New Story of Lv Bu

: :The temptation of the generals of Xiliang

On October 18th, Mao Shi, Jingzhou, Nanyang County, Xinye County, Li Chang's army account.

Li Chang sat high, Guo Bin, Zhang Ji, and Fan Chou sat with him in the next head. Li Chang’s younger brothers Li Ying and Li Heng, nephews Li Li and Li Siam Li Jin, and his nephew Hu Feng glared with cross-brows, standing with swords. Behind him. The generals of Guo Bang, Zhang Ji, Fan Chou, Li Meng, and Wang Fang were also full of people standing behind them, all of them were of ranks above the tutelage. Zhang Xiu, Zhang Ji's nephew, was also included.

The large tent of the Chinese army was full of people standing in darkness, and lanterns and torches illuminated the inside of the large tent like daylight. Everyone is an old brethren who followed Li Hao, Guo Bang, Fan Chou, and Zhang Ji. They are also the only remaining elders in the Xiliang Army. Among these people, more than half of them have injuries on their backs and buttocks, and they can only stand there and dare not sit down. These injuries were bestowed by Long Xiang General Xu Rongxu not long ago. They were pressed to the ground by Li Zhang's four soldiers, and they fought a spine fight fiercely.

Whether in the military or in the officialdom, doubt is like an owl in the dark night, always trying to figure out everything quietly with open eyes. Once suspicion arises, the angle of view of the problem will immediately change, and the original extremely normal handling will be regarded as having ulterior motives. At this moment, Li Hao, Guo Bang, Fan Chou, Zhang Ji and his generals are like this. There is a way to be suspicious of ghosts. Originally, the head and face of Xu Dashuai showed the attitude of the court. But these people Still not at ease.

What if Wang Yun Nasi and Xu Dashuai are stunned, first hold me steady, and then secretly mobilize the army to gather me and annihilate me? After all, Wang Situ was a great minister of Nanyang Supervisor, and Xu Dashuai was just a general under his command. What if Xu Dashuai's treatment Wang Yun didn't approve of him? Many in case, like the vines of a thousand-year-old tree, are constantly growing in the hearts of everyone, and in an instant, the thought of doubt fills everyone's mind.

"All of you are old brothers. I, Li Yu, won’t hide it. We, Li, are really puzzled. Let’s talk about it and bump into the old brothers. An hour ago, Dashuai Xu’s treatment, everyone What do you think? The big guys are all old brothers, so you can open the skylight to speak brightly. You know, whether everyone here can save their heads depends on this moment."

Li Chang Dama sat on the upper head with a golden sword, holding the handle of the first knife with a 100-refined steel ring in his hand, and said in a low voice. Although this is his central army's big account, it is tightly guarded, and even a fly can't fly out, but after all, the big guy is playing for a little while, it is better to keep a low profile. If once the secret is leaked and someone is brought to Wang Yun's desk, it is a typical treason.

"This????? Boss Li is very right!" The first person who spoke was Fan Chou. Fan Chou was rude and innocent. He would put his head on his waistband if he treated him well. With whom. Since the death of Taishi Dong, Xu Dashuai led the big guy to vote for the Bingzhou Army, and he has always been the only leader of Xu Dashuai. When he arrived at Xinye, he was bought by Li Chang's little grace again.

After slapped Li Su's flattery, Fan Chou poured beans in a bamboo tube, and spoke out the doubts in his heart. "Wang Situ's nagant has long seen that our Xiliang army is not pleasing to the eye, and has long been clamoring to purge military discipline. You know the tempers of the old brothers, and you know the temper of the old brothers. It is estimated that Marshal Xu will not be able to take cases of looting and adultery."

"Furthermore, Dashuai Xu is just General Long Xiang, with a rank of two thousand shi, Wang Yun's nagong is one of the three Situ, and Wanshi's rank. If Wang Yun and the nagant refuse to follow suit, Xu Dashuai can only stare. There is no way to stare at you. Boss Li, Brother Guo, Brother Zhang, Fan Chou is a rough person, and there are not so many flowers in my stomach. Anyway, I always feel that I can't keep up!"

"Boss Fan is absolutely right!" "That's what we think." "What does the imperial court mean? It's a good job to figure it out! Don't say anything else, the guy who eats the brothers, but his mother's It's all on this sentence!" As soon as Fan Chou finished speaking, the generals in the Chinese army's big account immediately rang out with applause. People have the same heart and mind, and everyone has a common mind.

"Brother Fan is right! This matter is related to our brother’s wealth and life, we must figure out the attitude of the court! Is there any problem? Pour it out for me! Don’t talk about it before, behind Talk nonsense, don't talk at the meeting, talk nonsense at the next! If all the **** minds are like this, let's try our best to explore the bottom of the court!" Li Xipaiqian yelled loudly.

