Night Evolution

Chapter 48: Beat the Enemy Hakka Family

   Chapter 048

   The sky is cloudless, and a sightseeing bus on the circling mountain trail slowly climbs up to the Kukul Mountain.

   Sightseeing bus terminal stops outside a door that is at least tens of meters high.

   The whole Withered Slaughter Mountain is wrapped by a wall of tens of meters high. There are ferocious monsters in captivity on the mountain. The trespassers died. Only by pushing the only main entrance into the Withered Slaughter Mountain will you not be attacked by the monsters and go up the mountain alive.

   Led by the enthusiastic and cheerful guide lady, the tourists on the sightseeing bus got off one after another.

   Some of them looked at the magnificent door in front of them in awe, and some took the time to take pictures.

   Only Zhao Muge was out of place, completely ignoring the lady guide's loud introduction about the danger behind the door, and walked to the small house next to the main entrance. The short and chubby bald old man inside immediately put down his teacup when he saw someone coming in.

   "Cleaner, I'll commission a business."

   Zhao Mu leaned against the door frame and smiled.

The cleaners were all a bit stunned. Everyone who came for the first time in so many years thought he was a gatekeeper, and some said he was a security guard, but directly stated that his true identity was a cleaner hired by the beating enemy family. , This is the first time I have encountered it.

   "I will notify the butler."

   Jie Bu Rong got up and walked to the phone. After dialing, he said a few words and immediately put it down.

   "Please follow me, the housekeeper has been notified, and the housekeeper will take you up the mountain soon."

   Jie Bu Rong talked and walked towards the front gate of the beating enemy family courtyard.

   Zhao Mu followed behind and came to the tall front door.

   "This is the gate of Huangquan, but also the gate of trial......"

Jie Burong proudly introduced, “The Knife Family has a total of seven doors, the smallest door weighs two tons on each side, the second door weighs four tons, and the third door doubles its weight. Finally, The seventh door weighs 128 tons on each side.

  To enter the courtyard, at least the smallest door must be opened.

   It is worth mentioning that our master can open seven doors at once when entering and exiting. "

   "Do you need me to push the door?"

   Zhao Mu smiled.

   "Of course this is unnecessary."

   Seeing Zhao Mu's smile, Bu Rong felt embarrassed.

He introduced the amazing weight of the gate of Huangquan to show the amazing strength of beating the enemy and the Hakka family. After all, it was a guest. He was not introducing it for the first time. The guests who came were almost always amazed. The plain smile made him. I feel like I'm wasting my tongue.

   Stop talking, Ji Bu Rong took off his suit and walked to the first door.

He was a short and chubby old man. In an instant, muscles and muscles appeared all over his body, and he pushed hard against the smallest trial door to set off a weak air current, and the four-ton trial door was inward. Push away.

   "Guests, please come in."

   Bu Rong urged a few drops of sweat off his forehead.

   "I want to try."

   Zhao Mu said, touching his chin.

Jie Burong secretly sighed and stepped back. The door that opened with difficulty closed automatically. The most annoying thing was this kind of guests. He had to try everything by himself. If he couldn't open it, he still asked him to go out and try the door. It takes a lot of effort to push.

   "128 tons!"

   Zhao Mu walked to the door and muttered.

   Push directly with brute force, and open the second door at most with 18 points physique.

   Nothing* The lives that return to the world are monsters.

   The full-time hunter is better but more powerful. The plot characters in the world like One Piece, who have a little exercised their physical strength, are almost non-human. Compared with these plot characters, even the genetic modulator's physical fitness is just scum.

   Zhao Mu pressed on the door, his arms and legs kept exerting force.

   If someone measures accurately at this time, he will find that his arms and legs are a few centimeters shorter.

   This is not a broken bone, but his bone structure is compressing like a spring.


   Zhao Mu exerted all his muscles, and the compressed bones of his arms and legs began to rebound.

   could only push open two doors, but now he pushes four doors abruptly.

   Zhao Mu rushed in instantly, his hands and feet softened.

