Night Evolution

Chapter 1168: plot

Reference 1168

   Unknowingly, the great wild fish tide has been going on for ten years.

In the past ten years, because of the speed of the eternal divine boat, and because of the knowledge of sea fish and sea beasts, Zhao Mu and the entire team have wiped out thousands of small fish and sea beasts, but the eternal sacred level of sea fish and sea beasts has achieved nothing. .

   is not that I have never met, but I have met a lot.

   is not particularly valuable, so it is not worth their risk of hunting.

   There is a saying that, facing hunters who are chasing, even if they can't run very fast, it is enough to run faster than others. The eternal sacred level marine fish and sea beasts are the same.

  The one who was alone saw them and ran away, leaving the endless sea fish and beasts in the way.

   encounters groups of people, and even take the initiative to come up and kill them.

It’s not impossible to kill by force, only a hundred years have passed. Ten years have passed. The rest of the time to get an injury can only go back to the original ancestor Tianzhou to heal. Each person can earn hundreds of thousands of crystals of good fortune.

   This number is not too much, but not too little.

It’s just that the human heart is greedy. When the Black Iron Ancestor thought that Zhao Mu and the Tetratodon had earned millions in ten days, the five-person team now has hundreds of thousands of talents for ten years, and there is no rest for ten years. Either on the way or killing the fish.

   He felt like he was smelling fishy now, and the black iron ancestor felt that he could not bear it anymore.

   found another school of small fish, this time it was Zhao Mu and the Yin Yang Demon God to hunt them down.

   While the three of them escaped the void mezzanine and entered the school of small fishes, the Black Iron Ancestral God immediately began to pass on the spirit of the Tetratodon.

   "What do you think of this eternal Shenzhou?"

   asked the Black Iron Ancestor God.

   "Very good!"

   Tetradon enviously replied.

   "What if it belongs to you?"

   Black Iron Ancestor God smiled.

   Dentodon shark is silent. He is a cold-blooded shark. Cruelty is his nature. However, since he has wisdom, he has learned to show others with a smile, learn to be forbearing and low-key, learn not to provoke right and wrong and learn to hide his nature.

   Of course he didn't want to, but he had to do it in the good fortune void sea.

Who made his real body a sea fish? Mention sea fish and sea beasts. In the cognition of all races in the creation of void sea, that is that food is a resource, even he himself thinks so, so he can hunt sea fish and sea beasts mercilessly .

   If he is willing to hide in a remote place, his eternal and sacred cultivation is enough to dominate a sea area.

   even created a race and became the ancestor of the race.

   But this is not his goal. He has his own ambitions. He wants to be a great existence like the ancient sacred heart fish. If he can become a sacred creature, no one will look down upon him even if he is a sea fish.

   So he needs resources, so he never stays away from the original ancestor Tianzhou.

   What kind of stuff is the Black Iron Ancestor God? How can he not see how many eternal sacreds he has seen in Yuan Ancestor Tianzhou.

   He took the initiative to approach the Black Iron Ancestor God, only because the Black Iron Ancestor God was standing behind the Black Iron Saint Clan.

   teamed up with the black iron ancestors, and there is no eternal sacred daring to attack their team.

He is not invisible when the black iron ancestor is staring at Zhao Mu. I believe Zhao Mu can also see it. I am afraid that only the Yin-Yang demon **** is not aware of the neurosis. Zhao Mu has long known that the black iron ancestor can still be calm when he has no good intentions. This is not a fuel-efficient lamp either.

   So far, Zhao Mu has not shown his bottom line at all.

   In case he and the Black Iron Ancestral God are overturned by Zhao Mu, in case the Yin Yang Demon God suddenly becomes ill and stands on the opposite side.

   No matter which one appears, he will become very dangerous.

  He is not the Black Iron Ancestor God, and if the Black Iron Ancestor God dies, there will be revenge. He will only be unknown when he is dead.

   "It's not the time yet."

