Night Evolution

Chapter 1027: Weaknesses of the Living Dead

Chapter 1027

Zhao Mu saw that Kong Ming was contacting other immortal living dead, but he did not stop it.

But for a moment, all the immortal living dead surrounded him and Leiden.

"You better leave the ruins of the **** war."

Kong Ming warned Zhao Mu.

"You stay in the ruins of the battle, do you know the situation outside?"

Zhao Mu asked.

"What do you mean?"

Kong Ming frowned.

"Why, the holy stone didn't tell you?"

Zhao Mu said in surprise.

Kong Ming and Jin Ming looked at the holy stone. Although the world will in the ruins of the **** war was divided and sealed on the pillars of the gods and demons, they also had access to the outside world. On the other hand, they were trapped in the ruins of the **** war. All the news they got was only From the human demon under immortality.

But the real high-end news, the mythical demons under immortality are hard to reach.

As for the immortal humans and demons, any of them will cause a comprehensive investigation by the human and demons.

That's why they deliberately led Zhao Mu to collide with Leiden, hoping to throw Zhao Mu's huge troubles to the humans.

Unexpectedly, Leiden would get along with Zhao Mu in peace.

"Something did happen..."

The holy stone talked about the mysterious world ascending from the lower dimension, and finally being broken into pieces by the mysterious corpse into the big world of humans and demons.

"These have nothing to do with us."

Kong Ming looked at Zhao Mu and waited for him to explain.

"Nine hundred million years..."

Zhao Mu said solemnly.

"Nine hundred million years ago, the human evolution faction encountered a surprise attack by the human degeneration faction..."

"The fundamental reason, I don't think it is because of A's betrayal, but because the human evolutionary faction has become a threat.

"Zhi found this, and he found himself a threat. He led the civil strife of the degenerate faction of mankind. He led the multiple dimensions of a large number of rules breaking, but he struggled for hundreds of millions of years and finally died, only left in the lower dimension. Some back players."

"In addition to wisdom, there is destiny, and sometimes they both died because they became threats."

"The world that was shattered by the mysterious corpse not long ago is what Zhi left behind."

"I don't know if Zhi has left behind more, but I know that the world of humans and demons is not calm, and a new war is coming. You should all know the horrors of war and the ruins of wars from the memories of your predecessors. Don’t even think about being outside of the war."


Kong Ming frowned and said, "If there is a war, we will fight it."

"and then?"

Zhao Mu asked, "Be the first to get out."

Kong Ming was speechless, and the holy stone and other immortal living and dead were also silent.

The ruins of the battle of gods were born because of the war.

They inherited part of the memories of their predecessors, and they also experienced the despair and pain of their predecessors when they died in battle. They are new lives that were lucky enough to come back to life from the dead. There were so many immortal people who died in battle, and they were the only people who became immortal and living dead. These twenty-one.

Because they understand death, they don't want to die again than anyone else.

"Even if the immortal all-out war is revived, why do you rule the ruins of the **** war?"

The holy stone asked.

"First I master the dimensional rules."

Zhao Mu did not hesitate to answer, “Ruins of God’s War exclude rules here, but they do not exclude dimensional rules. Without dimensional rules, this place cannot become the world. The reason why I can’t perceive dimensional rules is that there is only one truth. The ruins of the war were sealed.

If I can master this seal, thoroughly master the dimensional rules of the ruins of the **** war.

You said, can I take you away from the ruins of the **** war? "

"Your guess is correct, but it is far from enough."

Shengshi was surprised at first, then shook his head firmly.

"I also master the core of the rule of law."

Zhao Mu added.

The holy stone gasped. His true body was sealed on the pillars of gods and demons. Of course he also knew about the web of laws. As far as he knew, there were nearly a hundred laws in the web of laws that were transformed into rules. potential.

This also means that hundreds of new immortals can be born by relying on the web of laws.

Zhao Mu, who controls the core of the web of laws, is equivalent to controlling the immortality of this hundred future.

Zhao Mu, why did he get the core of the rule of law?

After thinking about it, the holy stone understands a bit. Zhao Mu masters the dimensional rules, and wisdom also masters the dimensional rules. The web of rules is left by wisdom. Zhao Mu, who has mastered the rules of dimensionality and the core of the web of laws, is likely to inherit the power of wisdom. .

"You are indeed qualified to rule the ruins of the **** war, but I can't agree to it."

Shengshi shook his head firmly.

"Are you worried that I will become the next wisdom, destiny and time?"

Zhao Mu asked in advance.

"Just understand."

The holy stone sighed.

If he could, he really wanted to hug Zhao Mu's thigh now.

After all, in this way, he can escape the seal.

However, the blame is Zhao Mu for showing too strong.

Destiny and Time were once the number one powerhouse in the human-devil world, but they all mysteriously disappeared.

So was Zhi. A few years ago, the world from the lower dimension was grabbed to pieces by the mysterious corpses. Someone had guessed the cause of the death of these three people. He believed that what Zhao Mu said was true, but because of this, he could not be buried with Zhao Mu.

God knows when, the mysterious corpse will stare at Zhao Mu.

"I have one last support. I can smash the ruins of the battle of gods."

Zhao Mu smiled.

Looking at Zhao Mu's confident smile, the expressions of the immortal living dead such as Shengshi and Kong Ming became gloomy.

Zhao Mu, unexpectedly knew their biggest weakness.

They could not leave the ruins of the gods war, not just because the dimensional law of the ruins of the gods war was sealed, because they were sealed by themselves, the real reason was that they could not survive for a long time outside the ruins of the gods war.

Once the ruins of the battle of Gods are broken, they will die one after another.

This is the greatest secret of the immortal and living dead, but it was easily exposed by Zhao Mu in front of them.

This is a threat, threaten them with their lives.

"How did you know?"

Kong Ming said dryly.

"Because of the higher immortal magic element. UU reading"

Zhao Mu said calmly.

Higher immortal magic element and mysterious matter. The former allows life to evolve, while the latter’s temporarily known ability is to reappear the true spirit of the dead. The combination of the two makes a part of the immortal that has once died become more perfect than humans. The immortal living dead.

There is nothing wrong with it. Immortal and living dead are higher life forms than immortality.

But it is not completely higher, but half higher.

This is equivalent to the evolution of marine organisms into terrestrial organisms. Half of the evolution cannot fully survive on land. They can only live in a swamp environment as a transitional period. If the swamp is gone, the land cannot climb up, and it cannot survive back to the ocean.

Otherwise, how could the twenty-one immortal living dead have been trapped in the ruins of God's War for hundreds of millions of years but there is no way.

As the saying goes, can't you not afford to hide?

Also, the dog jumped the wall in a hurry.

However, these immortal living dead did not find a way to separate the ruins of the gods from the world of humans and demons, and escape into multiple dimensions to stay away from the world of humans and demons. They did not dare to destroy the ruins of the wars of Gods and immortalize the humans and demons who had been oppressing them. Give up oppression when both lose.

They didn't dare to do any of these, at best, they would steal their costumes and sell them stupidly to gain some living space.

There is only one reason, they do not have the conditions to lose both sides.

The ruins of the battle of Gods do not need to be destroyed, they only need to break a few gaps and they will suffer huge losses.

For hundreds of millions of years, the weakness of the immortal living dead has not been found.

But I can’t hide the biological reproductive equipment. Even though the biological reproductive equipment has been in the forest of insects, in fact, it has split a lot of cells and turned into insects. Breeding ears and eyes.

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