"you sure?"

Mu Duo's expression is very serious, and it is rare to see an expression other than indifference. Huoranwen www. ranwenA`com

Hearing this, Bai Yu immediately became upright and brave, as if the word "Are you sure" seriously insulted the dignity of the snake, and her anger was beyond words.

"It's very embarrassing for you to ask like this. Anyway, we are also roommates who have lived under the same roof for a long time. Even in the Monster Forest, I am a monster general. How could I deceive you?"

Mu Duo looked at Bai Yu, who pinched his waist with his hands and raised his chest, and reflexively looked at his chest, and walked away quickly with a smile on his face.

"Hey? What do you mean!"

"Don't go, you! Don't go if you have the ability!"

Bai Yu snorted and turned around to walk away, the snake's tail swayed from side to side in an S-shape. Anyway, everything that needs to be said has been said, so don't pour dung on our snake's head if something happens. So let's stay away from here to avoid getting involved.

Just leave as soon as you say, fly up to the sky with a flick of the snake's tail and go straight to the deep mountains...

Bai Yu ran again. It is no exaggeration to call him the number one master of Voldemort. He ran faster than anyone else when he encountered danger, and he was faster than anyone with gold and gems. The worse the death.

Mu Duo had a dispute with the old priest and the patriarch, and strongly demanded not to send troops for the time being, but the two who had always obeyed the saint's words resolutely opposed, and there was no turning back when they opened their bows. How could they go back on their promises to send troops? If they objected during the discussion, they would object. At this time, they have agreed to respond. Wouldn't it be a trap for them not to send troops? Besides, how can the Central Plains people press on every step of the way and ignore it.

In the end, each made a concession. The patriarch and the old priest only took half of their troops to go out, and the remaining half stayed in the village.

In any case, it is considered safe, and it will not violate the contract but also give the saint face, a perfect solution.

The ancient village gradually changed...

The blacksmith’s stove is burning day and night with black smoke billowing and clanging wrought iron. Young and strong men begin to practice in the threshing field, women marinate bacon for food, and old people are busy picking herbs to make trauma medicine. They will rush to kill with knives, and everyone in the village is mobilized to prepare for the battle.

It is rumored that a certain village was breached by the enemy and killed all the men. After the women escaped, they did not follow the custom to remarry. Instead, they lit the enemy's village with a knife in the middle of the night and stabbed everyone to death.

The saint Mu Duo sat by the window and looked at the busy village in silence.

There is not much she can do. In fact, the village has to send out troops. The people of the Central Plains burned the mountains and forests and ate them every step of the way. How many small villages and tribes have left their homes. How can the people live without the mountains and forests? It is even more impossible for the Central Plains people to accept the Jiuli people. The two sides have been in the same situation for thousands of years. The joke about the Central Plains people, Jiuli and monsters is enough to explain everything.

Jiuli is good at fighting, fighting wild beasts and poisonous insects all the year round, and also guarding against world feuds, his fierce habits are deeply rooted in his bones.

But how can one fight without dying? It would be fine if one wins through desperate fighting, but who can guarantee that the plan to jointly ambush the people of the Central Plains will succeed.

People in the Central Plains are good at strategizing, and the strength in the cultivation world is the best in the world, so why not worry about it.

He turned to look at the couch.

There was no white rain, only the golden light scattered on the couch, and the dust floating in the room could be clearly seen through the light...


A sigh expresses the thoughts in his heart.


A certain steep and beautiful mountain.

There is a pool on the cliff halfway up the mountain. The water quality is clear and sweet, and it faces the sun. It is exposed to the sun every day until the water temperature rises in the afternoon.

Still half-human, half-snake, leaning comfortably on the hot stone, the snake's tail dangling in the water.

Let's fight, let's fight, it's best that all the snakes are dead, and then I will carve a statue in this southern wasteland, so that the younger generation will know that there was a great snake that created a great era.

Next to it is a tea tree that has lived for hundreds of years, reaching out to tear off a handful of tender tea leaves and stuffing them into his mouth.

The tender green tea leaves have a faint fragrance when chewed.

It can freshen your breath, eat raw bloody animal meat every day, you need to eat tea to supplement vitamins, and it can clean teeth and prevent tooth decay.

Huh? The two fangs have been a little short recently.

Touching the two fangs, they are as sharp as ever. With the two good fangs, they were invincible all over the small valley, but they used the two fangs to support themselves until they became mature. Feeling the two fangs for a while...

In a trance, I remembered that my cultivation had not been improved for a long time.

I've been too lazy recently, and my cultivation base has grown slowly, but don't worry, Bai Yu has a premonition that no matter how diligent she is in her cultivation, it will be of no use. She feels in the dark that if she endures another two hundred years to add up to five hundred years, her lifespan will improve. Do you be anxious? Come, there is no way, it is different from others, and it cannot achieve the speed of human geniuses who have become immortals for decades.

Well, when he became an immortal, he was struck to death by lightning like when he was crossing the catastrophe. He is really jealous of talent.

Lying in the hot water pool was extremely comfortable, and I was thinking about going to the nearby village to catch two Jiuli girls to pinch my feet, uh... pinch the tail of the snake.

Waist-length black hair floated freely in the water, and her jet-black hair was as silky as silk.


The goal of cultivating immortals is longevity, and the indispensable thing for longevity is comfort. Only a comfortable life can be worthy of a snake's life. This is called knowing how to live and enjoying life.

On the cliff, Bai Yu was still fluttering there for some reason.

Suddenly, a figure flew by in the distance...

Gulu~ When he noticed someone approaching, he immediately sank into the pool and used his talent to hide his figure with the help of the pool water. This perfectly explained what it means to stand up before looking at it. It’s okay to say that the opponent is weak, but if the opponent is strong, it will be dangerous.

There are only a few bubbles floating up in the pool, silently.

One hundred thousand mountains are too big, and no one knows how big the forest is. If you rush on the road, you will not be able to release your spiritual sense to search around. You will be exhausted sooner or later, and ten souls are not enough to consume it. The figure hurriedly passed by from a distance .

In the pool, a mass of grass first floated up, and then the grass raised its head, peeping with a pair of red phoenix eyes.


Pretty face surprised.

It is difficult not to be curious, but if you pass by an ordinary monk, you can explain that it is for resources, and monks don’t need it at all!

Monks only need to practice the Dharma, and the cultivation of Dharma will also increase accordingly. There is no need to take pills at all. The most important thing for these sects is to spread the Dharma in the human settlements and recruit believers. Come here. What is the mountain doing? To pass on the law to the monster? Monster beasts prefer to fill their stomachs rather than talk about big things.

It flew towards the edge of the mountain, which can be understood as just coming out of the deep mountain.

When I turned my head and looked at the direction, it was strange.

These 100,000 mountains are really making it harder for snakes to see through them. As expected, the higher the IQ, the more things will happen. It’s fine for me, a monster, to come out of the mountains and sneak into the human sect. Now even monks come into the mountains to do things.

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