The days are very leisurely.

The monks in the Central Plains wanted to find the snake demon disciple of Chunyang Palace like crazy, but there was no clue at all, no matter whether it was a monster who was good at tracking or various calculations, Fu Yaozong even went to Jiuli Heibu to find the high priest Search with witchcraft.

The Kurobe old lady did not refuse, and seriously climbed up to the altar to cast spells.

However, this time, not only failed to detect the trace of the snake demon, but the high priest vomited blood for three liters and almost died.

Bai Yujun protects the general star, and calculating Bai Yujun's position is calculating the general star, which is related to the catastrophe of the world, and it is fate not to die on the spot.

Unless traces can be found, it is impossible to search for a snake demon that often hides with the help of rain and fog.

Regardless of the size of the matter, Bai Yujun either hides in the thick fog or takes advantage of the wind and rain when she goes out. It is rainy in the south, and there is thick fog every day, and there is nowhere to be found.

The rainy season is coming again, Bai Yujun decided to go back to Nanhuang to have a look.


Yunyao Ancient Village.

A good companion in the spring rain, a stream of misty rain falling pear blossoms.

The saint Mu Duo sat in front of the window looking at the long mist and rain in secret. The rainy season was wet and cool, and the breeze carried light water vapor into the attic, blowing a painting on the wall to shake slightly.

Mu Duo turned his head and looked at the portrait of the goat demon with a smile on his face.

"This goat demon is very interesting. It is chubby, with snow-white and fluffy wool, and a cute face. It should not be a vicious and bloodthirsty person. If you find it, you can take it back to the cottage as a companion."

On rainy days, the villagers mostly rest at home.

A girl played the cucurbit flute, and the sound of the beautiful music floated into the attic, and Mu Duo pricked up his ears.

"South of the colorful clouds..."

Ever since Bai Yujun taught Caiyunzhinan to the village, it has become the main theme, whether it is with other tribes in the village or at the wedding of the new couple, it has become the business card of Yunyao ancient village. Other villages call Caiyunzhinan Yunyao song, It means the music handed down from the ancient village of Yunyao.

Mu Duo once again entered the state of staring motionless, and spent most of her life sitting in front of the window looking into the distance.

look at the clouds,

Looking at the white mist, looking at the wind and rain...

There is a lot of intention to sit by the window and grow old until death. The saint, who seems to be glorious, but who knows that she is so sad, for the sake of the village, she has to give up even her life.



"Why are you sighing, it's like menopause, don't be depressed, there will be more sad days in the future."

Mu Duo smiled, very happy and natural. Compared with humans, she is more willing to associate with monsters. Monsters frankly don't like scheming and tricks, and it is always natural to be with Bai Yujun every time.

Turning her head, she saw the holy beast Bai Yujun lying on the eaves with her head in her hands and wearing a bamboo hat, silently.

Bai Yujun has a grass leaf in her mouth with a cherry in her mouth, and she is lying on her legs, her calves are dangling, and her white cloth boots are very naughty. No matter how you look at it, she looks out of shape. In the Central Plains, girls who do this will be scolded for not knowing how to behave , Fortunately, Jiuli doesn't have so many troubles.

"You're back."

"Ang, come back to see if you are fat or not. We are still holy beasts anyway. We have to come back to help you sort out the waterways and springs. What if the drought makes the people under this holy beast die of thirst?"

Mu Duo smiled, she likes to listen to Bai Yujun's nonsense.

Bai Yujun remembered one thing.

"By the way, no one will force you to get married with those shits, right? Don't worry, with me here, whoever dares to force you, I will make the village short of water and food. He can't even spit out when he is so dry. If it doesn’t work, I’ll change the feng shui of his family’s ancestral grave, so that those dead ghosts will be roasted by the ground fire and have no peace.”

"Fortunately, no one dares to mess with the recovery of the stockade. It's strange to say that the harvest of both livestock and crops has increased a lot. It's you who did it."

Ever since the White Snake became a holy beast in the ancient village of Yunyao, the rice terraces have increased the production of more livestock, the mountains and rivers are beautiful and full of aura, and even the older villages in Baibu are envious with good Fengshui, but they dare not have any ideas.

The reason why Yunyao ancient village changed is because of that holy beast. If the village is forcibly taken away, as long as the white snake holy beast uses its methods, it will immediately become a wasteland. At the beginning, some tribes closed the springs because they angered the holy beast of Yunyao ancient village. It was almost disbanded because of this relocation.

"Of course I did it. It took me a lot of effort to improve Feng Shui. Alas, it's not easy to be a holy beast."

Mu Duo smiled slightly, she couldn't see that the snake was tired at all.

"It's raining outside, come in and sit."

Turning over and entering the room deftly, taking off the bamboo hat and laying on the couch skillfully with legs crossed, without a proper shape, grabbed the teapot and drank tea directly from the spout, sipping it refreshingly.

"Huh~ Shu Tan."

The tea is a bit cold, but Bai Yujun likes cooler tea. Hot tea doesn't suit her mouth, and the nature of the snake is cold, and the slightly cool tea is comfortable to drink. For tea, you have to drink a refreshment full of tea flavor. The small teacup What's the point of drinking tea when you can't even fill the gaps between your teeth when you order tea.

"I heard that you collapsed the sky and killed many people in a village called Wangjiaji in the Central Plains?"

The legend of a certain snake is about to spread all over the world. Not only the Southern Wilderness knows about it, but even the deserts of the Western Regions and the Arctic Ice Field also spread the legend of a domineering snake demon who can collapse the sky, rain thousands of thunder and lightning, and hit people with dark clouds. Killing hundreds of monks of the same realm and a large number of low-level monks, no matter what their status is, they all admire that domineering snake demon.

Regardless of the formation or talent used, the record cannot be erased.

Mu Duo was surprised by Bai Yujun's feat, but he was even more worried about her safety. He didn't expect to encounter such a dangerous battle after leaving Nanhuang.

"Not only that, there was the old monster Yuan Ying present at the time. Fortunately, Ben Snake was very powerful. He carried two watermelon knives in his hand and hacked from the village head to the tail. The baby monster dared not go forward, and the snake left calmly to hide his achievements and fame."

"Really?" Mu Duo obviously didn't believe it.

Bai Yujun sat up suddenly, very dissatisfied with Mu Duo's distrust.

"My white snake is very powerful. I can catch nine stars and moons in the sky, and I can catch five ocean turtles in the sea. At that time, I hacked for three days and three nights. Alas, I was so tired that I couldn't lift my arms."

Picking up a cup of herbal tea, Mu Duo didn't show any signs of cheering.

"Be careful when you go out, and cherish your life. You said it yourself."

Scratching his head, Ben Snake seems to have said it.

"I'm hungry, hurry up and serve food, I only drank a sip of cold tea after flying all this way, alas... the world is so cold."

Ignoring the ridicule, Mu Duo greeted downstairs. Not long after, a group of young Jiuli girls carried roasted animal meat and various meals upstairs, and delivered the dishes to the attic, and then left with empty plates, like an assembly line Three big pots of meals were sent upstairs...

A certain snake ate, drank and swallowed without chewing.

While eating and drinking, adjust the feng shui of Yunyao ancient village. Feng shui is not static. It changes slowly with the subtle changes of various environmental climates. Only by regular adjustment can it maintain the best condition. It is like some cemeteries with excellent feng shui. The diversion of river water or the feng shui after floods have changed beyond recognition.

We are a world-famous snake, how can we eat and drink for nothing.

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