New Story of Lv Bu

: : Xu Rong is in the dying state

In the large and spacious room, General Long Xiang Xu Rong was lying quietly on the couch. His face was golden, as if the color of gold leaf. Even the easy breathing for a person seemed to him extremely painful. The same torture. The doctor who is serving with him is concentrating on his pulse, taking his pulse. He is a sturdy man in his thirties and a disciple of Zhang Zhongjing. He has been following his teacher for more than ten years and has obtained Zhang Zhongjing's seven-to-eighth true biography. He used to be a knight in his early years, with an outgoing temperament, and he fell in love with Xu Rong.

Xu Rong's head soldier and a few personal guards stood quietly a few steps away, with an anxious expression on his face, and his eyes fluttered back and forth between the doctor's face and Xu Rong's face from time to time. They are all veterans who have followed Xu Rong for several years. At this moment, Xu Dashuai, who has always been vigorous and stern, looks like a sick cat, which really makes them worry.

Throughout the dynasties, the army has been lined with hills, and officials who have achieved a certain level must choose to stand in line. In addition to military merit, whether to stand on the side of the mainstream is extremely important. Otherwise, even if you fight bravely and have accomplished a lot, you may not be counted on yourself. Therefore, shrewd generals will always try their best to find their own backing in the army.

In the Bingzhou Army, the Xiliang Army was originally foreign and collateral, and its military discipline was extremely bad, and it was stunned. Had it not been for Xu Dashuai who had won the trust and reliance of Da Sima, he would have been eaten by other military leaders with no bones left. Even so, there have been many crises. The contradiction between Wang Situ of Nanyang and the Xiliang generals this time is essentially the contradiction between the Central Army and the Xiliang Army.

Wang Situ was the mainstay of the Wang family in Taiyuan. He represented the king's family in Taiyuan to seize military power, and he was interested in the lone army of the Xiliang Army. One sharpened his sword to the pigs and sheep, the other resisted and resisted in all manners, and the other forces stirred up again, and the situation became uncontrollable. At this moment, if Xu Dashuai had another long and two shortcomings, I couldn't imagine how much the contradiction would intensify.

Finally, the doctor who served with him finally retracted his fingers on Xu Rong's "Cunguanchi" three meridians, and he breathed out gently, as if he was about to pour out all the accumulation of depression in his chest. Then, he gently tucked Xu Rong's arm into the quilt, stood up, walked aside, walked away from the dragon and snake without a little pen, brushed and scribbled a prescription, and handed it to the little apprentice.

Everyone peeked at it, and saw that on the piece of white paper, the pen was written with dragons and snakes, and it turned out to be written in neat small letters. Like other doctors and ghosts, for fear that the handwriting that the patient could understand is very different, this hand alone immediately conquered everyone's anxiety at that moment. Take a peek again, the paper is densely filled with the names of the medicines, and the amount and usage are marked below.

Aconite (cracked, peeled navel) in half, Sichuan Aconitum (cracked, peeled umbilical) in half, cinnabar (fine grind) in half, and coriander green (stir-fried glutinous rice to make yellow, with wings removed) half and two, Sichuan pepper (for those with eyes and mouth closed, stir-fried to remove sweat) half two, realgar (fine grinding) half two, dried **** (cracked, filed) half two, ginseng (removing reed head) half two, asarum half two, Mangcao (micro-burning) half two, Guijiu (beard-removing) half two, centipede (micro-burning, feet-removing), and lizard (micro-burning). Underneath is a beautiful monogram.

"This is to eliminate five labors, seven injuries, and all diseases. It is the teacher's medical prescription. He treats wind corpses, flying corpses, ghost scorpions, wind numbness, body pains like needles, vomiting and phlegm addiction. Every half of the money is taken. Adjust the warm wine, whatever the time." Seeing everyone's anxious expressions, the attendant doctor raised his eyes to look at the crowd, and explained. "According to this prescription, first fry for three times and take the medicine, let Dashuai Xu take it. As for what happens later, it depends on God's will. You quickly decoct the medicine and give Dashuai Xu to Dashuai Xu immediately!" "No!" Shou Dao, respectfully stretched out his hands, took the prescription in the master's hand, flew his feet, and disappeared in an instant.

"Masters, please come with me! Xu Longxiang's condition is inappropriate to say here. Let's talk about it from another place." The doctor attending the attendant straightened up, raised his leg and walked lightly, and walked out of this vast expanse. Big house. Next to the big house is the east and west wing, the east wing is where the copywriting is done, and the west wing is the residence of the attendant doctors and craftsmen. It looks neat and elegant.

"Dare to ask the driver, what is the condition of Xu Dashuai?" Following the medic into the west wing, the leader of the soldiers and three or four personal soldiers hurriedly crossed their hands respectfully and respectfully asked. Their faces were dignified, and the seriousness of Xu Dashuai's illness could be seen by any fool. The Xiliang Army and Wang Situ were fighting a famine. If there was no Dinghai Shenzhen like Xu Dashuai, God knows what the chaos would be like.

