Night Evolution

Chapter 1140: The true face of the saint

Reference 1140

In the Imperial Palace Tianshu Hall, the holy emperor looked back and forth at the projections of the heavens and the world, meditating.

He had to admit that he lost to the saint.

Back then, his greatest threat was the saint. He persuaded the saint to join hands with him more than once. He even had some admiration for the saint. However, the saint stubbornly stood on the side of the origin, and was finally personally handed over by him. The seal is in the past time and space.

He also wondered if the saint had ulterior motives, otherwise, why did she stand by instead of breaking through for help.

But this is just conjecture, and there is no evidence.

Until now, he finally realized that he was used by the saint.

Like him, the saint wanted to gain the power of the Origin Insect.

But the saint’s heart is darker. She knows that the power of the Origin Insect is not easy to grasp. The parents and grandparents of the Origin Insect and several offspring will stare at the power that belongs to the Origin Insect. This part of the power is also a part of the hand. Hot potato.

Just look at him and you will know that you have to create a dimensional membrane to hide in the heavens and worlds and dare not go out.

So the saint borrowed the knife to kill people, and used his power to kill the Origin Insect.

In this way, he is rebellious, but the saint is a saint who is loyal to the Origin Insect. As long as the saint can kill him and find a suitable excuse, he can take the Origin Insect's power in an open manner without worrying. The revenge of the other Origin Insects in the void.

For countless years, the saint seemed to be trapped by him, and could only release her power to a limited extent.

But in fact, the saint has already had the means to escape.

He didn't even know how many life-killing methods the saint had prepared against him?

It's useless to think, conspiracy methods ultimately depend on strength.

If the Source of Nothingness is really better than him, he won't be sealed by him back then. After all, his strength is not as good as him. Even if Source of Nothingness has made considerable progress over the years, wouldn't his progress be as good as that woman? .

Last time the two had double wounds, the injury of the source of nothingness would only be more serious than him.

As long as she is still in the heavens, it is only a matter of time to find her.

The holy emperor’s mind is integrated into the dimensional fetal membrane, and the dimensional power of the whole body period sweeps across the heavens and all realms. All the immortal sacreds are forced to kneel on the ground at this moment. At this moment of this day, the holy emperor once brought them the rule and Oppression appeared again.

A few hours later, all the immortal sacreds were dispatched.

They began to team up to explore the forbidden places one by one. There were only a few places where the heavens and the world were not under the control of the dimensional fetal membrane. They only needed to find the past one by one, and the place where the source of nothingness was inevitably would no longer exist.


Zhao Mu looked at the dim light on his body, his expression was a little uncertain.

The holy emperor’s mind swept across the heavens and all realms. He was originally planning to transform the origin power into the dimensional origin power, so as to avoid the detection of the holy emperor through the dimensional fetal membranes. However, he did not expect that he had not used the origin power. Suddenly a layer of faint light composed of origin force burst out.

Take a closer look at the source, the source of the glimmer comes from his bedroom in the Lost City of Time.

The glimmer spreads from there to the Lost Time City. Because Lost Time City is his companion sacred king artifact, the glimmer spreads directly to him, covering the exploration of him by the Holy Emperor's mind blending in the heavens and the world. These glimmers are visible to the naked eye. The number is decreasing.

Don't even think about it, this is the handwriting of the source of nothingness.

The Source of Nothingness had expected this situation a long time ago, so he left this power to help him escape.

If he does not find the source of nothingness as soon as possible, he will fall into the hands of the Holy Emperor.

Locking Hong Ling'er's position, Zhao Mu hurried on his way.

Continuously distorting space and time accelerating, but within a few hours, it has crossed over a dozen realms to reach the forbidden hole of no return in the Tianhe realm, the three thousand and six hundred realms of the heavens, not all realms are chaotic voids.

Some realms are composed of stars, some are planes, and some are pure water.

The entire Tianhe boundary is a huge river flowing in the void. The islands in the river are the worlds. The largest of them is the holy boundary of this boundary. As for the cave of no return, it is located at the bottom of the Tianhe. A forbidden land trampled by the immortal sacred.

Zhao Mu activated the source of water in the Tianhe, and appeared directly outside the cave of no return through the water escape.

He really knew this hole of no return when he mentioned it.

Because Huangshui was sacred, it was once born in the Tianhe realm, and even Huangshui sacred teamed up with the other four immortal sacreds to flatten the hole of no return, and scraped away all the valuable things inside, leaving only an empty shell.

The water of Tianhe River kept being drawn into the hole of no return, and Zhao Mu jumped in along the whirlpool and continued to deepen.

The deeper you go, the more robbery you feel.

Almost every realm will have a forbidden area, large or small.

Zhao Mu didn't know the origin of these forbidden lands before, but now he knows few more forbidden lands. These large and small forbidden lands are not barren and ancient forbidden lands. Why can't the holy emperor help the barren and forbidden lands?

There is only one reason, these forbidden areas are where the Holy Emperor dispersed the seal to suppress the robbery.

In the depths of the forbidden ground, Zhao Mu saw other hidden seals that were invisible to immortality and sacredness.

The seal consists of three parts, the power of the dimensional fetal membrane, the power of the immortal sacred celestial destiny and the power of the heavens and the world, and finally the purest origin power, but the origin power controlled by the holy emperor.

The once perfect seal has many flaws at this moment.

Originally, the power of all forbidden land seals has reached the endurance limit. A few hours ago, the holy emperor dispersed and suppressed at least 30% of the power of the barren ancient forbidden land. Without external damage, the power of suppressing the heavens and all worlds was up to 1,000 It will explode before.

Following the flaw, Zhao Mu easily escaped into the seal.

The robbery force surrounding him was completely unable to harm him. After reaching the deepest part of the seal, Zhao Mu saw a boat.

It is no more than a hundred meters long and less than ten meters wide, and such a small boat feels far better than the immeasurable pearl of the sea. Zhao Mu looked at the deity hidden from a distance, and used the origin power to create a human body that once belonged to him in the origin world. Walk to the boat.

Stepping on the bow, Zhao Mu pushed open the hatch.

Two figures in the door turned their backs to him, and Gui Yu Sheng was combing Hong Ling's hair sitting in front of the dressing table.

"Should I call you Hong Linger or the source of nothingness ~ or saint."

Zhao Mu laughed at himself.

Hong Ling'er didn't react at all, but Ghost Territory Sacred shook her eyes and wept.

"it's all me."

Hong Ling said calmly.


Zhao Mu completely dispelled the last fluke.

The brilliance of Si Yuan Li burst out from Hong Ling's comb in his bedroom with Hong Ling'er.

But he still has a little luck. Maybe it’s just that the source of nothingness left his power on Hong Ling’er’s comb when he didn’t know it, but this does not rule out a chilling possibility, Hong Ling’er is the holy Women are the source of nothingness.

Now the worst result has appeared, Hong Linger has completely deceived everyone from the beginning.

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