Night Evolution

Chapter 1022: Scum Crab

Chapter 1022


Zhao Mu rubbed his eyes and was dumbfounded.

With the help of the time to enter the dream strengthened by the dream-eating mother tree, he successfully entered the dreamland of the sky spider crab.

Then he saw the scene before him.

There are a total of two heavenly spider crabs in the dreamland of the heavenly spider crabs, one male and one female, and the two people look at each other motionlessly. If it weren’t for the eyeballs would turn and stare at each other affectionately, I really thought these were two stone statues. .

Collecting dream information, Zhao Mu understood.

The dream of the sky spider crab, the first is to dream of leaving the ruins of the gods.

At this stage, either fighting or killing, the enemy has other immortal creatures, there are immortal living dead and immortal humans.

After this stage, the sky spider crab begins to feel lonely.

At this time, a imaginary partner appeared in its dream.

Reality is boring, dream is eternal.

Zhao Mu touched his chin, he might be able to catch the sky spider crab without blood.

Just do as he thinks, Zhao Mu awakens the self-consciousness of the Heavenly Spider Crab in his dream and makes his own conditions.

"Are you a human?"

The sky spider crab looked at Zhao Mu.

Sure enough, there is wisdom!

Zhao Mu heaved a sigh of relief, because the ruins of the Divine Warfare were full of lifelessness and negative aura. The creatures here were not very intelligent except for the immortal and living dead, but the Sky Spider Crab was an exception. The self-seal made it less intelligent and not low.

"I am a human."

Zhao Mu replied.

"Can you really do it?"

The Sky Spider Crab asked expectantly.

Zhao Mu nodded, and the Sky Spider Crab immediately pounced on his partner and tore it to pieces.

"This is really a scum crab..."

Zhao Mu's mouth twitched.

The sky spider crab is extremely eager for a partner because of loneliness, but for countless years he can only face the phantom of a dream sky spider crab. When he proposed to create a sky spider crab that really exists in the dream, the scum crab was immediately destroyed A partner who has been with me for countless years.

However, there is reincarnation in the world, and as a trading condition, the Sky Spider Crab will also pay for its true body.

The immortality of humans and demons would never have imagined that the needs of the Sky Spider Crab would be so simple.

Of course, simplicity is only relative.

After all, to create a completely real and true spirit spider crab, it is difficult to achieve this without mastering the rules of the true spirit. This heaven spider crab is not so easy to fool, and it is impossible to deceive a fake one. .

Reaching a consensus, Zhao Mu began to create a true spirit and soul of the sky spider crab.

The immortal holy power of the true spirit is constantly being consumed, and the naked eye can see that a female sky spider crab that lives in the immortal dream with the true spirit and soul has been created. Seeing this completely real and no longer a false kind, the sky spider crab is waving excitedly pliers.

"It's time to fulfill the transaction."

Zhao Mu reminded.

"How can you promise not to kill us?"

The Sky Spider Crab recovered and asked hesitantly.

Zhao Mu took out the Lost City of Time. The various rules, the breath of various immortal gods, and even a few immortal true spirits were all revealed. Seeing this scene, especially the time rules, the sky spider crab suddenly understood that this human being is immortal. No need to lie to it.

With the time rules and dream rules controlled by human immortality, it can't destroy itself at all.

I chose to trade peacefully with it only because this immortal human wanted to get its true body at the least cost.

Without hesitation, the Sky Spider Crab disconnected from his true body and lost his final resistance.

Zhao Mu left the immortal dream world, the body of the Sky Spider Crab is still huge and amazing, but there is only an empty shell after losing the true spirit and soul. The City of Time is constantly expanding under the power of the larger rules, covering the entire Sky Spider Crab pulling in The world in the city.

God battles the ruins, the high immortal magic element is almost everywhere, nothing more than how many questions

So he couldn't dream of being in the ruins of the battle of Gods, but now that he has surrendered, he naturally knows the true face of the sky spider crab.

The Sky Spider Crab looks extremely large, but in fact it is only the size of a fist.

The extremely large stone repellent shell is mainly composed of skin and special spider silk that have been peeled off countless times.

Relying on special abilities, the stone repellent shell comes alive with life characteristics. There are even muscles and blood in the stone repellent shell to absorb and store energy. This is the main reason why no one knows that the real body of the sky spider crab is only the size of a fist.

The entire stone drives the shell, and the sky spider crab can drive it to fight.

By expelling the shells with stones, it can also draw on the power of the earth to continuously restore the shells with stones.

In addition, its real body can hide in any place of the husk, unless the husk is completely destroyed so that the real body has no place to hide, or the true spirit is destroyed directly, it is surprisingly difficult to destroy the sky spider crab. .

At this time, Zhao Mu was a little bit reluctant to destroy the body of the Tongtian Spider Crab.

It’s better to keep it. Although he already has a world slime hidden in the ground, it’s inconvenient to be known. On the bright side, he must have a place to stay, otherwise he proposes to cooperate with the immortal human beings. No one cares about him.

The reason is very simple. If you don’t have a home, you can talk about cooperation. Others worry about you running away at any If you have a home, it’s different. If you run away, the monk can’t run to the temple.

There is no place in the world of humans and demons for him now, but the husk of the Sky Spider Crab is different. The back of such a huge husk is a continent, and the city of Time Lost is enough to feed a large population.

And once you stand on the ground with your legs stretched out, your body can block a lot of blood and moonlight like an umbrella.

At that time, it's hard to say that a personal demon tribe will welcome the sky spider crab to station in their territory.

Making up his mind, Zhao Mu left for the next prey location.

This next prey will not be as easy to obtain as the first two.

Not far from the boulder sea, there is a huge primitive jungle.

Without any trace of civilization, even the living dead cannot survive here.

There aren't even any creatures, there are just endless insects. These insects form an ecosystem on their own. The Immortal Living Dead are sure that there is an immortal mysterious insect here, but no one has ever seen it before.

As for directly destroying this primitive jungle that stretches tens of thousands of miles, the loss is a bit big.

After all, each of the insects here has a weak high-level immortal magic element.

In this place, even immortal humans and demons are stationed all year round.

The immortal living dead told him about this place, it was self-evident what idea he had.

Approaching the sea of ​​insects, Zhao Mu stopped at the edge.

The immortal dream world covers reality and spreads to the entire insect forest. Because it only targets insects, the immortal humans guarding it didn't even notice it. It would be great to find immortal insects in this way.

A few hours later, Zhao Mu looked thoughtfully at the time dream that covered the sea of ​​insects.

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