New White Snake Asking Immortals

Chapter 419 Returning to the Snow Mountain

? Ceremonies were held in several villages in Jiulibai.

The animal skin painted with a simple image of the white jiao told the mountain people what the totem holy beast looked like, and a piece of jiao scale presented by Bai Yujun was placed on the highest part of the altar as a mysterious carrier, and the most respected etiquette was used to celebrate the totem in the village and enshrine the three animals. Offerings such as glutinous rice, the priests and saintesses of each village held witchcraft sacrifices to the ancestors.

Tie Qiu stays in Yunyao Ancient Village, while Mu Duo and many experts in the village protect Bai Yujun and fly to Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.

It was summer, and the climate was hot and humid with frequent summer rains. After waiting for the good weather, she set off immediately. In the sky, Bai Yujun looked at the rapidly receding forest, rivers and lakes below and was silent.

He is no longer the active wandering around in the past, perhaps because he has faced the danger of life and death several times and knows that survival is difficult.

"Just wait, when I recover from my injury, I will let you all know what a femme fatale is!"

The heron spread its wings and yelled at some wingless creatures that passed by quickly. A certain Jiao looked at Mu Duo, the saint of Yunyao Ancient Village beside him, thinking wildly in his head.

There is no doubt that among the many high-level people in Guzhai who have the right to speak, only Mu Duo strongly supports him.

Others don't care too much about their own totem. Ordinary mountain people are more devout and enthusiastic, perhaps because they stand tall and know more about their thoughts.

I believe that as long as I give more benefits to the mountain people, it’s okay to go out to show off and show some piety, even if those high-level officials want to replace the totems, they won’t be able to do it. Well, it’s okay to go to various small villages and terraced fields in the future Go, send warmth and love to care about the well-being of every mountain dweller.

Mu Duo is not easy.

"Old Mu...cough cough, Lao Duo, you are such a good person."

When Mu Duo heard this, she looked at a fool with eyes. Bai Yujun was sure that there was something wrong with her eyes. Last time, she stared at a boy who picked up a basket of poisonous mushrooms with this kind of eyes, and finally beat him up. a meal.

Mu Duo and Bai Yujun have a very good relationship between public and private.

They are friends in private, Bai Yujun is the totem of the holy beast and Mu Duo is the saint, because there is a mysterious witchcraft connection between the saint and the holy beast. She can use the power of the holy beast to improve herself. There are not many holy beasts that can rely on cultivation, and most of the monsters just have a name and do not have the strength.

Among the many saintesses in the village, Mu Duo has a high level of cultivation and a long lifespan, which is the envy of countless saintesses in the village.

"Will you go back after the injury?"

"Wait a year or two before going back,

It is not Baijiao who does not report revenge. "

Shaking his head, Mu Duo was speechless because of his vindictiveness. Thinking about it, he felt relieved. The birds and beasts in the forest are the most vengeful, even for years. The simpler the mind, the more persistent.

A certain white didn't know that he was judged as simple-minded.

Flying over Jinxiu rivers and mountains and flying over many ancient villages, more and more people join the team. They are saintesses from other village tribes who cooperate with performing witchcraft treatment. They have different outfits and different personalities. Some are lively and cheerful, giving people a full of vitality A sense of vitality and youth, some with a frosty face, and a saint with black lips and nails and a wicked smile.

There are mounts for transportation, birds are very ordinary, the magic is that the mount of the saint with black lips and nails is a flying beetle.

"Jiuli... is really mysterious..."

Jade Dragon Snow Mountain soon appeared in the sky.

The Baibu stockade at the foot of the mountain greeted them, and after meeting, they flew directly to the tundra on the top of the mountain without wasting time.

Bai Yujun looked at the sacred snow-capped mountain that was closely related to her, and she was full of thoughts. It has been snowing all year round, and she couldn't feel the shock without seeing the sacred mountain with her own eyes.

The jade dragon flies around the clouds, and the Wanren Glacier soars to the sky.

In summer, the tundra in the land of Huajiao was white and green. The white is scattered snow, and the green is moss and lichen. The strange waterfall on the mountainside is the most spectacular in summer.

Several saintesses took Bai Yujun to the tundra on the top of the mountain.

A certain Jiao stared at the familiar snow-capped mountains with a lot of emotion, and wanted to say something appropriate to the occasion, but didn't know what to say.

"It's back again..."

The top of the snow mountain is surging! The wind blows through the rugged rocky canyon and makes a loud noise! The moo was deafening! It seems to be welcoming Bai Jiao home and also seems to be angry at who caused the baby to be injured!

Frightened by the vision of the holy mountain, several saintesses trembled tremblingly. Suddenly, the strong wind that had just rolled up the snow was quiet.

The sun was hanging high, and Bai Yujun saw a colorful halo appearing on the highest glacier mountain...

A breeze rolled up the snow on the top of the mountain and fell into the copper tripod filled with medicine. It was obvious that there seemed to be some kind of mysterious energy contained in it, which was more like an act of protecting the calf from the dragon spirit of the mountain.

Bai Yujun was very happy.

Before, I was worried that some people with ulterior motives in Jiuli would tamper with the medicine, such as using certain poisons to control myself and be driven by it. Now it’s better, the spirit of Shenshan blessed the medicine, not only don’t have to worry about being poisonous, but also can speed up the recovery of injuries , no one dares to play tricks in front of Shenshan, he is the child in Yulong Snow Mountain's heart!

I was very moved, the tears froze before they flowed, and the ice crystals fell to moisten the moss.

Mu Duo smiled, she found that this special holy beast can always be unexpected, she is really envious.

"let's start."

Bai Yujun nodded, and stretched her hands behind her head to untie the rope.

In the past, it was too wasteful to throw a hair rope every time I changed back to the body. Anyway, I didn’t worry about it, so I just untied the long hair first, and then carefully stuffed the cloth into the storage bag.

The black hair is very long, and after being untied, it hangs down to the legs.

There is a red wound on the collar of the chest, and the mysterious energy prevents the wound from healing, but this will soon be over.


Take a deep breath, close your eyes, twist your neck and lean forward!

White scales first appeared on the forehead and between the brows, and then quickly covered the whole body, the body became longer, the arms became front claws, and the legs became hind claws, turning into a huge white flood dragon at an extremely fast speed!

Instead of turning back into the habitual roar of the main body, there was a deafening cough. The loud coughing sound was also loud. There was a hideous wound between the two front paws and a scale was missing. The green tundra was motionless, instead of propping up its body with its four claws like before, it lay on the ground like a snake, with its four claws curled up.

Every breath from the nostrils blows snow and moss flying.

The long dragon tail fell on the ground and placed it randomly, and Mu Duo felt a little distressed. I remember that Bai Yujun would always shake the snake's tail when she was happy, and usually move around unconsciously, even if she sleeps, she can't rest.

"let's start."

The saints painted their faces with oil paint, wore all kinds of mysterious decorations such as animal bones or metals, suspended in the air and hovered over the injured parts, whispering mysterious and mysterious witchcraft spells...

Mu Duo held up the copper tripod emitting a faint light and recited the incantation loudly, the light inside the large copper tripod with washbasin was even brighter!

In the distant land of Jiuli, several villagers gathered under the totem and cheered loudly with the priests, in different ways, some chanted mantras and some danced.

The radiant medicine in the copper tripod slowly flew towards Bai Jiao's wound!

Unknowingly, Bai Yujun fell asleep... I want to talk about "New White Snake Asks the Immortal" with more like-minded people, follow "Youdu Literature" on WeChat, chat about life, and find a confidant~

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