New Story of Lv Bu

: :The hidden worries of the Wang family in Taiyuan

In this recent period, Henan Yin and Da Sima Hu Cao Zhuan Wang Wei were quite uneasy. As one of the most trusted people in Da Sima, Luoyang court's leading financial management expert, his importance can be imagined. However, even if he was well-informed and used to seeing many big scenes, he couldn't help but feel a tingling in the back of his neck when he thought of the stormy seas he had passed through in the past six months.

After all, Wang Wei is the patriarch of the Wang family in Taiyuan. After so many storms and waves, people are extremely smart. After calming down and thinking carefully, the recent actions of the court are immediately obvious. To put it simply, in order to protect themselves, Da Sima and Madam Zhao Yi have done their best. In order to win this battle, they will not hesitate to make enemies of Sili's family and leave them infamous through the ages.

One hundred and sixty-eight families, thousands of heads, no matter how old or young, were given an order, they were decapitated alive in this way! Although it was Madam Zhao Yi’s order, Wang Wei didn’t believe it. Without Da Sima’s approval, or even his entrustment before leaving, Madam Zhao Yi would dare to be an enemy of the noble families in the world? However, the benefits are obvious, and the issue of military payments has finally been resolved.

Since Guangwu Zhongxing, the family of the dynasty has become an important force to control the world. "It is not difficult to govern, and you must not sin against the giant room." This sentence is always kept in mind by every state and county official. The rise of Da Sima and his various actions made it clear that if the heart is toward the ordinary people and the heart is toward the ordinary people, it is against the noble family and the big family. In this way, war is inevitable.

As soon as the end of the war begins, there is no distinction between the north and the south, and no one is distinguished between the old and the young. Everyone has to stand in line again. Do you support the heroes who represent the family or the big Sima who represent the common people? At this point, Lao Wang Shu was very accurate. He once said: "Since he entered the capital of the Han Dynasty in Luoyang City, Da Sima has made up his mind long ago. If the aristocratic family refuses to accept it, then they will be defeated! For this reason! , Da Sima did not hesitate to leave behind the eternal infamy, he did not hesitate to slaughter all the opponents, what he wants to build is a brand new world!"

When the princes refused to accept, they wanted to fight, Da Sima was hard-hearted, wanted to fight, fight back and forth, the fights were all money and food, and the fights were all real money and food! As a result, as the financial manager of the Luoyang court, the burden on Wang Wei's shoulders immediately became as heavy as Mount Tai. In order to raise the army's salary, food and grass, he deliberated and finally promoted the implementation of the new taxation policy, which won a short respite for the Luoyang court that was about to go bankrupt. When Zhao Qian rebelled, he personally led the troops on the battlefield, and he performed well and made a lot of face for the Wangs of Taiyuan.

However, all of this is a mere appearance. Away from the thick fog, Wang Wei found that he and the Taiyuan Wang Family had no way to retreat. The reason was simple. They were **** too tightly with the Da Sima and Wuyuan Lu Family! Si Bing Youliang, and even in the Western Regions, among the five states, among the county officials, Wang's children accounted for one-third. Of course, this can be understood as Da Sima's trust in the Wang Clan of Taiyuan.

However, Lao Wang Shu didn't think so. "Stupid! Da Sima trusting you now does not mean that he will trust you in the future. In the future, Da Sima will be crowned king as usual, and will even become emperor. Taiyuan Wang family should keep a low profile, and honestly abide by the duties of a courtier. Okay. Don’t wait until the future, when you think of Taiyuan Wang, the back of his old man’s neck gets chilly!"

Throughout the ages, the most difficult thing to predict is the mind of the people, especially the mind of the host. Now, Wang Wei finally feels the same.

Wang Wei could see and understand the old father's mind very clearly, but for a while, there was no way to talk about it. A few years ago, Wang Ling encouraged the young and strong faction among Wang's children to plot a rebellion. Although Lao Wang Shu was aware of it in time, Da Sima also raised it high and gently put it down on the grounds that "there was a cause, and there was no evidence." Such a treatment can only be understood as a good song,

Da Sima gave the face of the royal family of Taiyuan. Not only did he give it, but he also seemed to be sincere. However, with face, lizi may not be able to have it. What followed was the frequent transfer of civil and military officials from all over the country. It seems that inadvertently, Wang's children were removed from key positions. If it were said that this was an unintentional act of the official Cao, these Wang's children would not believe it if they were killed.

At the critical moment, the old father, Wang Shu, was still very good. He took a trick to retreat. He summoned all the young and strong children to the rural farms, and took them to the field in the day to study in the evening. The life of farming and reading. In this way, after two years of silence, the Wang family's children were able to go into office again. Wang Wei didn't believe it, Yin Jian was not far away, would anyone still be able to see clearly?

Since no one will pretend to be confused, you might as well wait for a while. After you have a comprehensive plan, you can take care of it.

Thinking of this, Wang Wei couldn't help but sighed, changed into a more comfortable posture, leaned on the ball of brocade mattress with his back, and broke his fingers. Today, among the Wangs in Taiyuan, the highest official position is Wang Yun, Situ, one of the three men, followed by him, Yin in Henan, Cao Zhuan in Da Simahu, and the third one is Taiyuan, one of the Jiuqing Servant Wang Han is still far away in the Western Regions. Although the old father Wang Shu is not an official, he has the title of a village lord and he can participate in government affairs as usual. In addition, Wang Ling served as the state minister of Changshan in Jizhou, and Wang Jin had also served as the prefect of Yuyang in Youzhou, both of whom were already two thousand stone high-ranking officials.