"Doctors once said that there are "five labors" and "seven injuries". The "five labors" are liver labor, heart labor, spleen labor, lung labor, and kidney labor. "Suwen? Xuanming Five Qi Pian" Zeng said: Long-term vision hurts blood, long-term lying hurts the qi, long-term sitting hurts the flesh, long standing hurts the bones, and long-term walking hurts the tendons. The'seven wounds' refer to seven conditions that are extremely harmful to the body. A full stomach hurts the spleen. , Anger and liver injury, strong dampness and kidney injury, cold and lung injury, sorrow and sadness, wind and rain, cold and heat injury, and fear and heartache. Emotions and external evils can also harm the body and make people sick."

"The reason why Xu Dashuai's illness is so severe is because of the'five labors' and the'seven injuries. Exertion leads to dysfunction of the internal organs, insufficient qi, blood, Yin and Yang, and then damages the liver, spleen, and kidneys. The liver, spleen, and kidneys are damaged. If the five internal organs are severely damaged, there is a worry about life.

"The evidence of the'five labors' and the'seven injuries' is caused by excessive exhaustion of the mind, the accumulation of exhaustion and labor, and the inability to maintain life. If you cannot maintain your life, if you think too much, it will cause liver fatigue, which should be at the extremes of the muscles. Do not sleep peacefully, forming heart labor, should be at the pulse pole. Unsuccessful planning, frequent accidents, depression in the middle but not having it, forming spleen fatigue, should be at the flesh pole. Worry day by day, thinking in the heart but incomprehensible, forming the lungs Labor should be at the extreme of Qi. Hold on to one's ambitions, labor is invisible and uncomfortable, forming kidney labor, should be at the extreme of bones. Looking at Xu Longxiang’s illness, it turns out that the'five labors' are all available, and the'seven injuries' are complete, so Shen Ke, must You have to stay calm, and you can't be stimulated anymore!"

The doctor attending finally finished speaking, his face was full of sorrow, and he quietly looked at the few people in front of him. Zhang Zhongjing was born in the Nanyang clan and was a scholar of Confucianism. He once served as the prefect of Changsha. His foundation in Confucianism is extremely strong, and his medical skills are exquisite, and he belongs to the kind of teacher who has a full range of goods in his stomach, but speaks it deeply. Therefore, when his disciples explained the symptoms, they all explained the symptoms in a simple way, and they were very convincing. "Oh! Xu Dashuai's condition is so serious!" The soldiers immediately understood.

"In the opinion of the genius doctor, how should we deal with it?" When the attendant doctor said so clearly, the admiration of several soldiers immediately became like the water of a big river, and even the title was endless. From "respect driving" to "genius doctor". "The only plan for the present is to set off immediately, return to Luoyang City, take a rest, and never hear anything outside the window in your ears! In addition, you must avoid all irritation. The reason is simple, Xu Dashuai's seven If you have all the injuries, if you stimulate him again, you will be worried about your life!"

The attendant doctor fixedly looked at the soldier commander and several soldiers, lowered his voice, and said categorically. "Fit! Just follow the words of the genius doctor! In any case, Xu Dashuai's life is important! I will order to prepare the car, you rectify the outfit, and we will return to Luoyang City immediately. As long as we can save Xu Dashuai's life, it will kill my head. , My **** is also willing!"

The soldier commander violently waved his right arm and said impassionedly. "No!" The crowd slammed their promise and left in all directions.

After half an hour, the little apprentice fryed the medicine, and the doctor who was attending tested the temperature with a silver spoon. He asked the soldiers to help Xu Rong and poured a bowl of medicinal soup into Xu Rong’s mouth by himself. in. Then, the crowd carried the dizzy Xu Rong into Wang Situ's eight-treasure car, carefully covered it with a brocade mattress, and then put down the car curtain and closed the car door.

"Brothers! Let's go now! We **** Marshal Xu, galloping in the starry night, and return to Luoyang City, the capital of Dahan!" The soldier commanded his right fist as his chest and performed a standard military salute, said with tears in his eyes. "Nuo!" The hundreds of fine riders on the left and right lowered their voices and responded. They were afraid that they would wake up the dizzy Xu Rong, so they only had to hold their breath and be careful. If Xu Dashuai learns that he is going to return to Luoyang, he will definitely not agree. The only way to do this is to start secretly while his old man is drowsy.

Everyone was fully armed, with horses in their hands, and surrounded by the Eight Treasures Carriage that Xu Rong was riding in. They walked out of the third and second halls, and went straight to the main gate of Xinye County. After a while, these more than one hundred people walked out of the open front door, forming a team in front of the front door. Except for Fuguo County, the county government of this dynasty was always built in the center of the city, and this was also true of Xinye County government. As long as you leave Xinye County and head northward, Sansili Road is the north gate of Xinye County. From there you can go directly to Wanxian County.

Unexpectedly, I was about to leave, and only heard a gloomy voice shouting: "Huh? Where is Xu Dashuai going?" When he heard this, everyone was immediately shocked! Everyone looked up, and saw that there were more than a thousand people in front of him making guns and sticking their guns, blocking the way. The leader was a burly man with a stout body, riding on a tall and sturdy black horse with an angry face.

This person is wearing a helmet and a braided armour, draped all over, and carrying a mountain knife in his hand. It is not someone else, but Li Ying's clan brother Li Ying!

Obediently boom! It seems that Li Zhang has sent someone to monitor Xu Dashuai long ago! There was an ominous hunch in everyone's hearts.

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