Night Evolution

Chapter 1127: Protozoa

Reference 1127

The deserted void, the void flying boat traversed the last transit world.

Continuing forward, there is no chaotic storm of the Residue Nebula, but only a long canyon suspended in the void, with boundless cliffs on both sides, and a canyon channel with a diameter of only a few million miles in the middle.

If calculated by a canyon, this canyon is huge and amazing.

But if calculated in the world, this truly barren ancient forbidden place is actually very small. Unknown forces on both sides of the cliff cannot pass through. If you want to reach the deepest part of the canyon, you can only go all the way in from the canyon entrance.

Stepping on the ground of the canyon, Zhao Mu immediately felt the difference.

The surrounding material density, space density, and gravity are all powerful and terrifying. Even if the immortal sacred is here, it is difficult to fly into the air, and it cannot even cause damage in a range of more than several kilometers here. Pick up a small stone here and place it. The heavens and myriad worlds might not be able to crush a plane.

This is only the outermost periphery of the forbidden land, if it is close to the core, the immortal and sacred place is not even better than the mortal.

From the outer ring to the inner ring, it is almost 80 million miles away.

This kind of distance that the outside world can traverse at random, it will take several years to cross here at the earliest.

Open the system store, Zhao Mu created a one-time guardian rattle.

Because of the sacred fusion of the three natural disasters, the guardian rattle now has only an empty shell.

But he can also make fake goods, and can also summon three giant beasts.

The guardian behemoth only appeared, and it had been forcibly compressed to a size of five meters by the barren ancient forbidden area. Zhao Mu jumped onto the guardian behemoth's back, and the guardian behemoth immediately began to run straight forward, spreading the guardian sacred realm rampage along the way.

No more than a few thousand miles deep, I have already encountered the most dangerous part of the outer ring.

It was a swamp that blocked the canyon, and it was densely packed with blue insects like mosquitoes.

Zhao Mu controlled the guardian behemoth to stop, and Time Lost City locked in some source-biting mosquitoes and sent time and space suction. Many source-biting mosquitoes were immediately drawn into Time Lost City and trapped in the fog of time and space. The system source force scanned and began to analyze this bite. Source mosquitoes.

The source mosquitoes are only born in this swamp. Once they leave the swamp, they will soon die.

Source biting mosquito, the name has it all.

This kind of bug can directly eat the immortal sacred source force, and then produce targeted toxicity against the source force. The targeted poisonous performance produces a very powerful killing effect on the matched source force. Once upon a time, I did not know how many immortal sacred sources tried to captive control. Source mosquitoes.

The results failed without exception, and these source mosquitoes left the swamp and soon died.

Whether it is the seal belt leaving the barren ancient forbidden land, or finding some other insects to hybridize with the source mosquitoes, the source mosquitoes cannot be successfully brought out of the barren ancient forbidden land. The final conclusion is that all species in the barren ancient forbidden land are not suitable for the world.

This is like the source of the heavens and worlds, entering the barren ancient forbidden land will be greatly suppressed.

The reverse is also true. The life of the barren ancient forbidden land will also be suppressed when it enters the heavens and all realms, and there is no immortal life-level life here. The immortal sacredness can be threatened only because of the suppression of the immortal sacredness by the forbidden land.

If you really take it outside, even though the source mosquito restrains the source force, the immortal and sacred can also be culled on a large scale.

Only in the deserted ancient forbidden land, the source-eater mosquito can make the immortal sacred retreat.

Zhao Mu held a source mosquito and tried to touch it with various source forces.

Except for the dimensional source power, all other source powers are eaten.

People eat at least meat. This source biting mosquito has eaten a lot of source power, but there is no sign of growth. The source power that was eaten disappeared without a trace. The next moment Zhao Mu suddenly watched. Swamp forward.

Before the source mosquito ate his source power, there were 633,289,105 source mosquitoes in the swamp.

