Night Evolution

Chapter 793: Light the fire

Mime private 793

   Zhao Mu held up the soup bowl with the body of the soul and took a sip of the soup carefully.

The infinite sun divine fire burns the soul at this moment, and the soul of the 260-point rule divine condensed at this moment is burned to disintegrate. Zhao Mu hurriedly ate a glutinous rice ball, and the mythical true spirit and vitality began to nourish and be burned. soul.

   In this way, it continues to destroy and nourish, forming the most perfect transformation of the soul.

   A large bowl was full, Zhao Mu took a few bites and digested with all his strength.

   The divine nature of food assists digestion, and the soul continues to disintegrate into laws and divine nature continues to converge.

I don’t know how many times after repeating this, the power of the Shenhuo Tangyuan has been perfectly digested, and Zhao Mu’s consciousness is also immersed in the illusion of the heart of the kitchen, undergoing tempering, and a faint colorless transparent flame suddenly appears from the true spirit deep in the soul. The power of **** grows.

  Time is suspended!

   At a critical moment, Zhao Mu forcibly suppressed the ignition of the sacred fire.

Take out the semi-finished Time Magic Mirror refined by the avatar and use the Magic Mirror of Belief to release the time pause and the magic fire to complete the final transformation. The time mind power talent also completes the final evolution at this moment. The God fire and time mind power talents are at the same time as the time magic mirror in hand. Deep fusion binding.

   At the same time the binding is completed, the talent transformation ends and the time mirror is successfully refined.

   Although the talent has changed, it is not a major change in the end.

   is just a small level of transformation, fast without waiting.

   The soul decomposes into the law and divinity to return to the body, and the divine fire continues to burn the law and divinity to further refine the law and divinity.

   Zhao Mu even had a feeling at this moment that he can now use one law of divinity to swallow other laws of divinity and fuse into a little mythical law of divinity.

   As long as the law divine body follows further, he can directly become a myth.

  Of course, the myths achieved in this way are just ordinary myths. The **** of faith can deduce the highest level of sacred fire, and there are naturally different routes to becoming a myth. Since he has the conditions, he must of course choose the strongest method to become a myth.

   But he didn't plan to copy it completely. In fact, he didn't copy it completely after breaking the half-step myth.

   Instead, combining his own situation, he cooks a sacred fire dumpling.

   is also a half-step myth. It does not rely on any other aspects to compete with pure law and divinity. Without ten or eight half-step myths, it is impossible to collide with him. If you count other aspects, he is already considered invincible under the myth.

   Zhao Mu picked up the Mirror of Time, this will be his most destined artifact in the future.

   The increase of his strength, Time Mirror can get benefits, and the time Mirror can also get a lot of benefits.

   On the other hand, the Mirror of Time was destroyed. He would not die but he would never feel good.

  【The Mirror of Time: (the next artifact) (the immortal artifact)】

   [Effect 1: Faith Control-Faith Control]

   [Effect 2: The Mirror of Time-The Mirror of Time can answer all the offline questions of the law of faith]

   [evaluation: when you pick up time sunglasses, you can do everything]

   "There are no additional laws of divinity and strengthening laws."

   Zhao Mu subconsciously exclaimed.

   The magic mirror of time he refined is obviously to strengthen the law of belief and the law of time.

   But now, there is no law enforcement in the Time Mirror.

  Thinking about it carefully, it seems that the Emperor's Jade Book is the same.

   There is no strengthening of the law. It seems that the immortal artifact itself does not call the law, so when he refining the Time Mirror, the reinforcement related to the law is erased, leaving only the purest and most fundamental power.

  , after all, is a natal artifact, Zhao Mu quickly figured out the power of the Time Mirror.

   Controlling beliefs means that he has indirect control over the web of belief laws, and he can directly control the belief laws without condensing the divinity of the belief laws, and even the beliefs gained by other myths through the belief laws can be intercepted by the magic mirror of time.

   As for the Time Mirror, there are two functions.

