Night Evolution

Chapter 1090: Wannian Retreat

Chapter 1090

"Is it because of this?"

Zhao Mu thought of a possibility.

At that moment, when he touched the time dimension, he discovered that a part of this dimensional world is now dimensional.

This world will not be destroyed, and the source of the world will not appear.

The sacred ghost domain is likely to accelerate the destruction of this world, and then recover the current dimensional source power source, so it seems that although the refining of the original holy text is temporarily reduced, it will wait until the half-percent refining loss of the source power source is recovered. Will make it back soon.

Relatively speaking, he and the regular clock just came in to make up the numbers.

What's the truth? Let's wait and see.

The most important thing is to use the time here to accelerate to become immortal.

Ten times faster, he can become immortal for thousands of years.

The world is barren. There is no other life except insects. Even the traces of civilization have been eaten by insects. These insects have nothing to eat, that is, the soil is eaten up a little bit. It can be expected that the entire world will have nothing but insects in the end.

Zhao Mu and the regular clock searched for a few days in the void, and finally came to a small island in the sea.

Although the island is small, there are no bugs on it, which saves the effort of cleaning.

He didn't find it by coincidence, but the Death Source Force guided him all the way to find it. Now the only place in the whole world that is still alive is this small island, lying on the edge of the island, Zhao Mu saw countless dandelion-like plants on the island.

Before looking forward, Zhao Mu and the regular clock sat down on the beach at the same time.

Because of luck that descended from the sky and gathered on their bodies, they even understood the origin of the plants on the island.

In the dimension world opened up by the Holy Emperor, the world will has no wisdom.

There is no lowest class, only instinct.

The world is heading for destruction, and the world will instinctively begin to save itself.

When the worm swallows everything, the will of the world gathers the power of the whole world to give birth to the nemesis of the worm.

These dandelion-like plants, as long as they encounter the wind, they will have their seeds flying with the wind. When encountering bugs, they will take the flesh of the bugs as nutrients to root and germinate, and then grow into new plants in just a few seconds. The seeds of the wind drifted away.

So in theory, this plant can save the world.

However, the world is too big and there are too many bugs.

Facing a huge dimensional world with a diameter of tens of thousands of light-years, these plant seeds flutter with the wind, how fast the wind can be, and how long does it take for the wind to blow tens of thousands of light-years, even if the world is too big, it takes time for insects to eat .

Estimate, when this plant is extinct, the whole world will basically be over.

At this time, he and the regular clock appeared.

Although they are outsiders, at this time they are the only intelligent beings, and the will of the world has no choice but to regard them as saviors. Their current state is the luck of the whole world plus the favor of heaven.

It's no wonder that Ghost Domain Sacred didn't say anything when he came in.

Because there is no need, he has a guardian rattle and can definitely find it here, and then he will become the Son of Destiny.

"Just retreat here until it becomes immortal and sacred."

Zhao Mu threw out the guardian rattle and walked into the small world opened up in the valley.

With the help of time acceleration, Zhao Mu began to fully integrate the past dimensional rules.

There is also a place for the regular clock. Her body is already a sacred king. The only difference is that her true spirit and soul will become immortal and sacred. Then, she will naturally be able to use the full power of her body to become a living sacred king.

The passage of time does not count the years, a hundred years, millennia and tens of thousands of years will pass.

In the first few thousand years, there was still luck. In the next few thousand years, the world will see them indifferently and abandon them.

But relying on luck and luck, the rule clock has been strengthened whether it is intangible or wise, and it has only taken thousands of years to become immortal and sacred. However, Hong Linger can only wait and dare not have the slightest opinion if Hong Linger does not leave the customs. .

Ten thousand years have passed, guarding the lost city of time inside the rattle.

In ten thousand years, Zhao Mu was still a little short of becoming immortal and sacred.

This is the last point, no matter what.

At first I didn't understand, but after thousands of years, I figured out how to understand.

Xeon Immortal becomes immortal sacred, a total of three processes are required.

The first step is to use the source power that you have mastered as the core, trace the source to get a little source power, and then use this source power to absorb all the same source power of the entire universe.

At this time, it can be said to be half-step immortal and sacred.

He and the regular clock, because of the direct integration of the existing source of power, directly omitted this step.

The second step is to transform the body and the true spirit.

The body must integrate the source force and the source and continue to assimilate. Instead of the source force and source being merged into the body, the body is integrated into the source force source. In the end, the body completely disappears and only the source force source is left, and then the body is reshaped by the source force source.

Regardless of flesh and blood or bones, all are made up of source power.

In the third step, the true spirit and the soul merge into the original source.

After complete integration, the source of the source force is the true spirit, and the true spirit is the source of the source force. The body composed of the true spirit and the source force is not distinguished from each other. It can be said that as long as there is a little bit of source force, the source is immortal and sacred. Will fall completely.

If you want to kill the immortal sacred, you can only completely defeat or deprive one of the immortal sacred true spirits in the source of the source power.

The reason why the sacred shadows and the sacred voids did not die completely is because they still have part of the source of the true spirit fused with the true spirit. Their so-called resurrection process is actually to expand the remaining source of the true spirit that is integrated with the true spirit.

In the end, the true spirit is reintegrated into all the source of power, and the power is completely restored to become immortal and sacred.

This step is actually very easy, but the difficulty is how to gather the source of energy.

As if the shadow is sacred, most of his shadow source power has been smashed and scattered in the immortal What he has done over the years is to use the only remaining source power of the true spirit, like a magnet The scattered source of energy gathered together.

Finally, after true spirit refining and fusion, it will be completely resurrected immediately.

Zhao Mu has now completed the first step long ago. In the third step, his true spirit is also completely integrated into the source of the past dimensionality, and even he is further integrated into the past dimensional rules than other immortal sacreds. However, the second step cannot be completely transformed. .

If he cannot completely transform, he will not be able to completely control the past dimensional rules.

Zhao Mu had already figured out why it was stuck.

The dimensional rules are complete, and the source of the source is also complete. Although the power of any part can match or exceed all the immortal sacred, it is not enough to make him immortal.

He has now reached the immortal sacred power of Wannian refining, but his own realm is only one line from the immortal sacred.

To cross this line, at least three sources must gather together.

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