Night Evolution

Chapter 1175: Void information pollution

Latest URL: Chapter 1175

"The Yin-Yang Profound Realm has been polluted and it has turned into a monster."

The male demon **** in the heart of the black and white whale said angrily.

The Banshee God was also taken aback. Her body was torn to pieces by Zhao Mu, and she had to rely on the true spirit to reshape her body. However, she did not expect Zhao Mu to inflict a catastrophe on her true spirit, in order not to damage the true spirit. Under the circumstances of clearing the robbery, these days have not reshaped the body.

Anyway, Zhao Mu was trapped in the Yin-Yang Profound Realm, and it was only a matter of time before he could catch a turtle in the urn.

But never expected that Zhao Mu still had such a method.

"Does Tai Chi Sanctuary work?"

The banshee **** asked calmly.

"Let me try!"

The male demon **** looked at the Yin-Yang Profound Realm that was constantly being polluted and mutated, using a part of the Yin-Yang Profound Realm that could still be controlled, and tried to transfer the damage from the surface pollution of the Yin-Yang Profound Realm to other living entities in the sea area within a light-year radius through the Tai Chi Sanctuary.

This action was successful, and the Yin-Yang Profound Realm unexpectedly began to reverse and remove the distortion.

The Yin Yang Demon God breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that it had suppressed Zhao Mu's desperate resistance.

They didn't know that Zhao Mu almost laughed and barked.

Perceiving the changes in the Yin-Yang Profound Realm, his first thought was to suppress the Tai Chi Sanctuary.

He has this ability to transform the Yin-Yang Profound Realm into an aberrant monster. It contains the evolutionary power to restrain black and white black whales in his own body. However, after thinking about it, he gave up suppressing the Tai Chi Sanctuary, and instead actively cooperated with the Tai Chi Sanctuary to pollute the information. This damage is transferred away.

Because he could clearly feel that the information pollution of the Void Demon was appearing in other beings.

If it continues, all low-intelligence beings within the Tai Chi sanctuary of the black black whale will become deformed monsters.

After continuous experiments, he has now initially figured out the difference between the Void Demon and the Aberrant Demon.

With high wisdom, the chance of transforming into a Void Demon is high.

Low intelligence, high probability of transforming into distortion monsters.

Of course it is not absolute, occasionally some low-intelligence beings will also transform into the Void Demon.

This is for living bodies, the only law for the transformation of dead things into Void Demon is that the probability is extremely low.

However, most of the Void Demon that transforms the dead will possess extraordinary abilities.

The Void Demon may not be stronger than the Aberrant Demon, but the power of the Void Demon is a little more controllable. On the contrary, some individuals of the Aberrant Demon cannot be perfectly controlled even by the master chip.

Zhao Mu once again released the City of Time Lost, sitting at the top of the city and waiting silently.

Originally, he intended to transform the Yin-Yang Profound Realm into an aberrant monster, and then convert the black and white black whale into an aberrant monster from within, but he didn't expect that even the information pollution of the Void Demon could be transferred to other lives in the Tai Chi Sanctuary, so he didn't mind much. Waiting for a few years.

Up to a few years later, the life in the waters surrounding the black and white whale will all be transformed into aberrant monsters.

At that time, he will have a group of eternal sacred-level aberrant monsters, even if they are beating, they can suppress the black and white black whale's Tai Chi sanctuary alive, and the Yin and Yang demon gods do not know how much bitter they have accidentally brewed.

In the past two years in a blink of an eye, the Banshee God has successfully expelled the power of the tarsal maggot from the true spirit.

The robbery of the Origin Insect is beyond imagination and difficult, and even the Taiji Sanctuary cannot be forcibly transferred away.

Fortunately, the Banshee God had been successfully expelled, and it took only half an hour to reshape the body.

After two years of recuperation, the damage caused by the contract backlash of the barren ancient totem leaf to the true spirit of the male demon **** has also been restored, and they have completely restored to their heyday. On the other hand, Zhao Mu has been trapped in the Yin-Yang Profound Realm for two years and it is impossible to have no damage at all.

The banshee **** is already imagining that she will become a lofty sacred after getting Zhao Mu's body.

The banshee **** didn't notice it, and the male witch **** looked at her inadvertently with a hint of coldness.

Looking at the Banshee God, the Male Demon God felt fear in her heart.

Only he himself knows what changes have taken place in him over the past two years.

The Yin-Yang Mysterious Realm was continuously polluted and mutated. It is too rare for an inner world to come alive and mutate. Fortunately, there is a Tai Chi sanctuary that can transfer the damage away. At first he thought so, but after two years, he found that his own beginning was strange. The change.

His true spirit is unknowingly entangled with a chaotic and twisted mysterious energy.

In his ears, he often heard chaotic and crazy whispers.

He even found that he could unilaterally block and share the soul of the Banshee God. What they had never dreamed of did not do now. He even gradually began to watch the Banshee God have an undesirable appetite.

These changes in the true spirit made the male demon **** not know what to do.

If Zhao Mu saw it, he might understand what happened.

The information pollution of the Void Demon not only spreads on the material and energy level, but also spreads from the spiritual level. The male demon **** constantly controls the Tai Chi Sanctuary to transfer the information pollution of the Void Demon, and his spiritual consciousness of integrating into the Tai Chi Sanctuary has been contaminated.

It's just that his cultivation is strong enough, and the Yin Yang Dragon Spear is in the final analysis only an immortal and sacred sacred king.

Although the speed of pollution has slowed down a little, the seeds of information pollution of the Void Demon have already taken root in the true spirit.

If a few more decades, the male demon **** will even directly transform into the Void Demon.

"Today is Zhao Mu's death date."

The banshee **** glanced at the male witch **** in disgust.

The male demon **** that he thought and thought in his heart directly shared the perception, and understood that the female demon **** wanted to endure the uncomfortable and re-integrate with him into a real yin and yang demon god. How could he not feel uncomfortable when the female demon **** was uncomfortable? Does anyone know how much he hates this former love?

He is also a man, and he is selfish.

Since he accidentally discovered a woman who looks good for the first time, he was immediately known by the banshee **** to have a bad temper. He obviously didn’t cheat, but only appreciated it once from the bottom of his heart. As a result, he was caught on the spot. With.

That was the most painful period of The Banshee God even made a pair of glasses for him.

Wearing that pair of glasses and looking at any female creature would subvert the aesthetics.

There are too many similar things. He still remembers one time when the banshee **** asked him if he loves her. He had been together for tens of billions of years. He was just a perfunctory sentence in his heart because of his heart. Sharing a big fight.

In fact, he knew that neither the female demon **** nor him was to blame.

It's just that they are too familiar with each other and don't have the slightest personal space. The accumulation of contradictions over time has been irreparable.

It was not them that was wrong, it was that they were the lives of the Yin-Yang Demon God Flower.

Soon, Zhao Mu’s true spirit can be suppressed and seized of his body, but the difference is that Zhao Mu’s body is his. He will leave the yin and yang demon **** flower exorcism to the banshee god, which he has given The banshee **** seized Zhao Mu's chance because she did not seize the opportunity and lost the origin fragment.

So no wonder he was fighting for Zhao Mu's body for his future.

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