But now, there are 26 more.

Almost a unit of source power, allowing an extra source mosquito to emerge from the swamp.

He could discover this change. First, the source of the system has strong computing power. Second, his brain has been continuously strengthened by the system. Finally, he just covered the swamp with the dimensional holy world that will not be eaten by the source mosquito.

Replaced with other immortal sacred, it is impossible to find the change in the number of source mosquitoes when the source force is eaten.

Zhao Mu continued to feed the source mosquitoes in his hands, and the dimensional holy world continued to envelope the swamp.

In the next moment, Zhao Mu appeared in the swamp near the cliff on the left, and punched the surface of the swamp with his bare hands without using any source force. Even though the astonishing force of gravity in the ancient forbidden land was suppressed, the shock wave produced by his punch also caused A kilometer deep hole appeared in the swamp.

At the bottom of the deep pit, Zhao Mu saw a thumb-sized stone egg from which the newborn source mosquitoes were born.

The dimensional holy world distorted the space, and the stone egg fell in the hand.

The source mosquitoes in the entire swamp are like crazy. The Dimensional Holy Realm stretches the distance between Zhao Mu and the source mosquito infinitely. The closest distance is only a few meters, but they want to fly over these meters after an infinite stretch. It will take at least a few minutes.

Taking a closer look at the stone eggs, Zhao Mu found a little bit of real spirit aura in it.

Very weak, very bleak.

Zhao Mu thought for a while, condensed a subsystem and pressed it towards the stone egg.

The source of the system that forms the subsystem is eaten by the pebbles, but the process of eating is very slow.

Obviously, source-eating mosquitoes can consume the source of energy in seconds, but the source of energy is a little more difficult.

However, this is him. The origin of the system's origin is different from other origins. Because it has to parasitize and control other origins, it is good at self-split and proliferate, so it doesn't care about a little loss. Where can other immortal sacreds be willing to consume their own origins to test the origin Can mosquitoes eat it?

Zhao Mu increased the infusion of the source of the system, increasing the number to the point where the pebbles could not be eaten.

In this case, the sub-system composed of the source force of the system finally penetrates the stone egg and the life in it, and touches the true spirit in the life body and begins to parasitize the subsystem. The weak life in the stone egg can no longer resist. Finally controlled by the parasitic subsystem.

The swallowing ability disappeared, and Zhao Mu successfully enslaved the life in the stone egg.

Through the true spirit of the stone egg, he also knew the true face of the stone egg.

This stone egg is a peculiar life called Primordial Insect. The origin is unknown. When the true spirit has a weak memory, it has been on the verge of death in the swamp of the barren ancient forbidden land. The instinct for survival has created the source mosquito. This life is responsible for collecting source power. Nourish yourself.

If hundreds of millions of years pass, this protozoan will completely die in the egg.

There is still a rescue. If an astonishing amount of source power is consumed, this primordial worm can survive and burst out of the shell. The instant the real spirit and blood resonance will awaken the memory of the ancestors and get the blood Primordial Insects will also have the power not to lose to the immortal sacred directly after breaking the shell.

There is no second, the Primordial Insect is the most terrifying creature in his cognition.

Zhao Mu held on to the stone eggs, he wanted to hatch the origin insects now.

The origin of this thing is older than the heavens and the worlds, and there may be records from the heavens and the worlds in the memory of inheritance.

Even the true origin of the barren ancient forbidden land, the inheritance memory of the Origin Insect may be able to find clues.

Zhao Mu was admiring the stone eggs, and suddenly felt that something on his body was consumed in large quantities.

Perceive carefully, this is almost nothing that the aura of the heavens and worlds shrouded him suddenly dissipated.

His Qi Luck chosen as the Son of Destiny by the Source of Nothingness has been completely exhausted by the stone eggs of the Origin Insect.

Intuition told him that this protozoan was probably the key to his truly jumping out of the chessboard to become a chess player.

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