Night Evolution

Chapter 1072: Blood Guardian

Chapter 1072

"there is a problem?"

   Zhao Mu looked at Hong Ling'er who had recovered the blood sea treasure box and asked cautiously.


   Hong Linger nodded.

Returning to the Blood Sea Treasure Box, this time it was not to absorb the sea of ​​blood but to release the sea of ​​blood. The sea of ​​blood one light-year in diameter rushed out in the void, and finally turned into a huge swirling vortex, leaving less than a hundred thousand blood cells. A meter-diameter blood source world is wrapped.

   The sea of ​​blood keeps rotating and compressing, and the blood source world keeps shrinking.

   When it shrinks to a critical point of ten kilometers, when the blood source sacred stone is no longer visible to the naked eye.

   I saw countless blood source sacred stone fragments, forming a source sacred text under the pressure of the blood sea.

The origin sacred text corresponding to the origin of the blood origin is not the origin of the origin, but it can also have half the effect of the origin of the origin. It is no wonder that the blood origin world does not have the origin of the blood origin but can continue to grow. The fundamental reason lies in this origin. Holy text.

   Hong Linger’s Blood Sea Treasure Box has this original sacred text, but it is not a genuine but a duplicate.

   The original sacred text and the original source of power were born together, after the birth, they were divided and scattered in the heavens and all over the world.

   Whether you want to reunite with the origin of the sacred text or the origin of the origin, it is not easy.

   Immortal and sacred, itself is divided into strengths and weaknesses.

   To fully grasp all the origins of a source power is just to become the foundation of immortality and sacred. Mastering a sacred king weapon is enough to reach the second level. If you master the source power of the source sacred text body, it is enough to transform to the third level.

   If the Blood Sea Treasure Box swallows this original sacred text body, it will be enough to rank up to the top in the sacred king artifact.

   Seeing this original holy text, Hong Linger subconsciously wanted to control the blood sea treasure box to swallow.

   Zhao Mu grabbed Hong Ling'er and shook his head, his catastrophic pupils sensed the unknown disaster.

Hong Linger took a few deep breaths to calm down, and took out the blood source bow and blood source arrow composed of the source of blood. The bow and the arrow passed through the sea of ​​blood and penetrated the source sacred text. The source sacred text burst into pieces, and countless appeared in it. Mysterious lines in white, black and gray.

   "Four original sacred texts."

   Hong Linger exclaimed.

   Zhao Mu also noticed that this is basically the overlapping and fusion of the four original sacred texts of blood, natural disasters, death and guardianship.

   The source sacred text has a certain control effect and restraint effect on the source force.

   The reverse is also true, mutual benefit and restraint.

   The source of the source force, as long as it bears the power, it is mainly responsible for the birth of more source force.

   But the original sacred text is different, and it is responsible for the power characteristics of carrying the original force.

   To give the simplest example, the sacred text of the origin of blood, which can control and restrain all blood abilities between heaven and earth, as long as it meets the definition of blood, it will be included in the origin sacred text and become a part.

   The original blood is pure biological blood.

But if the life of a planet, they believe that the river is the blood of the planet, then this new definition of blood will be captured by the original holy scriptures. By coming to this planet through the original holy scriptures of blood, they can completely control all the rivers on the planet. .

   So in theory, any kind of original sacred text can be infinitely expanded under the dimensional rules.

   is like the metal origin sacred text. If all beings in the heavens and all realms believe that flour is also a kind of metal, then the flour will really become a kind of metal, and the metal origin sacred text can manipulate all flours in multiple dimensions.

   The relationship between the source text and the source force is strictly speaking the relationship between program software and computer hardware.

To get a body of the original sacred text instead of a weakened copy of the program, then it is only a matter of time to collect the source of the source power and become the immortal sacred. In turn, you can directly obtain all the source of the source power. You have to consider whether you can refining it or not. .

   The four original sacred texts in front of them are equivalent to the birth of four immortal sacreds.