Counting, Wang Wei suddenly moved in his heart, as if he had realized something. Following this thought, he couldn't help but sweat, and in an instant, he was sweating heavily. The three giants of the Wang family, the old father Wang Shu, the third brother Wang Yun, and his own health are not very good, and the days are gone. In the second generation of the Wang family in Taiyuan, there was one hammer in the east and one hammer in the west. People were scattered everywhere in the north, south, east, and west. The only one who was in the center was Wang Han, who was on the side. If something major happened to the court, there would be no one around him in a hurry. In addition, it is not a good thing that the collaborator Guisheng is not a direct lineage.

When he thought of this, Wang Wei couldn't sit still anymore. He struggled to get up, and after sitting for a few minutes, he began to meditate.

"Patriarch, there is someone outside who asks to see him. It is too often Ma Rixiong. It seems that his face is not very good." Just as Wang Kui closed his eyes and pondered, thinking secretly about the future of the Taiyuan Wang family, Fu Ling came in from the outside and saw After Wang Kui, he respectfully bowed and said with a frown. Too Chang Ma Rixi always boasted that he was standing upright and never walked with courtiers outside of official duties. Today he begged to see the Patriarch with a mournful face. God knows what happened? No wonder that Fu Ling was so hesitating, even Patriarch Wang Kui was also at a loss.

"Oh? It turned out to be Ma Taichang? He never walked with courtiers. How did he come? It seems that something important! You will meet him in person, and take Ma Taichang into the back house secret room. No, it's better to go to the third study room. That's it! Ma Taichang is an upright gentleman and never enters other people's homes. Then, you go to see how well the old Patriarch's health is. If it's okay, ask him to also go to the third study.

Wang Wei is extremely clever, otherwise he would not use his own power to manage the yin and yang and rectify the world's finances. Hearing the tone of the prefectural order, he knew that this matter would not be too trivial. Ma Rixi did not verbally declare the edict, it seems that it is not a public matter, but a private matter. Only in this way did Wang Kui feel strange about this matter. Ma Taichang, who has always been unable to fight, actually came to visit? Are you strange? Fortunately, Ma Taichang is an upright gentleman and a master of Confucian scholars. If you have any questions, just ask yourself.

Ma Taichang frowned tightly and his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot. Accompanied by Wang Kui's mansion, he turned around and came to the study room of the third hall of Henan Yin's mansion. Along the way, he didn't say a word, he kept hanging that black face, not even a perfunctory word. Fu Ling looked anxious in his eyes, and said in his heart, how could there be such a person? Uninvited guests who couldn't beat the pole came to visit, but their faces were black, as if the whole family was dead! Where did he know that someone and the whole family really died.

After a while, the door curtain was lifted, and Wang Kui helped his father Wang Shu and walked in cautiously. Ma Taichang is a sincere gentleman and has always obeyed the ancient rituals. Upon seeing him, he quickly got up, cleansed his clothes, and respectfully bowed. "Ma Rixi has seen the old Patriarch! Met the Patriarch! I was an uninvited guest today and came to visit. It is really a last resort, and I still look at Haihan!"

Lao Wang Shu stretched out his thin hands, grabbed Ma Taichang, and said affectionately. "Uncle Weng, although you and I don’t walk around often, but we’ve been in a relationship for a long time! The old man has read the "Xi Ping Shi Jing" collated by you and Cai Boxie more than ten times, read it, and admired it again. If it is three, I can’t bear it. Release the scroll! I came to my Wang’s house today, and you are like my nephew. Please sit down! My father and my husband are chatting.” As soon as he finished speaking, Lao Wang Shu stretched his voice and said, “The distinguished guest is here, why? No wine?"

Lao Wang Shu deserves to be an old fox who has practiced for thousands of years. In just a few words, he immediately shortened the distance between each other.

In the 4th year of Xiping, Ma Rixi and Guanglu doctor Yang Ci, five senses Zhonglang Jiang Tang Xidian, Yilang Cai Yong, Zhang Xun, Han Shuo, Taishiling Shan Xi, etc. played, pointing out that the classics of classics have been passed down for a long time, and they are false. The situation is becoming more and more serious, and it is requested to revise the text of the "Six Classics" as a model for later generations. The emperor was happy, and immediately agreed to their suggestions, and ordered Ma Riquan, Cai Yong, etc. to collate and engrave the corrected scriptures on a stone tablet, standing outside the Taixue, as the original scriptures. This is the famous "Xiping Stone Classic".

Participating in the revision of "Xi Ping Shi Jing" is a major event that Ma Taichang is often proud of in his life, and Lao Wang scratched his itchy after the narration. Ma Taichang's face immediately became like summer weather. In an instant, the heavy rain turned to light rain, the light rain turned overcast, and the cloudy changed to fine. However, as soon as he thought of the mission he had on his shoulders when he came this time, he immediately put away his smile and sat down in a precarious manner.

Alas! How can you be so stupid since then that you have taken on this huge burden? Matthew often blamed himself secretly.

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