   Before looking at the world inside the door, he took a step back to avoid the saliva falling from the sky.

   A big dog, bigger than a three-story sightseeing bus.

   "Do you want to eat me?"

   Zhao Mu was speechless.

   Big dog nodded, but looked at the door behind Zhao Mu and turned and left.

   The master’s order is to eat the illegal intruder. Those who come in from the front entrance are not the intruder or the guests.

   "I really want to kill this dog."

   Zhao Mu muttered.

   The big dog San Mao was about to turn his head ferociously, but saw the housekeeper running from not far away.

   Zhao Mu also saw it. The visitor was wearing a black swallowtail suit with a face paralyzed and wearing elegant glasses.

   "I am Wutong, the housekeeper, please follow me up the mountain."

   Wutong said and turned and walked up the mountain.

Zhao Mu followed, at first it was just the speed of an ordinary person, but when it came to the back, the speed became faster and faster, even if it was a cheetah, it was far inferior, passing through the jungle to the foot of the dry mountain, the speed reached instantly Amazingly.

   "At least LV7 thought power, at least 25 physical points."

   Zhao Mu secretly judged.

This is just a housekeeper. There are also apprentice housekeepers and servants under the housekeeper. These people alone are enough to sweep the Duchy of Night, let alone beat the monsters of the older generation of the enemy Hakka family. As a killer family, it exists in the world itself. Explain everything.

   Ten minutes later, Zhao Mu followed Wutong to the house where the butler received the guests.

   There are already people waiting in the living room, purple vests and long hair. The vests are inlaid with finger-sized bead pins. If you put on a proper makeup, you can see Zhao Mu immediately put down the book in his hand.

   "Master Ilmi, this is the first guest who came to entrust."

   Wutong bowed and said.

   "Go and prepare refreshments."

   Yier Mi said blankly.

Zhao Mu sat down on the opposite sofa and stretched out his right hand. Pieces of gold and silver jewels fell on the ground from the palm of his palm. They were piled up in a big pile in an instant. With limited storage space, he could only bring so many jewels from the Duchy of Night. All the space is left for the black crystal that Crystal Shadow Crow needs.

   "It is worth at least 2 billion, who are you going to kill?"

   Ill fan asked.

   "I need to kill someone myself."

   Zhao Mu smiled.

   "Catch it alive?"

   Yi Erfan frowned The difficulty of catching alive and killing directly is completely different.

   "Phantom Brigade No. 13, Kubei, I will kill him by myself within a month."

   Zhao Mu said seriously.

   "Troublesome business."

   Yi Erfan said helplessly.

   He doesn't care why his employer wants to kill, he only cares how difficult the task is to complete.

   The Phantom Brigade was just standing behind the Meteor Street, and it was not seen by the enemy family, but the Phantom Brigade was not easy to deal with. At least three people in it were not under his strength.

   A few years ago, someone commissioned the assassination of the 8th member of the brigade, but his father took the initiative to solve it.

If it is him who takes the shot, he can only look for a quick fight when No. 13 is placed, but he does not know the ability and specific strength of No. 13, and if he can't solve it in a short time, it will attract other members, even if it is him. Will be in danger.

   "God's left hand and demon's right hand."

Zhao Mu said calmly, "The left hand touches the dead or non-animal body, and the right hand presents a copy that can be replicated for 24 hours. It is just that the auxiliary mind ability is not the attacker of the Phantom Brigade. It should not be difficult to beat the enemy family. ."

   "Is the news true?"

   Yier fans looked at Zhao Mu in surprise.

   "If it is fake, you can give up the task at any time, not to mention that I will be here waiting for you."

   Zhao Mu said confidently.

   "Okay! This single task is accepted."

   Ilmi waved his hand and got up and left, and the servant next to him immediately began to pack the gold and silver jewelry.

As for Zhao Mu, the Wutong butler took him to see the temporary room. Zhao Mu looked at everything curiously along the way, but narrowed his eyes when passing by the two servants. The two men gave him a very subtle feeling, could it be? ...

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