"No! No more! Talking about a ball? That's what it means!" "Yeah! First understand the court's details, and then make plans. If it is really done, the brothers will have to change their minds and put their heads in. The belt of the trousers is followed by Da Sima Gan! If his mother’s imperial court is the former, the others are the latter, the big deal is that the brothers will raise the anti-flag and hug the bosses back to Xiliang to be horse thieves!" Immediately rolled up his arms and sleeves, clamoring loudly to show his attitude.

In this way, things are simple. The imperial court is Da Sima, and Da Sima is the imperial court. You must first inquire about Da Sima's attitude, and then see whether Dashuai Xu is sincere or fake. As for Wang Yun's servant, it is naturally ignored by everyone. Lost. "I think so, I waited for the four people to join Sima to report to the military, but secretly to probe his true meaning."

Lao Li has always done things cleanly and decisively. After thinking for a moment, he immediately had an idea. "However, how to handle the division between the lines in this word, but it's a big problem! For one thing, I must not let Da Sima think that I am being threatened by a rebellion, and second, I must let Da Sima understand what I am waiting for. Difficulties. This **** thing is a meticulous job, I think it will be left to Brother Zhang, the three of us are **** big and thick, and there is no such ink in our stomach."

"I don't dare to ask your ears! The three brothers don't worry, leave it to me! Zhang Jiding will make everyone satisfied." Zhang Ji smiled, crossed his hands and said loudly. He is very clever. Since returning to the merged state army, he has been studying at the desk. Lu Fengxian is not Dong Zhongying, and the Luoyang court is not the Chang'an court. If you don't study, how can you break the wrist with those old fritters in officialdom?

He pulled a sentence first, and immediately realized that this **** thing was playing the piano to a cow, and the second sentence became a vernacular. In any case, his attitude was clear. "That's great!" Li Yi nodded happily, and went on. "The second thing is to offer a huge reward immediately. We need to know every word and even every expression that Wang Situ and Xu Dashuai say! As long as it is valuable information, it must be rewarded! At this time, it is related to the monarchs. You must not be stingy if you have a net worth and life!

"The third thing is to immediately intercept Yingxin from Nanyang City, and even He Guancheng Daying, in case the court handles my secret decree. The fourth thing is to test it. Regarding the attitude of the court, as for how to test, we Lao Li hadn't thought about Guo, Fan, Zhang, please think about it carefully and see how to test it?"

Li Yu finally finished speaking. He wiped a lot of sweat on his face with his right hand. This kind of fighting, our old Li is really not a strong point.

"Easy to handle! It's not difficult!" Zhang Ji came forward this time, and he said loudly, twisting his beard. "The first is to urge the grain, weapons, and armor battles. If the court sends out enough, it is not suspicious of me, otherwise????? Hey! The second is to immediately Xiang Wanxian. An emergency military report was issued, claiming that the matter has been dealt with, and the generals are grateful. It is now the time to hire people. If someone dares to commit another crime, can they recite their outstanding merits, cut their jobs for the people, and fight for a hundred, so as to behave like others! "

"Wonderful! Brother Zhang's plan is really wonderful!" Zhang Ji's voice fell, and Guo Bang laughed with his palm. Seeing Li Zhang and the others were still confused, Guo Bang couldn't help but feel a little airy. "Masters, there is a saying in the old saying that you can't repeat it again and again. Since it is the first time to deal with it, it will always be an example. The second time it is still handled like this, there is nothing to justify.

"Brother Zhang's strategy is wonderful, and the wonderful thing is that the imperial court and the Da Sima army are brought together! You want the Xiliang army to boost the morale of the army and take down the eight counties of Jingxiang in one fell swoop, or seize Xiliang firmly. The army’s pigtails are sticking to the so-called military discipline. It is not unimportant to get a head for a hundred battle merits. Anyone with a brain can break it out clearly. So ??????"

When Guo Bang's words fell, the generals and generals in the Great Tent of the Chinese Army immediately understood as if they were initiating. What is the purpose of fighting in the army? Isn't it about getting promoted and getting rich? The attitude of the imperial court has long been clear, and will never allow fornication and burning, and those who dare to violate military discipline will definitely be punished severely! As long as they want to get promoted and get rich, they will surely take care of the soft flesh under their own crotch. As a result, this fierce memorial turned into a **** temptation.

The reason is simple. Since no one dared to violate military discipline anymore, there would be no difference between decapitation and slapping to the end.

"This is a wonderful plan! Let's handle it like this!" In the expectant eyes of the generals on the left and right, Li Kai coughed and slapped.

"This is also what the question should be. This account can be understood by both Da Sima and Mrs. Zhao Yi. As for Wang Situ, with my eagle letter, he should be able to weigh the importance of it. Er. Go back and tell Zhao Wei that he has done a good job. I will promote him to be a fake captain. Once Jingzhou is settled, I will immediately transfer him to another place. In this way, the brothers will not be hurt. "Long Xiang, General Xu Rong, lying on the sick bed with a tired face, said softly to an unremarkable dub.

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