Night Evolution

Chapter 1016: Ruthless

Chapter 1016

"How should I call you now? You should no longer be the source."

A looked up at Zhao Mu.

"Human Zhao Mu."

Zhao Mu smiled and said.

"Zhao Mu, you shouldn't come, you really don't want to kill an old friend yourself."

Jia Han said.

In the lower room where Zhao Mu was located, a layer of gray light suddenly appeared on the surrounding walls and doors. These were not real lights, but eternal bacteria that could not be seen by countless immortal eyes. It was simply a trap that could trap and kill immortality.

"You have let me down too much."

Zhao Mu shook his head, the golden flames burning on his body turned into nothingness.

He is not the deity at all, just a clone.

A is the chief scientist of the human evolution faction at the technological level. He is very powerful, but he has always been suppressed by the chief scientist of the biological weapon level of the human evolution faction. In the end, A betrays the human evolution faction, which has nothing to do with him and Chu. small.

Such a betrayer, of course he will do something to guard.

Zhao Mu believes that with A's ability, he must have successfully controlled the eternal bacteria over the years.

Eternal bacteria are all over the broken star sea, and all eternal bacteria are the eyes and ears of A.

As long as he appears in public, A will find him instantly.

The two parties met and tried each other. Unfortunately, the final result was not as expected. A is still as timid as before. In the face of existences stronger than him, he has always been a tortoise, even betraying the evolution of human faction. , Are afraid to show up in the war because of fear of revenge.

As he expected, Jia only dared to communicate with him through the endless void.

The only thing he didn't expect was that Jia was so afraid of the mysterious corpse that he did not hesitate to do it on him.

Don’t look at Jia as the strongest and immortal, but his timidity is in his bones. Otherwise, he won’t be suppressed by Yuan Hechu. What Jia has always been best at is bullying and fearing hardship, and he is not easy if he is not sure. Hands on.

This time, A clearly didn't know his truth.

I only know that he is exactly the same as Yuan, and I don't know the specific strength in front of him.

Facing the unknown, A should focus on temptation.

Now he is doing it directly. Either he has been swollen as the number one man and demon in these years, or the fear caused by the mysterious corpse is greater than everything. He and Zhi, the immortals that may be targeted by the mysterious corpse, are all in A's eyes. All are the source of chaos.

If you didn't provoke the mysterious corpse, how could the mysterious corpse bring countless disasters?

This kind of thinking is the thinking mode that A is best at.

The plan to find a partner failed, Zhao Mu left Broken Xinghai and returned to Clock Town.

Looking at the **** and demon Tianzhu in Clock Town from a distance, Zhao Mu left the clock tribe to prepare to hunt the prey sacrificed to the **** and demon Tianzhu.

The gods and demon pillars can turn magic patterns into war patterns.

This effect is not only effective for myths, but also effective for immortality.

However, immortality would rather give up the power of the war pattern, because the blood jade of all souls is too rare, and the **** and devil Tianzhu wants to transform the magic pattern on the immortal body into a war pattern, and needs to hunt the powerful flesh and blood life of the immortal level as its prey.

However, there are too few wild species at the immortal level in the human-devil world.

Very few, all of them live in the ruins of the battle of Gods.

Through dimensional teleportation, Zhao Mu locked the scene outside the ruins of the **** war that he saw in the time dimension to teleport.

After the teleportation was over, Zhao Mu saw the blood-red light curtain covering the world in front.

Passing through here, inside is the ruins of God War.

Unlike Broken Star Sea, this is the final battlefield.

There are the most good things, and it's not surprising to find the immortal source quality inside.

But here, it may not be dangerous, and it can also be more dangerous than Broken Star Sea.

If it weren’t for the great benefits here, coupled with the complete isolation of the ruins of the gods from inside and outside, when the immortal mankind created the world of humans and demons, the ruins of the gods would never be wrapped in. You have to know that even the strongest immortals can’t control it. Won't neglect.

Why did the ruins of the battle of gods become the place of decisive battle in the first place?

There is a reason for that, a treasure appeared here at the end of the human degeneration faction.

The final battle was so tragic that those immortals were completely mad, which had a lot to do with the treasures found in the ruins of the **** war.

It was a stone with numerous holes on it.

The true immortal magic element flowing out of it, the completely liquefied true immortal magic element, the quality is far beyond the real immortal magic element previously known. Zhao Mu estimates that the true immortal magic element flowing out of this legendary immortal sacred stone is of quality. Will not lose to the two forces encountered by Heavenly Ji Dixian.

It is a pity that no one got the Immortal Sacred Stone in the end.

Because at the end of the war, the ruins of the battle of Gods have undergone extremely strange changes.

In the zeroth epoch, the main body is the starry universe mixed with a few planes.

The ruins of the battle of Gods originated from a plane. This plane is not for the living, but for the dead. People who die must be buried. However, after two or three generations, future generations rarely care about the graves of their ancestors. It can be said that there are countless discarded and dug up.

Later, someone suggested to just get a plane and move all the graves in.

The zeroth era was wealthy, and really agreed to this proposal From then on, the dead were basically buried in this plane called the underworld.

How many corpses were buried in the entire plane, it is impossible to calculate, until the immortal sacred stone came, the entire plane turned into a battlefield, and finally the entire plane and the countless bones buried in the ground were fused with the immortal sacred stone to come alive.

In the final battle, it was said that it was a civil war of the human race, rather than the immortality of the human race that defeated the will of this living plane.

But it could not be killed, and in the end it could only separate and seal the will of the entire plane.

The props of the seal are nothing else, just the gods and demons.

Converting magic patterns into war patterns is actually the unique ability of the world will in the special plane of the ruins of the **** war.

Through the **** brilliance, Zhao Mu came to a vibrant world.

There are so many wonderful sights, such as flowers, grasslands, forests, mountains and lakes. If anyone comes for the first time, they will never believe that this place is the most dangerous ruins of the battle of God.

Zhao Mu looked up at the sky, where three-legged golden crows patrolled.

Immortal level, but no soul, but being immortalized by human beings alive to become a puppet, twelve hours a day in the ruins of the gods to illuminate the whole world, these twelve hours are also the safest twelve hours in the ruins of the gods.

Seeing how early the weather is, Zhao Mu opened the Dimensional Eye and saw a city millions of miles away.

In the city, many humans and demons who came to the ruins of the **** war to find resources and treasures acted cautiously.

Dimensional teleportation, Zhao Mu approached the city.

There is only one reason why primitive people and demons in the city can enter this city. There are no civilized buildings in the city. There are only large and small graves. The streets are full of people who set up stalls, or they are people during the day and the living dead at night. Monster.

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