Night Evolution

Chapter 1123: Dimensional membrane

Chapter 1123

"It's magnificent."

Zhao Mu admired after watching it for a long time.

He, who had personally explored the heavens and myriad worlds with the help of dimensional rules, knew the secrets of Tianshu Palace better than anyone other than Saint Emperor.

The three thousand six hundred realms of the heavens and the tens of thousands of trillions of sand in the Ganges form an extremely large and complex formation. This formation covers the heavens and the universe in the void, forming the dimensional membrane of the heavens and the universe. .

Through the fetal membrane of this dimension, the heavens and the worlds can draw infinite energy from the void outside the heavens and the worlds.

More than 90% of the resource output of 3388 realms is used to maintain the operation of this dimension of fetal membranes.

This is the same as production. The cost is more than 90%, and the net income is the rest.

This is why, obviously there are three thousand six hundred realms, but there are only more than one hundred immortal sacred.

Because the resources of the heavens and worlds are not as many as imagined, in fact they can only support so much immortal and sacred consumption.

In fact, he doubted, is the last part of the source of dimensional source power the Tianshu Palace?

No matter what you think, the amazing energy consumption of dimensional power can only be provided by dimensional membranes?

In addition to gathering energy, the dimensional fetal membrane can also make the heavens and worlds invisible.

This effect seems useless, but it is actually very useful.

What is the greatest fear in life?

The answer is unknown!

Is the emperor scary?

All immortality and sacred know it, but they don't fear beyond the heavens.

The reason is simple, because they are ignorant, they cannot reach beyond the heavens.

But the holy emperor can. He is the only existence outside of the heavens and myriad worlds. Is there any other world in the void outside, is there any other civilized race, is there any existence that does not lose to the holy emperor or even stronger than the holy emperor? ?

These questions are all unknown, the holy emperor may be fearful or not, but he will definitely be cautious.

Therefore, he assembled the power of the immortal sacred dynasty to build the Tianshu Temple, and built a large dimensional fetal membrane formation with countless planes, hiding the heavens and the world, so that he would not be more powerful than the heavens and the world. , And found by aggressive outsiders.

Even if there is no threat from the outside world, even if it is just scaring yourself.

But the Holy Emperor did it anyway, because he didn't allow anything like probability to threaten him.

Even if there is a more powerful existence, and the possibility of destroying the heavens and the world is only one in countless trillions, the holy emperor will once again reduce this probability through the dimensional fetal membranes by countless times. It is just the merits of the holy emperor in this day. It's indelible.

Not to mention relying on dimensional rules, nearly half of the dimensional worlds of the heavens and the world were created by the emperor.

The remaining half, although most of them are naturally formed or other immortal and immortal sacred creations, there are also holy emperors who contribute to the flames. In this way, the entire heavens and all realms are basically created by the holy emperor, and he is certainly qualified to be a faint king. Drop the heavens and the world.

Because of this, Zhao Mu never thought how bad the emperor was, and never thought how bad the emperor was.

The grievances between him and the emperor were nothing but private grievances, but a dispute over interests.

No one in the heavens and worlds can criticize the holy emperor on a moral level.

Seeing this Tianshu Temple with his own eyes, he couldn't help but admire the Saint Emperor again.

The best way to admire is to surpass him and destroy him.

"What are you worrying about?"

Zhao Mu asked casually.

"A lot of worries."

Ghost Realm Sacred replied at will, "I'm considering whether to destroy the dimensional membranes, how to solve the troubles you brought to the Holy Emperor Capital, how to find the Holy Emperor and the source of nothingness in your mouth, there are too many things to worry about. ."

"Whether you want to destroy the dimensional fetal membrane or not, you decide for yourself, and I will solve the remaining troubles."

Zhao Mu said earnestly, "Since the sacred land disaster and the sacred destiny are used by the holy emperor to deal with me, I will naturally not let him down. What I care about now is how much you can achieve?"

"No more than twenty immortal divines are not my opponents."

Ghost Realm said seriously.

"how did you do that?"

Zhao Mu couldn't help asking.

As far as he knows, even the five elements, time and space, and the source of destiny, there is no way for an immortal sacred to compete with a dozen immortal sacreds. According to this calculation, without using the human body system and the dimensional source of power, it is already He who controls time and space and the five elements is not a sacred opponent of the ghost realm.

"Because the barbarians are human after death."

The ghost realm said indifferently.

When Zhao Mu heard these words, he immediately understood why Ghost Realm Sacred was so confident.

People die for ghosts, ghosts die for zhan, zhan die for hope, die for barbarian hope, but after the barbarian dies, he is born out of nothing and becomes a man again. The sacred ghost of the realm uses this cycle to achieve almost immortality, the only kill The way to get rid of the sacredness of the ghost realm is in the middle of her state of death and transformation into another state.

The weakness is obvious, but who can grasp this weakness?

What's more, this is not necessarily the deepest hidden hole card in the ghost realm.

Who will tell others about the real hole cards?

"How are you going to solve the dilemma?"

Ghost Domain Holy asked.

"Do it directly."

Zhao Mu said.

Ghost Realm Sacred reached out and grabbed Zhao Mu's left hand and pressed a black grimace mark on the back of his hand.

Zhao Mu left the Tianshu Temple and went straight to the residence of the saints in the city.

Little Destiny is not sacred in the imperial capital of the holy dynasty. It seems to be looking for a treasure in the forbidden land near the imperial capital of the holy dynasty.

As for the sacredness of the earth, people are in the sage’s residence.

The immortal sacred is equivalent to walking natural disasters. If nothing else, the immortal sacred will truly devour external energy without any scruples, and it will cover a tenth of a realm like a black hole. This is why one realm can only Feed an immortal divine.

And to fish for inexhaustible zeal, immortality and sacredness must also manage their respective territories.

The residence of the saints, here is one percent of the source of immortality.

Therefore, not only the immortal sacred who came to the holy dynasty will live here, but also an intermediary point for the immortal sacred to trade with each other, basically every immortal sacred will send their cronies to stay here.

The strongest immortal guard guarding at the door intended to intercept but saw Zhao Mu raise his left hand.

Suddenly knelt down on one knee to welcome Zhao Mu into the sage's residence.

The sage’s residence is very and sacred. At present, there is only one immortal and sacred here. The other immortal and sacred cronies who live here have nothing to do and do not walk around casually, but a world opened up in the guest room. Grasp every second to absorb the source of immortality.

The source of immortality can be used for oneself, not to mention, can be used to cultivate immortality.

The imperial capital of the holy dynasty is immortal with tens of millions, and more than 90% are immortal with the source of immortality.

Who makes the immortal source power the original production source power is astonishing, although the immortal source power is weak to kill and becomes immortal and weak, but the immortal formations of the same source power are more likely to overlap with each other.

For the myth of the heavens and the world, the source of immortality is the easiest source of power.

Walking to the door of the sacred room on the ground, Zhao Mu gently knocked on the door.

After all, this is the sacred industry of the ghost realm. She has already given her convenience, and he is not embarrassed to wreak havoc here. It is best to solve him without giving the sacred many opportunities to destroy, so as not to disturb other immortal sacreds. .

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