Nice To Meet You, Mr. Xiao

Chapter 3427: Brainstorming

I don't know how he taught her, how could he teach her to doubt her life? Not only did Xiao Mohan bleed, but he could also have children?

"Xiao Yichu, Xiao Yiyan." Xiao Mohan stood there, listening to them whispering, and the voice was very loud, it was difficult for him not to listen.

When Xiao Mohan called them, they immediately stood up, saluted him and said, "Here."

"Dad must correct a few of your problems. First: whisper in a low voice. Second, men shed tears but not blood, so your dad does not bleed. Third, having children is a woman's business and has nothing to do with men. Fourth: You are too curious, I suggest you go back to your room and face the wall."

"But Uncle Changqing gave birth to a baby." Xiao Yichu immediately raised his little hand and said very cutely.

Gu Chuyan was amused by her at this time.

"You continue." Gu Chuyan said, she didn't want to participate in this "war".

Xiao Mohan narrowed his dark eyes, he stood there and looked down at them coldly, saying: "But Daddy doesn't have this function at present, you are all born by Mom."

"Then can Daddy give birth to a little eight for Mom?" Xiao Yiyan asked hurriedly.

She looked eager, and she was still dividing the work by counting her fingers, saying: "It's best to have two, little eight is my sister's, and little nine is mine."

Gu Chuyan looked at Xiao Mohan's handsome face and sank slightly, she turned around and didn't dare to look at him.

"There won't be little eight and little nine, you go back to your room immediately." Xiao Mohan said.

They heard "Oh", turned around with great disappointment, and ran into Xiao Yijue's room.

At this moment, Xiao Yijue had just finished taking a shower and came out in his pajamas, watching the two of them squeezed on the sofa, hugging their shoulders and staring at him.

"You have to go to school tomorrow, you should go to bed." Xiao Yijue said.

Xiao Yichu listened, turned his head away, and said: "That's not the school Xiaoliu is going to go to."

"It's not fun at all without Ah Jiu in school." Xiao Yiyan said.

Xiao Yijue listened, took out the exercise book and handed it over, saying: "If you finish it, I will help you apply for not going to school."

They looked at the exercise book in fear. It was a German translation. The two immediately climbed down from the sofa, turned around and ran away with their pants lifted up.

"Ahhhh" The two ran out and accidentally stepped on the little fox who had just eavesdropped outside.

The little fox was stepped on and kicked away, and fell into the trash can.

"Who is calling?" Xiao Yichu was a little confused and didn't see clearly at all.

"There is a ghost, go back to the room quickly." Xiao Yiyan said immediately.

The two immediately ran back to the room, hid in the quilt, climbed out of the quilt silently, looked into the bedroom, and said: "Ghosts are not fun either."

"Yeah." They responded.

Feeling a little hungry, they got up and saw that Gu Chuyan and Xiao Mohan were asleep, so they went downstairs to the kitchen to find food, and found that they didn't want to eat anything in the refrigerator.

The two moved the chair and stepped on it. After washing the vegetables, they threw them into the pot and found that there was no fire.

"Sister, get angry." Xiao Yiyan said hurriedly.

She looked eager. After all, Xiao Yichu could make thunder as long as he stamped his feet, so he would definitely get angry.

"Yeah." Xiao Yichu responded and stamped his feet quickly. He heard a thunder in the sky. With a "boom", the pot flew up and was thrown onto the ceiling.

"Pot." Xiao Yiyan was startled and pointed at the pot stuck to the ceiling.

Seeing the pot stuck to the ceiling and catching fire inexplicably, the two were stunned and wanted to climb up to take it down, but the ceiling was too high and they couldn't get it at all.

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