   Zhao Mu finally understood why the giant beast could be restrained here.

Even though they are ancient beasts of natural disasters, ancestors and death beasts, they only reach the immortal sacred level in their internal strength. In fact, the true spirit and soul are far from the immortal sacred standard. In this case, the original holy text can even deprive them. The source of power in the body.


   I saw countless crushed blood sacred stones aggregated into stones, and the stones aggregated into a stone man.

   In the stone human body, Zhao Mu perceives the true spirit inside.

   The four source sacred texts are sleeping in the blood source world, not only because the sea of ​​blood blocks the giant beast, but also because a true spirit has been born in it to form a new life. This life can already control the four source sacred texts to a certain extent.

   did not prevent the sea of ​​blood from being taken away, the reason is actually very simple.

Like the three giant beasts, the body is too strong and the true spirit is not strong enough to fall asleep. After all, the existence of these empty immortal sacred powers is not a step-by-step increase in strength, but a step-by-step ascent to the sky, compared to other penances. They have taken a shortcut to the immortal and sacred existence.

   The blood sea treasure box taking away the blood sea is equivalent to taking away almost all the body of this stone man.

   Losing the sea of ​​blood, the strength was greatly reduced, but it was because of this that the real spirit controlled the body a lot easier, and then revived to rely on the blood source sacred stone to form the body. It is conservatively estimated that this stone man possesses half-step immortal and sacred power.

   "I'm going to fight today."

   Zhao Mu said solemnly.

   Hong Linger nodded solemnly. Once they lost today, their losses would be too great.


   The blood source stone man raised his hand and punched the sea of ​​blood that wrapped him.

   The original sacred text of the blood suppressed the power of the blood sea treasure box, and the guarding the original sacred text protects itself from the anti-restraint of the blood sea treasure box. The original source of power and the original sacred text that originally restrained each other became unilateral suppression at this moment.

   The sea of ​​blood scattered, and a natural disaster cloud appeared on the head of the blood source stone man.

   The natural disaster cloud fell and wrapped around the body, forming an ugly-looking natural disaster armor covering the whole body.

   The Blood Stone Man raised his head and looked at Hong Ling'er, his eyes full of madness and chaos rushing over.

Along the way, the sea of ​​blood kept entwining the seal, which could only delay but could not cause the slightest harm to the blood stone man. Relying on the blocking and interception of the blood sea, Zhao Mu and Hong Linger kept retreating to observe the blood stone man, trying to find the weakness of this life. solve.

   "True Chaos is a lunatic."

  Zhao Mu first said that he guessed that the true spirit born in it was naturally chaotic due to the conflict of the four source sacred texts ~ ~ limited ability. "

   Hong Linger added.

Zhao Mu nodded. The four source sacred texts involve a lot of power, but this blood source stone man uses the original texts very crudely. A single source sacred text can only exert very little power, just like the origin of natural disasters. The sacred text only used the tsunami natural disaster.

  Why is this, Zhao Mu guessed that it is because the four original sacred texts are mutually exclusive.

   Even so, the blood stone man is still powerful and terrifying.

   Tsunami natural disasters are like armor, not to mention that the waves weaken the damage, the damage is also the superimposed waves.

  Guardian Needless to say, the armor formed by the tsunami disaster is a super tortoise shell.

   "I will try."

Zhao Mu said that he flashed beside the blood source stone man, and the surface of the time and space torture knife was condensed on the surface of countless one-dimensional world lines to cut it down. However, this method that once caused serious damage to Hong Linger could only barely cut the blood source. Tsunami Scourge armor on the stone body.

   This is more than that, as one slash hit, layer upon layer of counter shocks came.

   Almost instantly, Zhao Mu's blood burned.

   Dimensionally teleported out of the sea of ​​blood, Zhao Mu burned up and down from the body and almost turned into coke.

   The blood boils, and the blood source stone man masters the blood boil in terms of the origin of blood.

   Time flows backwards, Zhao Mu's body recovered as coke.

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