New White Snake Asking Immortals

Chapter 539 Guarding the Boundary

The dense forest is full of puddles after the rain.

The puddle is like a mirror reflecting the trees and a light green frog. It is very quiet. There is no wind or sunlight. The tall treetops block the sunlight and only a little shines through the gaps. It looks crystal clear when it shines on the green leaves full of rain...

suddenly! A pair of big feet stepped on puddles and splashed muddy water!

A group of three grey-black monsters with ferocious faces were running in the forest, dressed in tatters, holding Central Plains and Jiuli-style weapons covered in blood, and there were blood-red shreds of meat hanging from the corners of their mouths!

The beasts in the forest fled in panic, the deer jumped over the mossy dead wood to get away from the three monsters, the birds in the forest flapped their wings and screamed and flew up, the lynx lay on the tree and growled lowly to the ground in warning...

Something bad happened to the three monsters, and there were many small wounds on their bodies, obviously they had experienced a short-term fight not long ago.

The endless rain in the Southern Wilderness and the soft ground covered with fallen leaves made them, these monsters, feel uncomfortable. However, the comfortable Central Plains had to flee to the Southern Wilderness to be hunted down by powerful opponents.

Different standpoints and different views. Birth is a fact of no choice. For monsters, they are just acting according to instinct. The habit of killing and plundering is inherently deep and cannot be changed in the blood. It is instinct that drives them to obtain food from other creatures. and space to live conveniently, everything is for the survival purpose of the race.

Similarly, the indigenous creatures in this world have the right to protect themselves and kill intruders, and justice depends entirely on the side they are in. Jiuli people or monsters in the territory must kill monsters to protect the territory and their own lives. In exchange for survival, especially monsters are the enemies of the entire forest creature, no matter monsters or beasts or even insects do not like these foreign invaders.

The three monsters found that they had come to a place where no humans appeared, so they were relieved and sat down to rest.

On the dense tree canopy, the sharp arrow pointing at the target on the ground...

Ten stern snake monsters gathered at the top of the tree, and the three monsters didn't feel any danger. They only had experience in dealing with people from the Central Plains or Jiuli, and they didn't have many chances to fight the monsters, especially some trained monsters.

The smell of monsters is too strong, especially the smell of blood and the smell of not bathing all the year round. It can be smelled miles away. The footsteps vibrate strongly when walking, and the infrared characteristics that are obviously different from other animals and humans are the most obvious. The forest is like a torch in the dark.

Nothing abnormal in the dense canopy can be seen on the ground.

Snake monsters choose to use their talents to hide behind thick green leaves and sneak attacks. The naked eye cannot see through the green leaves and cannot see monsters. They completely use infrared sensing to avoid tree branches and lock the target. This is the hunting instinct of snake monsters. Like a poisonous snake hidden in the dark, it is always ready to hunt kill!

The squad leader waved!

Whoosh! The arrow easily penetrated the leaves and went straight to the three unprepared monsters on the ground!

The sound of sharp tools cutting leather can be heard endlessly...


The monster screamed, its body was full of arrows, and then the snake monsters shot the second arrow again. The roaring arrows shot and killed the two monsters who were struggling to escape.

The one who was still alive escaped by getting under the thick roots, but he was still seriously injured by the first wave of random arrows before.

The monsters are ferocious, and seeing no arrows fall, they immediately howled and rushed out, waving their weapons and looking for their opponents to fight!

I can't see anything in the impenetrable forest, there are no enemies, no shouts, and even no human smell, but the living monster is sure that he has encountered humans, because bows and arrows are the favorite weapons of cowardly humans!

"Ouch! Coward! Come out!"

The roar was hoarse and unpleasant, and it was unexpected that it was a monster who could speak a little Central Plains dialect.

It picked up the weapon of its dead companion and carefully searched around, unknowingly approached a huge banana plant, with wide green banana leaves covering the top of its head...

The snake demons didn't shoot arrows again, they wanted to test their abilities, one snake demon pulled out the horizontal knife, grasped the handle of the knife with both hands, jumped out and landed directly towards the monster's location!

It is a female serpent, with long hair fluttering upwards when the tip of the knife falls downwards. It seems that snakes have rich experience in falling from trees. It is estimated that they are lying in ambush on the tree to attack birds, but they are found by eagles and have to fall freely.

That monster is still looking for the attacker, even if it stays hidden under the banana leaf, it can't escape the infrared lock!

The banana leaf was torn, and the blade of Sen Leng fell straight down and pierced into the chest cavity from the back of the monster's neck with a bang! The genie's hunched back is perfect for raiding from the sky.

After being assassinated, his robust body still instinctively stood up.

The female snake demon stepped on the monster's shoulders and kicked hard to pull out the horizontal knife and bounced up the tree. The kicked monster fell face down into the pile of soft and rotting leaves, twitched a few times and returned to calm.

Snake demon soldiers don't need to be tempered, because what they grow up to today depends on cold-blooded killing.

The indifferent snake demons left and continued to defend their own territory, leaving only three corpses to be decomposed and devoured by flies and ants. Some carnivores had no interest in the monster's meat.

I haven't encountered too many monsters. It should be that most of the monsters have not yet rushed here, and maybe they are still fighting with Jiuli Baibu and Heibu in the distance.

Patrols used arrows to crucify the monsters that appeared at the boundary of the territory, and even a few snake monsters actually drowned a monster in the ditch...

Unlike the huge logistics supply of the human army, the snake monsters can solve the food problem very well.

Even snakes can go without eating for a long time and wait without moving. They don’t need a lot of sleep in the middle of the night, and they don’t need a comfortable tent. Their powerful night vision is far better than that of humans with night blindness.

Food can be found everywhere, from fat frogs to some small animals, and even many nutrient-rich insects are more popular. They are definitely the most dreamed soldiers of every general.

The iron ball of the demon general's cultivation level is responsible for dealing with those monsters with a slightly higher cultivation level, running around the border excitedly.

A few monsters crossed the border and entered the territory of Baijiao. As they walked, suddenly a small man jumped out of the ground beside him wielding a machete and slashed ferociously. The sneak attack from the ground was hard to guard against.

The two hundred crossbowmen look like a lot, but they are actually assigned to face the border of Jiuli, like throwing fish into a lake. There will inevitably be some loopholes. If it is not for their strong senses, it will be difficult to fortify them. Fortunately, they will be hunted down with their strong sense of smell. , the pressure is getting bigger and bigger every day.

After several days of silent killings, the snake monsters need supplies, especially the arrows are consumed too quickly.

Qing Ling, Lu Gui, and dozens of snake monsters sent a large number of arrows. The three guys discussed defense issues on the giant tree.

Qing Ling, who was dressed in military uniform, felt that she couldn't bother her sister just because of such a trivial matter.

"Resolutely intercept at the border of the territory! They are not afraid of the miasma. Once it appears in Snake Valley, the consequences will be unimaginable! If it can't be done, I will go to Cyanwood Mountain to rescue soldiers!"

Tie Qiu and Lu Gui nodded in agreement. Snake Valley is an important place for the nearby snake clan. It is too troublesome to find Yunyao Ancient Village. Maybe the only way is to seek support from the well-connected Qingmu Demon King.

Only monsters are good at jungle warfare.

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