Night Evolution

Chapter 1181: Lin Hai Mi Zong (Happy New Year)

Latest URL: Chapter 1181

Zhao Mu looked at the small long pieces of wood in his hand, with only an eye engraved on it the size of a thumb.

Such a small thing is worth a million fortune.

And it is not acquired permanently but temporarily owned, because this small piece of wood is one of the components of the barren ancient holy relic and the barren road sign. Holding this into the barren ancient forest sea, when encountering danger, it can be instantly activated and transmitted back to the Yuanzu Tianzhou.

This is the most expensive, and you can buy it with cheap 10,000 fortune crystals.

But it’s not a part of the ancient sacred object, it is only contaminated with the power of the ancient sacred object. It can also be teleported back, but it requires a certain delay. So don’t look at the cost of a million fortune crystals. He is lucky to draw lots. With the qualification to buy, he dared to go in for a wave with this deity.

Zhao Mu sealed the barren road signs layer by layer and waited in line with other eternal sacreds.

Pack some things in an instant, put them in the backpack on their backs.

The space of the deserted ancient forest is not generally solid. When it reaches the deserted ancient forest, no matter whether it is the storage space or the inner world, the original backpack has become an eternal and sacred equipment.

One after another, the eternal sacred disappeared on the teleportation formation, and soon it was Zhao Mu's turn to step on the teleportation formation.

The whoosh disappeared, Zhao Mu felt severe pain all over his body when the teleportation ended.

The force of space tearing is too strong, I am afraid that I will be buried directly in the transmission process under the eternal sacred.

Adjusting the body into an eternal immortal body, the pain in the body immediately disappeared.

There is golden seawater all around, and you can't see anything mixed with Yuanmuguo juice and good fortune seawater.

Zhao Mu started to move upwards, and soon he was out of the water to see the endless sea of ​​Yuan trees.

With a thought, the backpack on his back disappeared.

It is not the income of Lost Time City. The Lost Time City has now completely suppressed the space. Apart from getting bigger and smaller, the space inside the city has been completely isolated. His backpack is contained inside the Origin Chip.

The ancient road signs can be pulled away here, and the Origin chip has no reason to lose to the ancient road signs.

On the contrary, Siyuan World could not expand, which made Zhao Mu a little depressed.

After thinking about it carefully, I understand that he is still only eternal sacred after all, and his Origin Realm is also only an eternal sacred level, and he cannot resist the spatial suppression of the ancient forest. However, his origin chip has countless advantages over other eternal sacred. .

Zhao Mu was about to choose any direction, when the Eye of Origin suddenly vibrated.

In the depths of the remote deserted ancient forest, something resonated with the Eye of Origin.

It may be other fragments of the Eye of Origin, or other parts of the Origin host.

Looking for Yuanzu Guo is purely a matter of luck, but finding something that resonates with the Eye of Origin is definitely not losing money.

Anyway, he is also spinning around in the deserted ancient forest, it is better to follow the resonance and take a look.

Locking the direction, Zhao Mu began to move straight forward.

There are a few avatars in the front to explore the way, and the deity in the back is constantly observing with the eye of origin.

Although the surroundings seem to have nothing but Yuanmu trees and the sea water that submerged half of the Yuanmu trees, it is well known that the ancient forest sea is very dangerous, but no one knows what the danger is, because all the eternal sacredness that left the ancient forest sea is lost. The memory inside.

Zhao Mu believes that the ancient sacredness must know what danger is in the ancient forest.

But they have no rumours, and no one knows the specific dangers.

In the blink of an eye, Zhao Mu has crossed tens of millions of kilometers, which can be traversed in the outside world in a short time, but here the space is suppressed, although the speed is not suppressed, but the speed is too fast, it is possible to directly enter the dangerous area and throw himself into the net.

Just a few days ago, Zhao Mu discovered the first danger.

That is a special Yuanmu tree, different from other Yuanmu trees which are dead, this Yuanmu tree itself is alive, and the fruits on the tree are also alive, and Zhao Mu has noticed that it is deadly. Threatened.

This kind of living Yuanmu tree gave him the feeling of a void demon.

Zhao Mu wanted to catch a look, but the enhanced super-dimensional intuition of the Eye of Origin continued to warn.

So he gave up, and when he left the deserted ancient forest, he might die.

After another two months, Zhao Mu speeded up.

The deserted ancient forest sea has a range of several light-years. If he continues to follow the previous speed, I am afraid he will not think of the destination in a year. Fortunately, the eggs of the water sacred insects have grown during the period. The sacred insects are exploring the way ahead.

The water sacred insect moves straight ahead, reaching three times the speed of light.

As long as there is no danger, he will follow in the meeting.

After advancing in this way for a distance of about two light years, the water sacred insect that was exploring the way in front suddenly disappeared.

Zhao Mu immediately stopped, and the Eye of Origin probed the past little by little.

This exploration is incredible. Away from 30 million miles ahead, there are rows of surviving Yuanmu trees densely packed with no end in sight. They are simply a sea of ​​forests formed by surviving Yuanmu trees, or else it’s eternal and sacred. Level water sacred insects will not be planted instantly.

In the depths of this forest, Zhao Mu activated the Eye of Origin to scan the front.

He needs to use the scanned information to generate a fourth map in the origin chip.

The fourth map was generated quickly, because perception was suppressed in the deserted ancient forest. This map is just a fan shape radiating about 300 million kilometers. Watching the living Yuanmu trees appear on the map after the energy is injected, Zhao Mu Begin to be sent to the Void Sky God and Void Sky Demon respectively.

These living Yuanmu trees are inherently weird. He wanted to see if it had anything to do with the Origin Chip.

This experiment really proved the relationship.

The Void Demon and the living Yuanmu tree are like fire and water, and it can be said that they will never die when they meet.

Conversely, the Void Sky God and the living Primordial Tree complement each other. The living Primordial Tree does not harm the Void Sky God at all, not to mention, it is even controlled by the Void Sky God to a certain extent, and even actively helps when the Void Sky God is in danger.

If the Void Gods can easily give birth to new Void Gods if the information pollutes the living Yuanmu tree.

To Zhao Mu, these living Yuanmu trees are the best materials specially used to make the Void God.

Unbelievable These living Yuanmu trees possess half-step eternal sacred strength.

This is only the most marginal, the deeper the deeper the stronger the strength.

It is conservatively estimated that the number of alive Yuanmu trees in this forest sea is at least millions of trillions.

If all were transformed into the Void Sky God, it would be a bit exaggerated to say that sweeping the Void Sky is a bit exaggerated, but it is easy to sweep the void sea of ​​good fortune. Waiting for dozens of the Void Sky Gods of the eternal sacred level to be taken by dozens of wild ancient sacreds is definitely a refuge.

Zhao Mu finally understood why the ancient sacred kept away from here.

Yuanzu fruit is likely to be born in the deepest part of this forest.

There shouldn't be a second place in such a forest sea, otherwise it would be terrible.

Zhao Mu thought for a long time, and finally decided to venture in.

Because of this sea of ​​forest, it is likely to have a deep relationship with the originating host.

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