dantian, his legs clamped his horse's belly, his hands raised his long-handled broadsword, and he slammed upwards! With a loud sound, Xu Chu smiled slightly and left, obviously not doing his best. Wen Chou's body trembled, and fine beads of sweat immediately ooze out of his face. It was obvious that he was a little struggling to receive the knife. Xu Chu's supernatural power is amazing, and Wen Chou falls short of his strength.

I just received Xu Chu's knife, but I haven't recovered my breath. I only heard two loud noises. Dianwei's double iron halberd came again, smashing Huashan with strength, and attacked with his head and face! Seeing that the black man in front of him was coming fiercely, Wen Chou had to raise his strength for twelve points, once again raised the long-handled broadsword in his hand, took a long breath, and slammed outward! I seal it! I seal it! I am sealed!

Dianwei's strength is still higher than that of Xu Chu, and he used his two halberds with all his strength. As soon as he took it, Wen Chou immediately suffered a big loss! He immediately felt soft and numb in his hands, his throat and eyes were sweet, and a mouthful of blood was about to open his mouth! He gritted his teeth and shut his mouth quickly, swallowing the blood from his throat back into his stomach. When the two armies fought, the main general was beaten by the enemy general to vomit blood, which is really embarrassing!

Where does Dian Wei know Wen Chou's idea? Seeing that Wen Chou stayed still, he couldn't help getting furious. He picked up the double iron halberd, and covered his head and face three times! Obediently boom! Unexpectedly, this servant is a hard stubble! I smashed! I smashed! I'm smashing! The power of our old classic is amazing, I don't believe that you can't smash this dog's head! After three blows, the two had already missed the horse and galloped away.

"Oh!" He only heard a roar, Wen Chou looked up to the sky and spewed a lot of blood, his face was like gold leaf, and he turned and fell.

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