Night Evolution

Chapter 1204: Resolute and compromise

Chapter 1204

   "Fourth brother, remember, we are not the same as those beasts."

   Brother Siyuan insect finally said proudly.

   Zhao Mu nodded, he understood why Siyuan Insect was so proud and looked down on the animal market.

  The ancient sacred is very difficult to produce offspring, the origin insect is a special case among them.

   is not only because the Origin Insects are very capable, but also because the entire population of Origin Insects has males and females, it is not difficult to find objects.

   In contrast to other eternal sacreds, they are all alone.

  Eternal sacredness is not enough to give birth to the sacred ancients. The sacred ancients and the sacred ancients are difficult to give birth together, but there are still many methods. The problem is that the ancient sacredness comes from different races, and the aesthetics of different races are actually different.

   How proud of the ancient and sacred, they are the pinnacle creatures, they will hardly be wronged for their offspring.

   This is the same as people wanting children. It is impossible to run to find other species to borrow because they want children. Therefore, although there are many sacred and sacred things, there are really very few cross-racial descendants.

   There are only a few, because of the emergence of the original form.

  Origin form, the legend is the life form of the strongest life group in the last ancient reincarnation.

  The ancient sacred admires the form of origin, but there is actually no intention of unifying the aesthetics to encourage inter-ethnic togetherness.

   In this regard, the Origin Insects naturally despise all cross-racial sacredness because of their inherent advantages.

   The ancient sacreds who casually hybridized and lost their wisdom in the Beast Ruins were the most despised objects of the Primordial Insects. Especially the three brothers had a painful memory in the Beast Ruins, which made them disparaging the Beast Ruins as much as possible.

   Void Demon, Origin Form, Origin Host, Beast Ruins...

   These words kept flashing in Zhao Mu's mind.

  The blue star in the origin chip may have a history older than he knew it. The Void Demon was born in the last deserted Void Reincarnation, and the host that suppressed the Void Sky Demon was naturally born in the last deserted reincarnation.

   Even the ancient ancestor coffin and him may be traced back to the last ancient reincarnation.

   The Void Sky Demon God was probably created by the Void Sky Demon secretly suppressed by the Origin Void.

   It's just that the originator's creators have been prepared for a long time. The Origin chip has long left a hidden means to deal with the possible emergence of the Void Sky Demon. This hidden method requires the Origin Host to be restarted to suppress the Void Sky Demon who used the Origin Void as a demon again.

   "I want to go to the animal market."

   Zhao Mu said seriously.

"This is impossible."

   The second brother Siyuan insect categorically denied it.

   "I am confident that I can protect myself in the Beast Market, and my combat power is comparable to the weaker ancient sacred."

   Zhao Mu explained seriously.

   The three brothers of Siyuan insects looked at each other with worried faces. Their fourth brother is really the same as him when he was born with a new-born baby and is not afraid of tigers.

   The four younger brothers are nine times their origin, which really allows him to have the combat effectiveness of the ancient sacred bottom line at this stage.

   But the bottom line is the bottom line, and the animal market is not a place where the bottom line is sacred and sacred.

   Even if the three of them are teaming up, they have to be cautious step by step.

   If the strength of the ancient sacred bottom line is enough, they would not make a big mistake and harm a family back then.

"Really can not."

   Brother Siyuan insects flatly refused.

   Zhao Mu knew that he underestimated the animal market, but the three Siyuan insects also underestimated him.

   Beast Market is independent of the ancient void, so the Eye of Origin cannot see it, but if you enter the Beast Market, it is the same as clicking into the folder from the desktop. The Eye of Origin should be enough for him to discover most of the hidden dangers in the Beast Market in advance.

   Just be careful not to die, he can even walk alone in it.

   The question is how to convince them, or else he wants to go alone without knowing where the beast market entered.

   It is also strange to say that the beast ruins, any of them can not be taken out by normal means.

   Even if he hunts down the ancient and sacred inside, he can't take a drop of blood out.

   But you can eat the ancient and sacred flesh and blood in it, you can find various treasures in it and use it directly in it, so that what you get in it directly affects the growth of the body and the true spirit, but it can completely bring out the animal market.

   In addition to this restriction, outsiders who want to obtain the resources in the animal market must participate in person.

   For example, hunting and killing the ancient sacred, if a person does not cause any harm to the ancient sacred, then even if the ancient sacred is hunted, even if this person eats all the resources of the ancient sacred, he will not get any benefits.

   The whole animal market is very similar to the game.

  Zhao Mu even wondered whether the existence of the beast ruins was specifically designed to cultivate the ancient sacredness?

   This is the same as creating eternal sacredness in the creation of the void sea, and it is all for suppressing the void demon that counters the void of origin.

   Or else the sky will become the eternal sacred pinnacle of the ancient sacred, and there will not be only a handful of achievements outside the animal market.

Most of them have made enough credit, and then a large number of ancient sacreds will join hands to develop the animal market and follow the benefits, and finally use the resources of the animal market to become the ancient sacred, but this requires sufficient credit, and there are at least ten sacred ancients. Escort protection.

  Because there are many ancient sacred achievements in the holy ruins, the third brother of Siyuan insects will think of the animal ruins for a while.

   "If you don't take me, I will go by myself."

   Zhao Mu said firmly.

   The three Siyuan insects looked at each other, and finally the eldest and second elder brothers gave the old third a fierce look.

   After contacting them in the past few years, they know that the fourth brother's mind is changing, but once the decision is made, it will not change. If they refuse, it is very likely that the fourth brother will really try to go to the animal market by himself.

   They were like that back It is better to have them watching than stealing.

   It really doesn't work, so let the fourth brother stay in their Origin Realm.

   As long as it does not come out, basic safety can still be guaranteed.

  Of course, in this way, resources cannot be obtained from the beast ruins. The ancient sacred of the beast ruins can only share the spoils of the successful hunting by personally participating in the hunt, and the calculation is based on the proportion of the contribution of the hunting process. The benefits of less contribution are naturally negligible.

  If you want to contribute more, you must personally face the ancient and sacred in a **** battle.

   When the fourth brother realizes the danger, they can persuade the fourth brother to leave the animal market.

   "We agreed, but you have to promise us some conditions..."

   Brother Siyuan Insect gave his bottom line.

   Zhao Mu happily agreed, not that he was hiding in the Origin Realm and not coming out.

As for the contribution of hunting and killing, he transforms into Yin-Yang Tianren with eternal body refining, able to convert all his attributes at will, and then all attributes will be converted into defense, and he will not be able to fight against the ancient sacred with a full blow. Cause fatal injuries.

   Of course, it is not a last resort, he will not show the change of his yin and yang.

After all, the last Yin-Yang talent was captured because of the Void Demon, and he showed the changes of Yin-Yang-Tian-Human. It is easy for people to associate him with the Wild Gu Lin Hai. I had known that I would rather pay a certain price instead of letting Yin-Yang Tian. People leave.

  :. :

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