Night Evolution

Chapter 1214: The upper and lower limits of the origin insect

Latest URL: Chapter 1214

In the Siyuan Holy Realm, Zhao Mu kept his eyes on the final ice wolf who was staring at him.

For six thousand years, the battle for true spirits is not over yet.

In addition to maintaining basic consumption, all these years he has accumulated a little source of energy and used it to modify the remaining true spirit consciousness of the final ice wolf. Now the true spirit consciousness is about to be modified, and then he can use the final ice wolf to hunt. Kill other wild ancient sacred.

I just don't know whether the enslaved final ice wolf hunts the desolate ancient sacred will count the hunting contribution.

If it counts, that would be great. He can convert the prey in the Origin Holy Realm into information data and then into the Origin Power, and then use the Origin Saint Realm enslavement to control more Final Ice Wolves by consuming the Origin Power.

If all six are controlled, he can almost sweep the entire Antarctic continent.

At that time, not to mention satisfying oneself to become a sacred resource, it is not a problem to feed the eighteen ancestor fruits that are about to starve to death.

Fifteen years later, the final ice wolf suddenly let out the last roar.

Then he obediently walked to Zhao Mu, lowered his head and wagged his tail and rubbed him around.

Zhao Mu's first thought was to earn the origin chip. He had tried that the dead ancient sacred corpse could not be put into the origin chip. He didn't know whether the enslaved alive would work. Looking at the final ice wolf that was still in place, it clearly failed.

The animal ruins and the origin chip are related to each other but independent of each other.

It gave him the feeling that if the Beast Market was also part of the Origin Host, it would not lose to the Origin Chip at all.

It is not like the Eye of Origin, it is directly attached to the Origin Chip.

Zhao Mu completely enveloped the Ice Wolf of End Yan with the Beginning Holy Realm, and began to make a complete analysis with the cooperation of Ice Wolf of End Yan.

The body of the Origin Insect can be transformed into all life, but it is very simple to transform everything on the eternal sacred level, and it is not that simple to transform in the ancient sacred level, otherwise the Origin Insect family will not value the Yin and Yang Tianren.

Isn't it because the Yin and Yang Celestials are powerful enough, no matter how strong the Yin and Yang Celestials can be stronger than other ancient sacred?

But because Yin-Yang Tianren can naturally evolve from eternal sacredness to the ancient sacred existence, analyzing and changing the Yin-Yang Tianren of the eternal sacred level will naturally give out a kind of transformation ability of the ancient sacred Yin-yang Tianren.

The Primordial Worm wants to directly analyze the ancient sacredness and generate the ability to change for an ancient sacredness.

Two conditions must be met, not resisting and being alive.

If it is the dead ancient sacred, the five vital powers of the ancient sacred in the corpse will appear incomplete.

In this way, even if there is one more change depending on the analysis of the corpse, this change is not considered to be a change in the sacred level of the ancient sacred, because the five powers analyzed are incomplete, and the sacred change can only be the fault of the five abilities. Product.

In addition to Yin and Yang Tianren, there are of course other eternal and sacred life forms in the ancient void.

But these beings have parents, and they are all guarding against the origin worm.

The Origin Insect clan is too powerful, and the other horrible ancient sacreds do not want and cannot see the Origin Insect family become stronger.

Dead corpses can't do, and the living sacred and desolate are even more impossible.

Therefore, strictly speaking, no one of the Primordial Clan has the ability to change the ancient sacred level, and they cannot become another Primordial sacred. Therefore, the Primordial worm usually analyzes the different ancient sacred corpses in the beast ruins, and then conducts a patchwork upgrade force.

The five powers of the analysis of a single corpse are lacking, so put many corpses together.

Because of this, the upper and lower limits of the original source insect clan's combat power are very different.

Someone asked, why can't we share the changes of the ancient sacred level?

When the yin and yang changes, can't we share?

This again involves the core of the power of the ancient sacred. Although the four powers of the ancient sacred look very different on the surface, they cannot get rid of the four powers of creation, body, true spirit, and life aggregation.

The true and powerful source of the ancient sacred is from the fifth power.

If two people hold the same fifth power at the same time, it will actually dilute the power of this fifth power.

Therefore, even within the Primordial Clan, they will not share the fifth power that they have analyzed from the sacred corpse of the ancients, unless they are relatives or trading, it is possible to share part of the fifth powers of the ancients that they have.

Yin Yang Tian Ren is one of the special existences.

Yin-Yang Tianren’s yin-yang transformation can transform all of its power into a certain kind of ultimate strengthening.

Then, to advance the change of Yin-Yang Celestial Man to the ancient sacred level, in theory, Yin-Yang Celestial Man can generate countless kinds of weakened fifth powers, such as the speed and power of extreme sublimation.

Precisely because of these restrictions, the complete sacred changes that the entire Primordial Clan currently masters are only Yin Yang Tianren.

In the end, the Ice Wolf, this will be the second kind of sacred change in the ancient past.

And it still belongs to him only, and other Primordial Insects can't grasp the ancient sacred changes.

If the follow-up goes well, he will enslave more ancient sacreds in the animal market, and then analyze all of them under the premise that they are still alive without resisting, so that he can master more abilities of the ancients and sacred changes.

Relying on these ability to change, he can make a lot of money whether he uses it for himself or sells it to other Origin Insects.

More importantly, he will master a variety of different fifth powers, and can also strengthen his own four powers through the first four powers of different ancient sacreds, so that when he becomes a sacred ancient sacred, he will lay down other ancient sacred unimaginable. Deep roots.

Origin Insect, Yin-Yang Tianren, Eighteen Yuan Ancestor Fruit, Origin Chip, Origin Eye, Beast Ruins...

These separate separations are amazing enough, but they all converge on him.

And the combination of these is the most powerful supreme root foundation that a pig can lay down the ancient void.

Zhao Mu never believes in coincidences, he only doubts whether Huanggu Void really has a destiny?

Of course, the heavens and the world have destiny. Many worlds created by man have destiny. Destiny itself is the best means for the Lord of the world to control all living beings. However, the ancient void has no destiny, because the ancient void has not yet discovered the so-called master.

So far, no Desolate Ancient Sacred has noticed the existence of destiny in the Desolate Ancient Void.

But now, Zhao Mu suspects that the ancient void has its own destiny.

This unknown fate allowed him to be selected by the emperor in the Dawn Continent, and he was inexplicably assisted in refining the origin insect stone eggs in the forbidden land, allowing him to create a system with almost unlimited evolutionary potential. It is not necessarily a coincidence to get the Origin Chip to get the Primordial Fruit, and then to the Beast Ruins.

Therefore, he needs more power.

Only power is the root, and only power is the eternal truth that will not betray.

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