   Tetradon replied after thinking twice.

   "I know, let's wait."

   Black Iron Ancestral God laughed.

   What he wants is the Tetratodon agreed to join hands with him. As for the hands, he certainly knows that it is not the time.

  Although he has not much experience, this is already his third time to participate in the hunting of the wild fish tide.

   More than ten years before the fish tide, in fact, it was mainly marine fish and marine beasts of the eternal sacred level. Marine fish and marine beasts from the surrounding waters were expelled and gathered behind the great wild turtle. These fish groups would eat the Yuanmu juice in the sea.

   Then the schools of fish kill each other and eat the small fish, and the small fish continue to eat Yuanmu juice.

  In such an order, both small fish and big fish will grow rapidly. When they reach a limit, it is when the eternal sacred level of marine fish and sea beasts formally appear as a class in the food chain.

  At the same time, the Yuanmu juice in the seawater will be too much to be diluted.

   The sea is no longer golden, and it no longer obstructs their sight.

   This time is the best time to hunt. Of course, an accidental hunter will also become a prey.

The Denontodon shark thought he was not good at hiding himself. In fact, the Denontodon shark did not know that he was deliberately discovered by the Denontodon and Zhao Mu that he was unkind. He was only testing Zhao Mu and knowing that he had bad intentions. What will happen.

   just flee, or stay with confidence?

   Zhao Mu chose to stay calmly and confidently, it must be a full confidence in himself.

   He would not underestimate the eternal sacredness of a sinner. Zhao Mu is probably waiting for the opportunity to hunt him back. He knows nothing except the Yin and Yang Demon God, and the remaining three of them are waiting for a suitable phone meeting.

  Who is the winner in the end? Who is the self-righteous loser?

  Zhao Mu didn't know that the Black Iron Ancestor and the Tetratodon had already joined forces. He didn't know that the Black Iron Ancestor was actually very scheming, because he had never believed anyone in the whole team from the beginning. He had been waiting for the Black Iron Ancestor to take the lead.

   I have to say that it is very important to have a backing.

  It is said that the Dark Iron Ancestor God, he can take the initiative to kill others, but others cannot actively kill the Dark Iron Ancestor God.

   Actively kill the black iron ancestor that is publicly provoking the black iron holy race.

  The Black Iron Saints will pursue and kill with all their strength, not chasing and killing is not enough to shock the world.

Conversely, the Dark Iron Ancestor God took the initiative. He killed the Dark Iron Ancestor God under his counterattack. It was only a personal grievance. The Dark Iron Holy Clan would definitely still retaliate, but it would not retaliate against the clan. Hunt down.

   Why did you steal it, why didn't you know it?

Because the Black Iron Saints still have a face, the Black Iron Ancestor God was killed when he was teaming up with him. If the Black Iron Saints retaliate publicly, if the Black Iron Saints come to the Yuan Ancestor Tianzhou again in the future, they will have a very good reputation. It is difficult to cooperate with others.

   So he has to wait for the Black Iron Ancestor God to take action first, and then fight back and kill the Black Iron Ancestor God.

At that time, the Black Iron Saints will condemn the Black Iron Ancestor God if they fail to deal with it. At that time, he will be able to lock down the secretly hunted squad to fight back. Then the entire Black Iron Saints will become his treasure-sending boy and mill Knife stone.

  Of course, the most important thing is that even if he fights the Black Iron Saints to the death or death, they will not alarm the wild gold monsters.

  Because it was the Black Iron Saints who provoked first, it was the Black Iron Saints incompetence that couldn't beat him.

  Original golden monster, will not take the initiative to shoot for incompetent attachments.

If he takes the initiative to attack the Black Iron Saint Clan, and even defeats the Black Iron Saint Clan successively, the nature will be different. The possibility of the wild and ancient gold monsters will be much greater. Then he wants to develop to the wild and ancient and holy before contacting other beginnings. Yuanworm's plan went bankrupt.

  :. :

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