Night Evolution

Chapter 1157: Origin chip

Reference 1157

At the Qingling Inn on the Herring Continent, Zhao Mu didn't know that the saints were all scared at this time.

Because of the mysterious chip in his hand, all his current attention has been involved.

This mysterious chip is very hard at first, and he keeps adding strength, but the eternal immortal body can't leave any trace on it. You must know that Time Lost City is not so hard. Based on this, it can be inferred that the hardness of the mysterious chip surpasses the eternal holy thing to reach the ancient times. Relic level.

It is even possible that this is an ancient holy relic.

Zhao Mu tried to contact with spirit, contact with soul, contact with real spirit, contact with original force, and contact negatively with sentient beings. The result was failure again and again, and finally it was his turn to contact with the original force of the system.

But I didn't want to, the mysterious chip in my hand was suddenly activated.

As the carrier of the system, Lost City of Time almost collapsed due to overload.

But fortunately, Zhao Mu infused the original source force in time, connected himself as part of the system in time, used his brain as the carrier of the system, and successfully loaded the mysterious chip to complete the initial activation.

A few minutes later, Zhao Mu peeled off the origin chip.

This chip is a technological creation, and it does indeed reach the level of a sacred artifact.

And this is just a part, a chip in an unknown and mysterious creation named Origin Host.

This chip has certain storage, calculation and control capabilities. The storage part has a program similar to sandbox simulation. The only sandbox map of this program is Bluestar, which can shape a world of information flow in the chip by relying on origin particles. star.

Then the computing power of the origin chip can deduce various three thousand years of the future of the blue star.

The final control ability can control everything born in the world of information flow.

For example, now, he can control the eternal sacred level of the Void Sky Demon Kofi.

Zhao Mu estimated that at most the three of the saints only activated the storage and computing capabilities of the Origin chip.

They didn’t activate the control ability. It’s not surprising that his unique system source power has transformed the City of Time and himself into a part of the system. This is just barely activating the origin chip. The saints obviously have no eternal holy objects. Pinnacle system hardware.

They just use the formation method to drive this technology-level chip.

Therefore, they could not control the Void Sky Demon Kofi, so they could only continuously cut meat from Kofi with part of their control ability, and then use Kofi's body to create some kind of treasure or practice certain methods.

What kind of existence is made of such an origin chip?

The complete origin host may not be the product of the peak of the sacred artifacts.

There is also the Blue Star map in the sandbox program in the Origin Chip, and who stored it in it.

In addition, why is the blue star in the Origin chip the same as the blue star in the Dawn Continent, one is reality, the other is the sandbox simulation in the Origin chip, and two blue stars separated by endless time and space have evolved the same history?

Zhao Mu continued to explore the secrets of the chip and finally discovered a possibility.

There is a permission classification in the sandbox simulation program, and one of the permission holders turned out to be Saint Emperor.

Zhao Mu thought that the Saint Emperor had blood on it to get some topographical information about the Blue Star. It is likely that it was at that time that the Saint Emperor was unknowingly connected with the Origin Chip, and even the Blue Star of the Dawn Continent had some connection with the Origin Chip. .

Zhao Mu tried to activate the program, only to see numerous origin particles appearing inside the origin chip.

These origin particles have the good fortune ability that is not lost to the origin of the origin. The eternal sacredness is molded in the origin chip, and there is no abnormal information flow world. Any foreign objects outside the origin of the origin will be converted into information flow. .

Only in a blink of an eye, a blue star has been shaped.

The time of the Blue Star continued to accelerate, and finally human beings of the third era of technological civilization began to appear.

But there are no other epochs. The Blue Star in the Origin Chip does not have the evolution of these civilizations. This makes Zhao Mu a sigh of relief. He is really worried that even the Fifth Era he is in has an exactly the same world in the Origin Chip. .

It now appears that only the third-era science and technology civilization of the Dawn Continent is affected by the origin chip.

As the controller of the chip, he can set various conditions on the blue star in the chip, so that the third-era science and technology civilization evolves in various directions, and then Kofi creates a means of continuation of civilization.

The Void Sky Demon King Kofi was created by the saints against the Origin Insect.

The specific principle is very simple. Inject a small amount of origin power into it, and then inject a lot of negative forces. These negative forces are the gods, and the blue star humans are the origin power. The representatives of the two forces continue to collide, allowing the dominant negative force to evolve. .

The final product, Kofi, the Void Sky Demon, can naturally deform the Primordial Insects.

And this is not the limit of the Origin Chip. If there are hundreds of billions of years, the Kofi in the Origin Chip may continue to evolve during the resetting of the Blue Star World, and eventually evolve into an ancient and sacred Void Sky Demon King. .

It's just this ability that has fully demonstrated the terrible origin of the chip.

Whether it is the blue star in the chip or the blue star of the dawn of the heavens and the world, all are just copycats of the true blue star. The origin of the chip and the chip creator is likely to come from the true blue star, and the third Jiyuan Science and Technology Civilization is probably a real history that Bluestar has existed before and now.

It’s just the creator of the origin chip that stores Bluestar and this history in the chip as a sandbox virtual program map.

Even this creator is likely to be Kofi among them.

But here comes the question. Humans are a race created by the Saint Emperor, which is equivalent to a weakened version of the Saint Race. The Saint Race is also a race created by the Origin Insect. Then where did the Blue Star Human Race in the Origin Chip come from? What is the relationship between the saints and the origin insects?

Zhao Mu tried to find the answer from it, but there was no clue for 500 years.

On the contrary, after five hundred years, he has understood the usage of the origin chip and successfully mastered the Void Sky Demon King Kofi. He is going to make the Void Sky Demon King Kofi an eternal holy The eternal sacred artifact of the origin of Tianke.

In addition, he also edited a new map in the origin chip.

He created a reduced version of the Desolate Ancient Void and a reduced version of the imperfect created void sea. In this way, he tried to rely on the evolutionary ability of the original particles to evolve a means to restrain the Desolate Ancient Dragon Whale.

The good fortune sea water ejected by the ancient dragon whale made the void of good fortune, but it also restricted the ancient sacredness.

Whether they were born from the Origin Void or the Desolate Ancient Sacred of the Creation Void, after they became the Desolate Ancient Sacred, they were blocked by the Desolate Ancient Dragon Whale from entering the Origin Void. If it weren't for the Desolate Ancient Dragon Whale to be too powerful, it would have been resolved by other Desolate Ancients.

Sooner or later, he will also become sacred.

Then he will also want to enter the Void of Origin to explore the secrets of Origin. At that time, he will definitely be hostile to the ancient dragon whale, so from this time he will prepare the means to deal with the ancient dragon whale, regardless of how early he is preparing, wait He became a sacred ancient sacred, and the power to restrain the ancient dragon whale might not evolve.

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