Night Evolution

Chapter 1144: jealous

Reference 1144


   Dawn Sacred Realm, the central area of ​​Dawn Plain.


The plain of Nuoda is as smooth as a mirror and is covered with formations. Hundreds of immortal sacreds gather in the plains of Dawn. Through the formation center here, the entire Holy Realm of Dawn will be transformed. They want to make a glimmer of light in the desperate situation. No one can Decide their life and death easily.


   All the immortality and sacred have never noticed that there is one more person among them.


  The Plains of Dawn is a great place, and you can’t step into it unless you are immortal and sacred.


However, this person is like entering no man’s land, walking past every immortal sacred side, lightly tapping on them, and then moving on to the next immortal sacred. In just a few seconds, all immortal sacreds have been unknowingly Click in.


   The Saint Emperor silently left the Dawn Plain, without looking back away from the world.


   Although he betrayed the Origin Insect, he hated traitors the most.


   These immortal sacreds are the mixed-blood saints he created, so he should be completely destroyed.


Don’t look at it as an understatement. In fact, their true spirits have been completely destroyed. The true spirits have been completely destroyed. Then it can’t be said that the true spirits’ fusion source power is immortal and immortal. Now I can’t see the slightest injury just because of the injury by time. Frozen in them.


   Just like a time bomb, these immortal sacreds will undoubtedly die when the time is up.


   Just a few light years after leaving the Dawn Plain, the Holy Emperor suddenly stopped.


   Because of everything around, the world suddenly changed in an instant.


   Just now it was a mountain range, but now it has become a vast ocean, and the sea is undergoing a certain violent transformation, and in an instant it becomes a liquid full of ultra-high strength and viscous. Any physical impact in this liquid will be weakened to the limit.


   In other words, the physical strength of practicing in this sea will be greatly restrained.


He is not surprised that there are traps prepared by the Source of Nothingness. He even vaguely expects to fall into the trap of the Source of Nothingness, because then the source of Nothingness will come into contact with him directly. It is good to kill him here. There is no need to abandon the remaining one-third of the heavens.


   With five fingers like a knife, he waved his hand and cut vertically in front of him.


   The void where the fingertips pass is constantly torn apart, from the surface void to the deep void without breaking apart, and finally penetrates the dimensional membrane and connects with the ancient void, forming a space crack channel that can swallow the holy world and shatter the holy world.


   However, the unknown viscous liquid around it sticks to the gaps in the space and sticks the space.


   The Holy Emperor smiled, and the burst of speed in all aspects instantly reached a flash of light years.


It was only an instant that he had charged in a straight line for nearly a light-year. Along the way, he used a three-meter-long square as a unit to cut the unknown mucus, and then sealed it with the original sacred text, piercing through this piece of preparation to limit his physical strength. Unknown mucus.


   Seeing the scared Hong Linger outside, the Holy Emperor was also slightly taken aback.


"It's you!"


   Saint Emperor said in disbelief.


He never thought that the saint would not hesitate to incarnate his daughter to come close and observe him secretly. What made him even more uncomfortable was that the saint whom he had been stubbornly rejected when he was struggling to pursue, would even get entangled with Zhao Mu. He felt very humiliated.


   was about to taunt, the saint turned around and left.


The emperor chased after him and quickly left the Dawn Sacred Realm, but he didn’t know that the unknown mucus that had trapped him had disappeared shortly after he left. All the unknown mucus continued to shrink, and finally turned into Primogenitor. Adult category Zhao Mu.


   Zhao Mu watched the Holy Emperor leave the Dawn Saint Realm, and his figure fled into the center of the Dawn Saint Realm.


   released the Lost City of Time and got in, Zhao Mu began to contact the part of the body that had been collected in the Siyuan Saint Wentu.


  The Dawn Sacred Realm actually hides a killer move. In the past hundred years, the Ghost Realm Sacred and Hong Linger have secretly lurked in the Dawn Sacred Realm. While they secretly guided the Immortal Sacred to join forces, on the other hand, they collected the resentment of the destruction of all beings in the heavens.


   All these grievances converge on the sacred body of the ghost realm, if special methods are used to sacrifice the entire Dawn Saint Realm all living beings and ghosts.


   Comprehensive stacking is enough to make her erupt in a short time comparable to eternal sacred combat power.


   This way, it is enough to have a small chance of winning when facing the Holy Emperor.


   But under his proposal, Ghost Realm Sacred didn't make a move.


A fifty-three chance of winning is not enough to make people feel at ease. Instead of hoping to win by chance, it is better to find a way to seize the 45,000 original sacred texts of the source text. At that time, not only the power of Time Lost City will increase, but the Saint Emperor himself will also The most important eternal holy relic will be lost.


   Now half of the success, the clone has sneaked into the Siyuan Saint Wentu.


   Origin worms are very special creatures. As long as the true spirit is not destroyed, even if only one cell remains in the body, it can recover, and a single cell can form a clone, and different clones can open the same origin realm together.


   With the help of the increase of Time Lost City, Zhao Mu successfully penetrated the blockade of the Saint Wentu of Siyuan to contact the clone.




   Zhao Mu and Time Lost City disappeared in the heart of the earth and entered the Siyuan Realm, and when they came out again, they had come next to the avatar in Siyuan Saint Ventura.


   The clone returns to the body, and the good fortune beast on Zhao Mu's shoulder activates the illusion of good fortune.


   It was just a moment. A good fortune illusion that was exactly the same as the world in the original text of the origin has been created, and the original force was constantly poured, and the illusion of good fortune began to overlap and merge with the original world of the cottage in the original text of the text.


   At the instant of complete fusion, the original Origin World began to swallow the copycat Origin World.


The original source world of the cottage itself is composed of 45,000 original sacred texts. When the original source world swallows the original source world, it is equivalent to taking away the original sacred text. Of course, it is impossible for the holy emperor to notice such a big movement, but at this time he It is no longer possible to control the original realm of the copycat within the Sacred Text of Siyuan.


   Thinking of the unknown slime that was easily sealed, the emperor was shocked and angry.


   But calm Only fear is left.


  The Origin of the Origin Sacred Text is his most important treasure. Every original origin text in it has been refined by him to form the Origin Origin Realm, not to mention, but now some people have devoured and looted his origin Origin Realm from within.


   It is impossible for the holy monument to be able to do this, nor can the broken Origin World in the hands of the saint.


   Sacred Stele and Broken Origin Realm can be superimposed, but the speed of devouring and plundering will not be so fast.


   Eliminating all the impossible, what is left is the only truth, that is, an Origin Insect entered the Origin Sacred Text, using the real Origin Realm to swallow the Copy Origin Realm from within.


   Thinking of this possibility, the emperor almost even lost the original text to escape.


But then I thought about it, if it was a real Origin Insect, it would be enough to directly suppress him. There is a clear boundary gap between the eternal sacred and the desolate ancient sacred, unless the Origin Sacred Ventura is not an adult Origin Insect, but just an immortal. Origin insect.


   The emperor immediately understood why the saint was confident that her true face would not be revealed.


   It is very likely that the Origin Insect gave birth to two eggs that year. One of them is likely to be in the Forbidden Land. The change in the Forbidden Land a hundred years ago is also due to the incubation of Origin Insect eggs. It should be Zhao Mu who got the Origin Insect eggs.


   Thinking that Zhao Mu was sent into the barren ancient forbidden land himself, the Holy Emperor suddenly felt endless envy and jealousy.



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