Night Evolution

Chapter 1039: Fall of the Holy Emperor

Chapter 1039

   "How did such a holy emperor die?"

   Zhao Mu couldn't help asking.

   "No one can kill the emperor, unless the emperor does his own death..."

   Dark Night Blade said solemnly.

   Zhao Mu continued to listen, and the subsequent stories made him feel extremely ridiculous.

  Multi-dimensionality, immortality can live forever in one dimension, and Xeon Immortal can dominate in one dimension. If it further reaches the realm of immortality and sacredness, even in multiple dimensions, it is almost a rampant existence under the holy emperor.

   As for the holy emperor himself, he has surpassed the immortal sacred, and can be called the strongest immortal sacred.

   Invincible for a long time, the emperor has lost the fun of playing the rebel game.

He began to leave the rebels a life, he began to tame the rebels, in short, how interesting is it, facing the Holy Emperor who controls the dimensional rules, these rebels even have extravagant hopes for death, because the Holy Emperor can travel through time and space so that they will never die. Drop.

   Until one day, a rebel asked the Holy Emperor a question.

   Why did you turn from a wise emperor to a lunatic?

   Facing this question, the Holy Emperor actually answered.

He said that he was too tired and boring. At that time, everything he had could not give him the slightest mood swing. If he did not change himself, if he did not look for new stimulation, he would not feel that he was still alive, let alone feel happy. .

   He has thought about it, and when he has enough play, he will be who he once was.

   Bury the heavens, recreate the dimensions of the heavens, or directly reverse the time and space and return to when he was still Mingjun.

   No one will know all the absurdities he had once, and he is a wise holy emperor in the new dimension of the heavens.

   The rebel was silent, and finally he asked one last question.

  Is the game without opponents fun?

This time, the emperor is silent. No one knows what the emperor was thinking. He may be really bored with the life that he will always win, or he may be bored with the omniscience and omnipotence that controls the dimensional rules and can easily know everything in the future. .

   Soon after that, the emperor divided his dimensional rules into three.

   He will seal the one-third dimensional rule that represents the past into the depths of the void.

Since then, the emperor no longer knows the future. Facing his oppression, there is a steady stream of rebels from the heavens. However, the emperor no longer knows the future, but he is still invincible, because he can go back to the past even in the most sinister situation. Started again.

   During this period of unknowable future, the emperor enjoyed infinite happiness.

   I don't know how long it has been, and the Emperor is tired of the past.

   He will also seal the one-third dimensional rules that represent the past. From now on, only the present dimensional rules are left. You can no longer know the past and the future, let alone go to the past and the future, but even so, the Holy Emperor is still invincible.

   In the most tragic battle, the emperor once faced twelve immortal divines alone.

That was the only time the Holy Emperor took the initiative to retreat. However, no one could stop the Holy Emperor with the help of the dimensional rules. The Holy Emperor wandered in the dimensions of the heavens, using sneak attacks to kill the twelve immortal sacreds one by one. Countless creatures in the Zhan Zhutian dimension felt desperate.

   is only one-third of the holy emperor, still no one can overthrow it.

   All beings are desperate, and hope is hidden in despair.

   The twelve immortal sacreds, if they always gather together and never separate, can they besieged the emperor?

   The premise is that the emperor does not leave or escape, otherwise it will be destroyed by each one sooner or later.

Since then, countless heroes of various races have exhausted countless means and sacrifices, and finally found the three-dimensional rule of the Holy Emperor sealed in the depths of the void. They began to try to refine this part of the dimensional rule, playing the Holy Emperor for countless years. Was irritated for the first time.

   The saint emperor wants to withdraw the split dimensional rules, and the immortal sacredness of the new races is to do everything to stop it.

A total of sixteen immortal sacreds joined forces to kill the emperor, of course the emperor can go, but he can only watch the rule of thirds of two dimensions being refined by the sixteen immortal sacreds, if they master the two-thirds of the emperor. The rules are really dangerous.

   This **** battle involving countless dimensions, the final result is that the net is broken and the fish will not die.

The sixteen immortal sacreds did not expect that the emperor had hidden strength and was killed. At the last moment of life, the three-dimensional rule was sealed, and this part of the dimensional rule was knocked into the depths of the void. The holy emperor was also hit hard Sleeping, unable to find the missing dimensional rules.

   While the Holy Emperor was sleeping, three new immortal divines appeared.

   They found the two-thirds rule, and even refined the two-thirds rule.

   Then they discovered that the Holy Emperor still could not be eliminated.

   Dimensional rules can travel through time and space, so will the current Saint Emperor go back to the past and face another self?

   The answer is no, the emperor who masters the dimensional rules is unique.

If he travels through time and space to return to the past, the multi-dimensional time will all be reversed and returned to the past. If he travels to the future, the multi-dimensional time will accelerate to the future with time. The past, present, and future are unique, unless created by the emperor. Two identical dimensional worlds.

  Three immortal sacreds, successfully controlling the past and future dimensional rules.

   However, they only need to choose to go back to the past, because the dimensional rules are one, the Holy Emperor will follow it back to the past, and the Holy Emperor’s injuries will follow it back to the past, and due to certain conditions they cannot go back ten thousand years ago.

   Dimensional rules can travel through time and space, but traveling through time and space does not require a price.

   For example, if a youth needs to use the dimensional rules to return to childhood, then he can reverse the time of the entire world and return to childhood. At this time, the body of the youth will also become smaller, and the power he possesses will be correspondingly smaller.

   If the three sacred immortals return to ten thousand years ago, they will return to the time when they had not become immortal.

  During that period, their power would fall.

Falling immortal and sacred, they can no longer control the two-thirds This is invincible with an adult's gun skills. He wants to go back to his childhood and shoot an old enemy, although the gun is still in his hand, But when I was young, my childish body would hurt myself with recoil after a shot.

   Unable to go back to the past to cooperate with the 16th National Congress of the Immortal Sacred to obliterate the Holy Emperor, the three immortal sacreds had to start subcultivation.

   They believe that they will soon reach the realm of the Holy Emperor.

   At that time, find the holy emperor who is hiding to heal and recover the remaining one-third dimension rules. The three of them will control one-third of the three dimensions. They will check and balance each other and rule the dimensions of the heavens. The dimensions of the heavens will surely step out of the darkness and usher in light.

   But they don't know that reality is always crueler than thought.

   Hundreds of thousands of years later, the sleeping emperor woke up, and immediately found the three immortal sacreds.

The three immortal sacreds died on the spot, and the holy emperor was wounded and wounded not far from death. The only way to recover from the injury and save himself was to go back to the past, but the three immortal sacreds sealed the dimensional rules of returning to the past. The holy emperor could only choose Stay in the current dimension and wait for death.

   As for going to the future, he is already dead in the future, and he will die the moment he goes to the future.

   In desperation, the emperor had to start planning how to resurrect after death.

At this time, he had no spare energy to refine all the dimensional rules. The emperor created a new dimensional world with his dying body. The material for the new world was all the fallen, immortal and sacred corpses, and then he buried himself in this world and was about to die. The state itself is completely sealed.

  :. :

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