Night Evolution

Chapter 1207: The true face of the animal market

Latest URL: Chapter 1207

"I have a treasure, the Eye of the God."

Zhao Mu hesitated and said, "The only function of the Eye of the Gods is to detect remotely. I can even see the battlefield on the edge of the Origin Void from the Sea of ​​Fortune Void. In this beast market, I can see about fifty kilometers away."

"This is really good news."

Brother Siyuan insect smiled happily.

He saw that the fourth brother might have concealed something, but this is normal. Even if they are brothers, there is no need to tell all of their cards frankly. Everyone has their own secrets of privacy.

Zhao Mu breathed a sigh of relief, and the vigilance that had been hidden from the three brothers of the Origin Insect was wiped out.

The three Siyuan worms looked at each other and smiled. How many years did they live and how many years did the fourth brother live? How could that unnatural vigilance be hidden from them? Fortunately, things are going in a good direction, and the fourth brother treats them. There is more trust.

"In fact, I have always wondered why our Origin Insects don't have a name?"

Zhao Mu turned off the topic and asked casually.

"I was puzzled about this question."

Brother Siyuan Insect smiled and explained, "You see that the entire Ancient Void is a virtual world of data. The name is actually equivalent to one of the login names. Through the login name, the Void Demon can do many things beyond your imagination. .

Our Origin Clan shared a login name, and the Void Demon had nothing to do with us.

If the front line collapses, it must be our Origin Insect that will survive to the end. "

"That's it."

Zhao Mu solved a doubt in his happiness.

How family affection is accumulated, understanding each other, helping each other, and the deepest blood source, these can make family affection stronger and stronger. With more secret sharing of the three brothers, the senses of Zhao Mu's Okay, but I don't know what Zhao Mu played in a great play.

With the fifty-kilometer vision of the "Eyes of the Gods", the three brothers of the Origin Insect find their prey very simple.

In just a few days, I have found a lonely ancient sacred.

In the Beast Ruins, you are not afraid of encountering the mighty desolate ancient sacred, but you are afraid of encountering the gregarious desolate ancient sacred. After countless years of hybridization, a large number of ancient sacred populations have already formed here. The entire animal ruins, land and sea, are conservatively estimated to be at least between one million and ten million.

This is a very terrifying number, and there are still unsolved mysteries still hidden.

For example, where does the Beast Ruins come from such a strong foundation that it can feed millions of ancient sacreds?

Later, after countless years of exploration, a speculation was formed that there are not so many real sacred sacreds in the animal ruins, but according to the type, there are as many sacreds as there are races.

It was like a deserted toad in the snowy area, which looked like a group of dozens of them, but in fact none of them was true.

The real Snowy Wild Toad is probably sleeping somewhere in the Beast Market. The Snowy Wild Toad they encountered is actually just some kind of clone.

As for why the clones are so powerful, each of them has ancient sacred combat power?

According to the inference of the ancient emptiness, the ancient sacred, that is because the ancient sacred in the beast market is less suppressed, and outsiders like them are more suppressed, so let alone a few clones, hundreds of thousands of them will be very much in the beast market. Awesome.

As for killing the clone, why is the value of the remains not lost to the deity?

I don't know this, this is also the main reason why many ancient sacred rebuttals.

However, after a few days, Zhao Mu knew that the doppelganger claim was probably true.

Because the Blue Star of the Beast Ruins was copied in the Origin Chip, the countless ancient sacred strengths on it were very weak.

At first, Zhao Mu guessed that it was because the origin chip was unable to fully replicate the animal ruins. After all, there were a large number of ancient sacred animals in the animal ruins. The origin particles in the origin chip generated a large number of ancient sacred animal ruins, but it might not be enough to generate one.

So although the beast market was copied, it was actually just a mere appearance.

However, after a few days, Zhao Mu found that his initial judgment was wrong.

He even found out the shocking scam in the animal market.

All the ancient sacreds believe that the spatial density in the animal ruins is extremely strong, the material density in the animal ruins is extremely strong, and the gravity in the animal ruins is enough to cause the apples falling from the trees to damage the eternal sacred.

But in fact, the animal market is not strong.

The Blue Star of Beast Ruins and Origin Chip is no different from the Blue Star replica of Dawn Continent.

This is an ordinary star, a star that mythical ants can't contain.

So why, all the ancient sacreds have become weak chickens in the animal market?

There is only one truth. The ancient sacred believes that they entered the Beast Ruins as their true bodies, but in fact their true bodies are not in the Beast Ruins at all. What they walk in the Beast Ruins is just a clone that infinitely weakens the body's ability.

Zhao Mu guessed that after the ancient sacred entered the animal market, the body would be sealed in the stars outside the animal market atmosphere.

Including him who is now in the world of Siyuan is a clone, which is the same as logging in to a virtual game.

The world of Beast Market is fake, but the benefits gained from hunting the sacred clones in Beast Market are real.

As long as this is true, Zhao Mu locked onto a snow mound through the Eye of Origin.

It looks like a snow hill on the surface, but in fact there is a sacred starry bear hidden inside.

There are only two bears in the starry sky.

They are located at the north and south poles of the planet Beast Market. As long as one of them is alive, even if the other one dies, it can regenerate after a period of time, because the place where the Beast Market enters is random, and the starry sky blizzard sleeps in the snow for a long time. There is no record of being hunted at the same time.

[Monster name]: Starry Sky Bear (Bear)

[Monster level]: The ancient sacred high position (clone)

[Monster attribute]: Ancient Sacred Power

[Monster Weakness]: A dark and non-light environment will be crazy manic and irritable

[Monster introduction]: The twin twin beasts are born based on the sun, moon and stars in the land of origin. The male beast has the ancient sacred power of the sun and loves to pursue the extreme day, and the female animal likes to have the ancient sacred power of the sun and the desolation and likes to pursue the night.

Zhao Mu looked at the data that the Eye of Origin read from the beast ruins of the Origin and had an idea in his mind.

These data are very simple, and the details are not even as well known by the older brothers.

But the weakness of the starry sky bear has not been discovered so far, or the discovery of the ancient sacred is hidden.

Knowing this weakness, it is undoubtedly much easier to deal with the starry sky bear.

After several days of observation, the three Siyuan insects were ready to do everything.

After a few days, Zhao Mu had initially mastered how to merge his Origin Realm with the Origin Realm of the Three Brothers of Origin Insect, so that as long as Origin Realm played the role of killing the Starry Sky Bear in the battle, he could easily Getting a little contribution from hunting is eligible to enjoy the loot.

But now that he knows the weakness of Starry Sky Bear, he will not only be satisfied with a little bit of hunting contribution.

Otherwise, God knows how many wild ancient sacred clones he has to hunt to accumulate to become a wild ancient sacred resource, especially since there are still eighteen ancestor fruits waiting for him to feed. Whether the future will be big fish or meat, it depends on today. .

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