  The first function, as long as the existence is related to the law of belief, the mirror of the time mirror can reflect the past and the present of these existences. He can see every belief myth and the past and present of every believer.

   Of course, if he sees a myth directly, he will be aware of it.

   Godhead level 3 or higher surpasses the lower-level artifact level, and mythology can even counterattack through the web of belief rules.

   It’s also very simple to block the myth. It takes time to cover it up.

Zhao Mu's thoughts were constantly swept across the mirror, and there were countless fragments of the picture appearing on it. There were believers of gods and priests of the gods. The Time Mirror was controlled by faith and he could even grant these gods and goddesses and bypass the myths behind it. oracle.

   He can also steal the power of faith, and even shield the gods from absorbing the power of faith from believers.

  The means left by the **** of faith, innately restrained all faith myths.

   If he is strong enough, he can even directly follow the web of belief rules to attack belief myths through the control of faith through the magic mirror of time.

   To use the words of the Blue Star era, if the network of beliefs is a network cable, he can kill people along the network cable.

The second purpose of    Time Magic Mirror is to strengthen time into dreams.

   Reduce consumption and reduce the resistance of the target.

   You don’t even need to be close, the Magic Mirror of Time can dream in remote time.

   As long as the web of belief rules exists, the magic mirror of time can enter time into dreams.

   If the control of faith can achieve the omniscience of living things under the law of faith, the Mirror of Time is the omniscience of the dead. He can monitor the gods and use the Mirror of Time to find anything he wants to find.

   In addition to two effects, Time Mirror actually has hidden effects.

   That is a seal, not others but oneself.

  Become a mythical condensed priesthood, it is impossible to master multiple laws at the same time, either master a single law, or master a fusion law that is a fusion of different laws. If you want to master more laws, you need to reconsolidate the clergy corresponding to different laws.

   The priesthood itself is created by the **** of faith based on the improvement of the Shinto runes.

  Believing in the magic mirror can seal one's own law and deity.

For example, when he becomes a myth, if he wants to condense the shadow and other priests, then believe in the magic mirror can seal other laws of divinity in advance, not counting the eight star gods in the small universe of confiscated gods, let his total 100 points of the rule of divinity upper limit empty, and then renew Condense a single shadow divinity to 100 points.

   It is undoubtedly easier to gather the shadow priests in this way.

And if he wants to condense other clergy in the future, he can also release the law and divinity sealed by the Time Mirror again. This does not need to be a myth in order to increase clergy and reconsolidate new law and divinity, which can save him a lot. effort.

  Besides becoming a myth, there are are also many benefits in normal times.

   The upper limit of the deity that the true spirit of a demigod can bear is 100 points, and the upper limit of a single deity is 20 points.

But with the Mirror of Time, and his current soul has been tempered by the divine fire glutinous rice **** hardly lost to the divine soul, so even if he is still a demigod and not a myth, his true spirit can withstand a single law of divinity 100 points Without being assimilated by the law.

   In this way, he can completely raise the divinity of the laws he currently masters to 100 points.

   Then all were sealed in the Mirror of Time, and the divine nature would be lifted if any laws were needed, and the seal would be continued when it was not used. A single 100 points was five times more powerful than the single 20 points of other demigods.

   Shadow, space, death, soul, time...

   disasters, dreams, light, heaven, wisdom...

   life, sharpness, killing, punishment, food, eyes...

   A total of sixteen different laws of divinity, Zhao Mu sealed fifteen and left one with immortal magic elements.

   increased to the upper limit of one hundred, sealed off and replaced with the next rule of divinity.

   At the end, all his mastery of the law of divinity has become a hundred points, leaving the remaining seal of the shadow law of divinity.

Although he can only release the seal at a time to freely use 100 points of rule of divinity, but when he becomes a myth, relying on these 16 rules of divinity, he can condense different priests, even if he becomes a myth, he can also use different priests to possess Practice speed beyond imagination.

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