New White Snake Asking Immortals

Chapter 568 Adjusting Training


Outside the window is like an ink sky, electric snakes roam, thunder is loud, the rainstorm beats on the plantain lotus leaves, the window curtains shake, and occasionally raindrops are blown into the study by the wind, wetting the paper and ink, and the ink stains are scattered and dyed into a black flower plum bossom.

Bai Yujun sat reclining on the wooden chair and stared at the pouring rain outside the window in a daze.

The hair is full of water vapor and the wind blows wildly, and Dan Feng's beautiful eyes are half-scented before blinking, which is not bad, at least she can blink, unlike before she never blinked before the transformation.

I want to cool my brain with cold rain and think about how to go in the future.

Mu Duo, dressed in Jiuli clothes, walked into the study room and gently came to the window to close the window, picked up the drawing paper that was blown everywhere by the wind, the curtain stopped swinging and regained her calm, she knew what Bai was worried about, and was as frustrated as herself. Tired by the ethnic group, they are devoting themselves to planning their future. At that time, the little snake demon was free and heartless. Today, the corners of his eyes are full of sadness.

There is a saying that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. What is the difference between a person with great power but ruthless and desireless and a rock?

"Don't move, I'll press it for you."

Mu Duo stood behind Bai Yujun, raised his hand and gently rubbed his forehead.

Bai Yujun sighed.

"You said... am I doing this right or wrong?"

Mu Duo didn't directly answer right or wrong, but explained to Bai Yujun the way of survival of the group from another aspect. The massage technique is good, and Bai Yujun closed his eyes and relaxed.

"Everyone in the Jiulige Zhaizi tribe knows one thing, they must fight to survive."

"Fighting with wild beasts to save their lives, fighting with the people of the Central Plains to resist invasion, fighting for survival against the poisonous insects and miasma in the wilderness, no matter which ethnic group wants to survive, they cannot avoid fighting and fighting, unless they are willing to be slaves and servants to be slaughtered."

"Don't forget, you are a beast."

Danfeng's eyes lit up instantly!

yes! This dragon is a ferocious and bloodthirsty beast, what's so scary about it!

Which one of the snake demon army under his command has not survived countless life and death in Shiwan Dashan? If there is no chance, these little snake demons will be killed by other powerful monsters. The rise of the ethnic group is always accompanied by blood, and it is hard to believe that with the leadership of a dragon like myself, they can still encounter danger!

Cherry gritted his teeth.

"Big training starts tomorrow!"


Bai Yujun's efficiency is astonishing when she is serious.

To be victorious in all battles, apart from equipment and training, the most important thing is to know yourself and the enemy. In the future, to assist the Emperor in unifying the Central Plains, you will have to fight against the armies of various princes and kings. You must be proficient in the Central Plains army formation.

It just so happens that there is no shortage of talents in the small town of the territory. These days, there are so many generals and marshals in the commanding army. There are countless people who fled because of the losers in the political struggle. Only then can we analyze the characteristics of the art of war.

In the training ground of the territory, human craftsmen were summoned to build a city that is no different from the Central Plains. The layout of the houses and streets in the interior is exactly the same as the style of the Central Plains city, and even the moat was built.

There was no war before, and the military training took a long time. After the preparations were complete, all troops were immediately called to organize a siege and defense drill.

The demon soldiers are powerful in combat, run faster and jump higher, and even the demon generals can fly.

The several-foot-high city wall is easy to climb and climb the city. The current training is how to expand the position and cooperate with each other after climbing the city. With the characteristics of monsters, even ladders and siege vehicles are saved.

The water combat training even shocked the jaws of the generals of the human race. They can run on the water without a boat at all...

Iron Ball became the commander of the demon army. There was no other way. The dwarfs were taller than others. Iron Ball, who was only a demon general, had to be promoted by Bai Yujun to be the commander. Some monsters of the Yaoshuai level who are yin and yang can only be like this for the time being, and they don't believe that Tie Qiu and Qingling can't climb the Yaoshuai realm.

The wind was howling and the rain was raging. In the white rain, the iron ball commanded the bow battalion commander to train the archers.

heavy rain? The practice is to shoot a volley in the heavy rain. The human army seldom fights in the heavy rain. It is just that the monster soldiers are not afraid. With the help of the heavy rain, the potential human army can be suppressed more effectively.

The rainwater slid down the helmet, and the decorative lines of the exquisite armor became more obvious after being wet with water.

"First row! Get ready!"

The iron ball roared!

With two swish swishes, the horizontal row of hundreds of female snake demon archers in light armor took a step forward, drawing arrows from the quiver in unison with the same movement, and pulling the bow obliquely with the same movement!

After the sound of ordering and the sound of pulling the longbow tight, it was quiet, only the sound of rain was heard.

She remained motionless, letting the rain drip down the arrow shaft and bowstring into her wrist sleeves, the charming archer looked indifferent, and did not blink even if the rain hit her eyes.

"A target of eight hundred steps!"

Hundreds of archers fine-tuned the height of their arrows and remained motionless again. It was easy to aim at distant prey in the rain, because the infrared sensor could clearly analyze the distance and lock on to the heart with the highest temperature, but those targets were all wooden targets, which would not move without temperature The snake demon is a little short-sighted, and the difficulty is not so great.

"Let the arrow!"

The sound of piercing the sky whizzed away, and a black line made of arrows flew towards the target.

Eight hundred steps is enough for an ordinary army to bear. The range of an ordinary human archer using a good bow is probably more than two hundred steps. Eight hundred steps should not be underestimated. Every extra step after the limit is very difficult. The Basilisk archers are enough to keep many armies scrambling.

The arrows fell to the ground with puffs, and rarely hit the target. After thinking about it, the iron ball felt that such training would not be effective.

"Come on! Catch the mouse and tie it to the target! You must live!"

Snake demon soldiers are absolutely good at this task. Dozens of demon soldiers sneaked into the forest and quickly caught more than a hundred mountain rats and tied them to the target. The opponent is alive and must have heat and temperature. Taking the heat emitted by the rats as the opponent's heart is a trick In a good way, Iron Ball is happy for his cleverness.

The unlucky ones can only be those mountain rats...

Sure enough, those indifferent archers had sharp eyes and locked on the mountain mouse one after another.

The effect of shooting the arrows again was much better, and most of the arrows landed around the target, and quite a few were hit, and even a few sharpshooters hit the mountain mouse.

"Second row! Get ready!"

"Let the arrow!"

"Third row!"

After some tests, it was found that the archers of the Snake Demon soldiers lost their accuracy in rainy days. Although they were better than ordinary human and archers of other races, they were not as good as in sunny days.

Precipitation will reduce the surface temperature of the target, and cold rain will interfere with the thermal sensory organs to see distant prey clearly.

Too far away will affect the search. This is also a helpless thing. Light rain is better, and the heavier the rain, the more blurred. The iron ball follows Bai Yujun's instructions and trains a lot so that the archers can remember the feeling of each range.

Fortunately, the material of the bow and arrow is relatively high-grade, so there is no need to worry about the impact of rainwater immersion. The shooting range and the sharpness of the arrow make up for the shortcomings in rainy days.

All the ministries under Bai Jiao's command carried out targeted training one after another.


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