New Story of Lv Bu

: : Lu Fengxian, just the courage of every husband!

Upon hearing this, the hearts of the generals of Xiliang were immediately broken, just like Zhongchun's ice surface, it shattered into countless pieces in an instant. They know the fame of Dai Sima Lu Bu the best. In the Battle of Xiliang two years ago, when Taishi Dong had the advantage, Na Lu Fengxian unexpectedly raided Chang'an City, causing Taishi Dong to lose out, and the whole army did its best.

This time in Wancheng, Boss Li took the lead, and the three bosses killed Wang Situ's family together. Not only that, they also slaughtered nearly a hundred Nanyang families. In this way, they had a death feud with Na Lu Fengxian. Now, Lu Fengxian led Bingzhou Jingqi, not far away, rushing forward, he is definitely going to kill the Quartet. Da Sima's thunder anger is not so easy to bear.

not good! Run quickly! It's really too late if you don't run! In an instant, everyone's heart was full of ordinary thoughts. I had that kind of life long ago, with his legs clamped between the horse's belly, shaking the reins, and ran backwards. At first it was one or two, and then a few dozen. In a flash, three or four thousand Xiliangjing rides and ran after the Yangzhou army's stride. Ji Ling almost didn't come up in a breath. Almost died on the spot. These Xiliang Jingqi had been frightened by Lu Bu, and they had already had lingering fears.

"Hahahahahahaha!" At this moment, Ji Ling suddenly laughed. "His grandmother is a bear! That Lu Fengxian has only four thousand cavalry, as many as yours, and you are so scared that you lose your helmets and armors and collapse for a thousand miles! It seems that the lord's hard work was wasted by his mother! You are just a group of supporters. The mud that doesn't go to the wall! Shit! Useless! Let's see how my Yangzhou Army goes into battle and kills the enemy!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Ling stopped paying attention to the Xiliang generals. He shouted with a dark face, "My loyal Yangzhou soldiers! Lu Fengxian only has four thousand light horses, but you have fifty thousand, a full fifty thousand steps! These fifty thousand people, even if they are tofu dregs, can hold up four thousand cavalry soldiers to death! Don’t learn from those soft-footed prawns. Let them go! Let’s wait for me to win the flag!"

"Chop the general to seize the flag!" "Cut the general to seize the flag!" "Cut the general to seize the flag!" 50,000 Yangzhou steppers shouted together, like thunder rolling in the sky, and the earth cracked. All of a sudden, the 50,000 steps of knights were like rainbows, and the barriers were strong. The enemy has only four thousand cavalry, how can I beat my fifty thousand army? Those soft-footed shrimps and squatters are useless, get out of the way, and save the rations of my Yangzhou army!

But for all soldiers, they have a face. To them, a face is even more important than life. Upon hearing this, the three or four thousand Xiliang cavalrymen immediately became angry. They cried and drew out the first sword of the 100-refined steel ring around their waists, and they were about to go forward and fight with the Yangzhou army. His wife is a bear! When Laozi crossed Xiliang, you southern barbarians hadn't been born yet!

But after thinking about it, the hand holding the first knife of the Bailian steel ring was immediately released. Ugh! This is not to blame for the Yangzhou Army's jokes, who told us to wither as soon as we heard Lu Fengxian's name? Suddenly, the hand holding the weapon was neither tight nor loose, one by one, his face flushed, his eyes widened, and he was panting heavily. It was really embarrassing to see that.

"Since General Ji Ling is so brave, let me wait and see how the army defeated Nalu Fengxian, and lose out!" Just when the Xiliang cavalry were embarrassed, they were a shame. A compassionate voice rang. Everyone raised their eyes to see that it was Guo Bang. "Brothers, let's go to watch the game on that hill!" Guo Bang pointed at the hill two or three miles away, and said with a smile. "Follow me!" Li Su suddenly realized that he hurried away with his feet in his belly.

"Damn! It's a good plan!" Ji Ling cursed bitterly, and let you see how powerful the Yangzhou Army is!

At this moment, the three or four hundred Xiliang army's scouts had already rushed over, the leader of the army shook the reins, the warhorse under the crotch made a long hiss, and the arrows rushed from the south side of the Yangzhou army. After the past, he went straight to the hill where the three of Li Yu immediately went. The three or four hundred Qingqi behind him lowered their stature one by one, leaned on the horse's back, and ran out a mile or two in a swift smoke.

After dozens of breaths, amidst the billowing yellow dust in the west, three people flashed on three rides, one person first, wearing a purple gold crown with trident hair, wearing a Xichuan cotton red cotton robe, wearing a beast-face swallowing head armor, waist Tie a lejia exquisite lion belt, carry a bow and arrow, hold a painted halberd, and sit down on the whistling red rabbit horse. He is the world's number one general, Dasima Lubu. To the left of Lu Bu, there is a tiger general with a full face and a burly face, a burly appearance, and extraordinary strength. A pair of double iron halberds dance like snowflakes in his hands. It is Dianwei. The one on the right is also a tiger general. He is eight feet long, has a big waist and ten circumferences. He has a majestic appearance and great courage. In his hand is a nine-eared eight-ring elephant nose knife. It is the fierce general Xu Chu.

