Night Evolution

Chapter 995: 6th era human

Chapter 995

"How is this possible?"

Zhao Mu's thoughts enveloped the Blue Star, and he saw a completely different Blue Star.

The blue star in his memory, the entire planet was covered by countless radiation clouds, the sun’s inability to penetrate the surface led to the ice age. Even the most basic microorganisms in the sea water no longer exist, and all life has been sealed in. The center of the earth.

But now, Blue Star is completely different from what he remembered.

The giant island is still shrouded by nuclear radiation, and there are still radiation clouds in the sky.

But in addition to this, the entire Blue Star has unknowingly expanded tens of thousands of times. The giant island was originally only a thousand miles away from the land, but now it is tens of thousands of miles away. A new ecosystem and primitive human tribes have appeared on the newly born land.

Dimensionally teleported, Zhao Mu instantly came to a high mountain above the land.

The mountain is tens of thousands of meters high. Starting from the halfway point of the mountain, there are caves in the mountain. The cave is filled with primitive people, and the cave is inhabited by a kind of giant eagle. The primitive people here are good at keeping giant eagles in captivity, and they wear clothes woven with giant eagle feathers. Riding a giant eagle in and out.

Zhao Mu came to the mountain, and the Eye of Dimensions looked through the bodies and souls of primitive people, seeing their true spirits and memories.

He has tried to activate the time dimension, but failed.

All traces of time thought power have been erased in advance by some kind of power.

Zhao Mu kept observing the memories of the true spirits of primitive people, and finally had a superficial understanding of the world.

According to civilization records, the human race has been born in heaven and earth for millions of years.

Today's humans are dominated by tribes.

Each tribe has its own totem. Totem is not only a symbol, but also an entity. It may be fire, water, or wind. Primitives can be protected by sacrificing these totems, and they can also get extraordinary power to become witches and totems. warrior.

Relying on the power of totems, primitive people have been growing harder in this world full of poisonous insects and beasts.

Storm Eagle, this is the name of this tribe.

Their totem is a small rotating tornado. The primitive people of the Storm Eagle tribe sacrificed the beast to the totem. Under the auspices of the witch, a batch of qualified preparatory totem warriors are selected every year, and the totem is given to totem seeds. Totem warrior.

"Several millions of years, it's really amazingly big..."

Zhao Mu said solemnly.

How long has it been since the last time he came to Blue Star? At least several million years have passed here?

This obviously accelerates the time of the entire world by more than tens of thousands of times, and also enlarges the blue star by tens of thousands of times. The latter is not very difficult, but the power that the former needs to consume is not a small number, even if he wants to do it. It's not easy at all.

Zhao Mu raised his head, and the Void Eye penetrated the atmosphere into space.

However, I only see the sun and the moon, and no other stars in the solar system.

The previous blue star had at least one complete solar system. Now the solar system is gone and only three stars remain. The original solar system's space depth has also shrunk. It seems that everything in the entire solar system has been swallowed by the blue star to become nutrients for growth.

This is not impossible, after all, there is a melting pot of energy and matter in the center of the blue star.

This kind of human race city can withstand the standard equipment of demigods, there is no secret to him now, it is nothing more than the very low-end technology of the zeroth era evolution faction, but if the energy material melting furnace is enlarged to 500 kilometers in diameter, None of the zeroth era human evolution factions can do it.

The center of the blue star is definitely the largest melting pot of energy and matter in his knowledge.

If this is the case, it would not be difficult to swallow all the stars and space in the entire solar system except the sun and the moon, and it would not be difficult to convert the energy into matter to expand the area of ​​the blue star by tens of thousands. The species that is now all over the blue star probably originated from him in the center of the earth. The sealed animals and plants seen.

The primitive people of the New Blue Star are probably the humans of the Sixth Age.

In the first five epochs, in addition to the first one, the remaining four epochs are likely to be the same.

But this time, is it too fast?

In the first few human epochs, the maximum interval between them can reach hundreds of millions of years.

The civilization of mankind in Blue Star is several million years at most.

Now the Fifth Age humans are living well, how could the Sixth Age humans be born so quickly?

Moreover, time is accelerating millions of years to ripen in advance, is it to prepare to throw these primitive people into the Dawn Continent?

Zhao Mu was thinking about the great changes in the world.

The sun in the sky suddenly appeared dark shadows to obscure the sun. Zhao Mu looked directly at the sun with the eye of dimensionality, and immediately saw the immortal three-legged golden crow imprisoned in the depths of the star is dying and struggling, from the flesh to the bones being constantly penetrated by the source of darkness. .

Because of this, the sun's rays on the blue star began to be mixed with dark sources.

Poisonous insects, beasts, beasts, and even the eagles of the storm that have been tamed by the tribe of eagles of the storm, both beasts and plants have begun to experience pollution under the power of the source of darkness. The only ones who survived are the eagles on the blue star. Billion primitive people.

Although the dimensional transmission can be carried out without the time coordinate, the positioning ability of the time coordinate is still there.

Blue Star has time coordinates, and Dawn Continent also has time coordinates.

Zhao Mu could clearly feel that Blue Star’s time coordinates were rapidly approaching the Dawn Coordinates of Dawn He immediately understood that Blue Star and the Sixth Age humans are going to integrate into Dawn Continent?

So, all of this is Chi prepares for the resurrection?

With doubts, Zhao Mu directly reached the depths of the sun through dimensional teleportation.

The Immortal Three-legged Golden Crow is struggling constantly. Zhao Mu can affirm that the Immortal Three-legged Golden Crow is heading towards true death, because his stellar immortal origin has been completely contaminated by the source of darkness, and at this time only the true spirit is still lingering.

Seeing Zhao Mu, the Immortal Three-legged Golden Crow looked at Zhao Mu with pleading eyes.

Zhao Mu is heading towards the Immortal Three-legged Golden Crow. Of course, he does not intend to save the Immortal Three-legged Golden Crow, but he is very interested in the memory contained in the true spirit of the Immortal Three-legged Golden Crow. The Immortal Three-legged Golden Crow is sealed in the blue star world. What should I know every year.

Although it seems that for the time being, all this is just a plan of wisdom that may be related to the resurrection.

But once there is a conflict of interest, the living wisdom is not as good as the dead wisdom to him.

Zhao Mu took out the Time Lost City, the wall of the Time Lost City woven by the branches of the dream-eating mother tree, and a branch sprang directly through the soul of the Immortal Three-legged Golden Crow, and the ultimate strengthening of time into a dream pulls the consciousness of the Immortal Three-legged Golden Crow Enter the lost city of time.

The immortal three-legged Golden Crow did not resist, and even actively cooperated.

Following the time dream, about one-tenth of the unpolluted true spirits followed the dream and entered the lost city of time.

Only one-tenth of the true spirit, even if the Immortal Three-legged Golden Crow could escape into the Lost City of Time and survive, he would have been fatally hit and it was almost worthless. It was too difficult for the true spirit to recover from this level of damage.

But for a moment, the immortal tripod was easily enslaved by the oppression of the time fan town.

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