Emerald City.


A refrigerated truck of more than one ton stopped at the checkpoint entering the city, and the ground was rubbed by tires with a cloud of green smoke and a pungent smell of burning.

At the same time, several heavily armed soldiers approached at the sound of the sound.

"Squeak... After

a while, the window of the cab was quickly rolled down, and a middle-aged man sweating profusely poked his head out and raised his hands tremblingly.

"My lord, I'm just over a ton, you can deduct my points. The man squinted timidly at the shiny gun that had been wiped, and swallowed secretly.

He clearly saw everyone subconsciously flick the gun just now, although he didn't quite understand the meaning of this action, but judging from the experience in the TV series, this action is very similar to the action of opening the safety bolt.


What's in the back?" a dark-skinned soldier wearing black goggles leaned forward, reached into the window with one hand, pulled up the central lock, and opened the door.


an instant, seven or eight soldiers behind him all shouldered their guns, and the barrels of their guns were pointed straight at the man, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

"Meat, meat, meat!" the man exclaimed quickly, his spine tilted back, and his hands raised high, "Big big...... My lord, it's all raw meat in the back, and I'm a good citizen. The

man hurriedly explained, beads of sweat running down his cheeks, although the attitude of these people made him a little unhappy, but the slightest trace of unhappiness had long been covered by fear.

He felt a kind of indifference in these people, that kind of disregard for life.

"Open it and take a look. The tanned soldier pointed to the freezer with his chin and took a few steps out of the way.

After waiting for the middle-aged man to get out of the car, he symbolically touched the man's waist again, and then let the soldiers behind him clear a path.

Of course, the middle-aged man was very cooperative throughout the whole process, and he refused to put down his hands with his hands held high.


Several rusty iron pieces of iron were knocked, and the nearly two-meter-high iron door was slowly pulled open from the outside.

Suddenly, white cold air mixed with a biting chill poured down from the carriage, making the middle-aged man standing at the door shiver.

However, the sweat oozing from nervousness was diluted a lot by the cold air, and it also relieved the itching on his face.

"Look, my lord, it's all frozen raw pork. The man pointed to the fan of raw pork that had been lifted up in the carriage, but his facial muscles twitched unnaturally after seeing a large pile of raw meat on the board.

The ones on the boards were all illegal and overtonnage, and he was still not sure what the soldiers were trying to search.

I wanted to open my mouth to ask, but I was afraid to ask something I shouldn't ask.

The black-faced soldier gave him a casual look, then touched the nearest pork, and then patted the pig's butt.

"Hmph," sneered, and the soldier suddenly showed an apologetic smile and said to the middle-aged man, "Don't worry, we're just checking to see if there is any contraband."

As he spoke, the soldier wiped his hands on the man's shoulder, wiped the lard that had just stained his hands, and said, "Go get your driver's license, I'll take a look at you and go." "

Yes, yes, yes. The man tried to restrain his emotions, forced a smile and nodded, but just as he was about to close the iron door.

"Bang!" a

large hand wearing tactical gloves suddenly appeared in front of him, and held the iron door that was about to close.

Stunned for a moment, the beads of sweat that disappeared from the man's face reappeared, and he quickly glanced at the soldier, and turned away in a panic.

Looking at the man's panicked back, the black-faced soldier sneered, then took out a dark green potion from his tactical vest and injected it into the pig's butt that he had just shot.


the iron door was slammed shut, and the black-faced soldier inserted the empty needle back into the tactical vest.

At the same time, the middle-aged man hurried over with his driver's license and happened to see the movements of the black-faced soldier.

However, in a hurry, he didn't see clearly what the other party had put back, so he didn't think much about it, handed out his driver's license to the soldier and said: "My lord, life is not easy, I am a first-time offender, I hope to leave me 2 points."

Although the man said this, his expression was still depressed and depressed, and he sighed again when he remembered his wife and hospitalized children.

Staring at the man's expression for a while, the soldier suddenly smiled and said: "I'm not in charge of traffic, I'm just checking if there is any contraband, you don't have to worry, come into the city, it's not peaceful outside the city recently." "

Isn't it peaceful?" the man raised his head when he heard this, and his previous fear was swept away.

Thinking about it carefully, it was indeed a little unusual for the heavily armed soldiers to appear here, so I had the courage to come to the soldiers' side.

whispered gossip: "Look at your outfit, big brother...... Did any prisoners escape

?" It's just that he regretted it after asking, and looked at the black-faced soldier, always feeling that the eldest brother's face was darker than just now, and hurriedly said: "I'm sorry big brother, I understand, I understand, I'll leave."

After saying that, the man fled and left, but he didn't know what he thought, and turned to the soldier and saluted, "You have worked hard." "

Soldiers: ......

The roar of the engine sounded, accompanied by a thick puff of black smoke, and the refrigerated truck left the checkpoint "first slowly and then quickly", and drove smoothly towards the city.

Waiting for the car to completely disappear at the end of the road, the black-faced soldier pressed the walkie-talkie on his shoulder and said, "Doctor, the things have been sent to the city." After

waiting for a while, a neutral voice suddenly came over the intercom, and it was completely inaudible whether it was a man or a woman.

"Very well, from now on, implement the city-wide blockade plan, build an interception wall, strictly prohibit all transportation and personnel entering and leaving, and wait for the next order to unblock. "


the black-faced soldier replied, then nodded to the surrounding combatants.

They were like a group of combat machines that only knew how to carry out orders, and after receiving orders, they moved extremely quickly, without communicating a word the whole time.


a loud bang came from beneath the feet, and it was like a small earthquake erupting here, and thick smoke billowed from the place.

The flat ground gradually raised huge bags of earth, and heavy metal walls with a glittering black sheen suddenly rose straight up from under the ground and began to connect with each other.


black metal wall stopped after rising to a height of three meters, but the earthquake did not end.

After a while, more and more dirt bags were piled up, and one metal wall after another was pulled up from the ground, stretching along the edge of the city to the end of the sight.

In the hands of the black-faced soldier, there is a real-time satellite image magnified many times.

At the edge of the Emerald City, which covers an extremely large area, relatively small black lines emerged.

They were connected to each other until they had encircled the entire Emerald City.

"Captain!" Suddenly, the voices of the squad members came over the intercom of the black-faced soldier, "there's a private car coming in our direction.

"Kill them all. "


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