More than a hundred steps behind the three of them, the three-stroke flag was fluttered in the wind, the flag-bearer was calm and relaxed, holding the three-stroke flag tightly, and there was a team of fine riding guards around each. After more than a hundred steps behind the three-shot general, there was an army of eight thousand tigers and horses. These eight thousand tigers and horses were wearing heavy steel armor and a hideous mask on their faces. The winter sun shone on the mountain script, shining with a cold and charming light.

"Li Lao, Guo Bang, Fan Chou! Where do you escape? If you don't personally cut down the head of Er et al, I swear that I will not be a man!" Lu Bu's eyesight is very good, and he saw the one two or three miles away at a glance. Hill. He was angry, his eyes wide open, and he roared loudly. This roar, he exhausted all his strength. At first, it sounded like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and it shocked people's eardrums.

"Agh!" Only a horrible scream was heard. Among the Yangzhou army formation, a squad leader shouted, spewing a lot of blood, and planted his horse with a puff. He was actually frightened by Lu Bu's roar. dead! "Beat the drum! The whole army meets the enemy!" Ji Ling's eardrum was shocked, and he was still buzzing. The three-pointed, two-edged sword in his right hand pointed forward and yelled at the command.

Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom boom boom! The agitated drums of war sounded, hitting everyone's heart hard, making people excited and restless. "Chop the general to capture the flag!" "Cut the general to capture the flag!" "Cut the general to capture the flag!" As if taking an aphrodisiac, the 50,000 Yangzhou riders roared together, and they hit the ring with the first knife in their hands. The shield began to move forward slowly.

At this moment, Dianwei yelled: "Grandchildren, our old man is here! Go forward if you don't want to die!" Before his words fell, Xu Chu also yelled over there. "Hey! It turned out to be a battle formation of tens of thousands of people! This time you can have a good time!" When the voice fell, the two killers followed Lu Bu, like a dragon, and went straight into the Yangzhou army. in.

The red rabbit under Lu Bu's crotch was extremely fast. Although he was wearing heavy armor, it was still like a bolt of lightning, leading the spot and Xu Chu by half a horse. "Go away!" Lu Bu roared, and Fang Tian painted a halberd dance in his hand, rushing towards the front sword player in the Yangzhou army. There was only a loud bang, and dozens of sword players who stopped in front of the Chituma were immediately knocked into flight. A dozen of them were joined with shields and were cut in two by the sharp Fang Tian painted a halberd. More people It was hit by a high-speed galloping horse.

In an instant, the huge Yangzhou Army's step formation was immediately torn open a few feet long, and Lu Bu rushed in with a man and a horse like a huge sickle. The Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand flew up and down, killing a **** alley, and saw blood splattering, flesh and blood flying, Dou Da's head kept flying up in the air, echoing the stumped limbs in the air.

"Eat my halberd!" "Look at the sword!" With two roars, Dian Wei and Xu Chu left and right, followed by Lu Bu and crashed into the Yangzhou army's formation! Both of them were born burly and sturdy, with a big waist and ten rounds, and looked like two hills. The mounts on the hips and lower foreheads were also tall and strong Xiliang horses. Come!

The Yangzhou saber player and spear player in front of him were once again knocked into the air, or spit out a large amount of blood, and then returned to the west, or danced in vain in mid-air with his limbs, and then fell heavily to the ground, splashing A piece of yellow dust came up. "Block the hole!" "Hold up the big shield!" "Bowmen!" The army officers and chiefs in the vicinity gave orders hoarsely, trying to piece together a new front.

"Rush up! If you close this hole, you will be able to capture Lu Bu alive!" The knife players and spear players on the left and right swept toward the center of the array, trying to block this two-way long. Zhang's blood hole. Their faces were full of horror, and their heads were dripping with sweat. The battle that lasted only a few breaths was too fierce. Their hearts almost lifted out of their chests.

Ji Ling was in the center of the army immediately, watching what was happening in front of him coldly. Lu Fengxian is just the courage of every husband!

However, the hooves of the hooves completely shattered the Yangzhou Army’s dream, and the three-stroke flag rushed forward. Three teams, one hundred and eighty horses and heavy armored Tiger Ben Army, smashed along the three of Lu Bu. The hole got in. The Mo Knife in their hands ran across the necks of the Yangzhou Army at high speed without any tricks, just like cutting melons and vegetables, each of their big heads crashed to the ground and blossomed.

The three flag officers coldly looked at Liuya who was blasting from the lasing, and they held the flag in their hands. They didn't even blink their eyelids, watching those Liuya being blocked by the mountain armor, and then arrows. The tail crooked and fell diagonally. Suddenly, they followed Lu Bu's figure and broke into the Yangzhou army's formation. Blood was splashed, brains flew wildly, and yellow dust rose into the sky, covering the battlefield in the mist. Among. Behind them, eight thousand tigers were already close at hand.

This battle has just begun, and the Yangzhou Army's step formation is already on the verge of collapse.

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