Night Evolution

Chapter 799: Mysterious Origin

Mime private 799

"The Origin of the Plane of Shadow..."

Zhao Mu stretched out his hand, controlled the law of space and pierced his palm into the depths of the space.

He didn't intend to take it away, just intend to feel it up close.

Because of this origin, he felt very familiar.

"how is this possible!"

Zhao Mubai retracted his hand like a snake.

In close contact with this source, he perceives a total of three powers from it, namely the power of time mind, the source of shadow, and the evil and strange mysterious power in the myth. It is these three powers that produce a certain combination of shadows. Origin of the plane.

No wonder the myth can't touch the origin of the plane of shadow, because the evil and strange mysterious forces are the natural enemies of myths.

Zhao Mu is now more and more sure that the immortal magic element he holds is either copied or weakened.

The true immortal magic element may be the origin of the plane of shadow.

It is even possible that the true immortal magic element consists of more kinds of energy and matter.

Unless one day sees the true immortal magic element in "Zhi"'s memory, all his discoveries will be questioned.

"The three forces merge."

Zhao Mu took out the mysterious energy extracted from the flesh and blood of the demon **** in the world of Samsara.

Then take out part of the immortal magic element, activate the time fusion to deeply integrate the mysterious energy and the immortal magic element. I thought it would be very difficult, but under the promotion of time fusion, it is easy to merge with each other. It seems that they are originally one and not separated from each other.

After thinking about it, Zhao Mu put the fusion product into the shadow plane of the Conferred God Universe.

The moment it was placed, the entire plane of shadow came alive.

Although he relied on the inheritance of the blade of the night to open up the mini shadow plane, and then swallowed the shadow plane of Devil Lake in reality, but his shadow plane is very different from the shadow plane of the samsara world of the gods.

There are several differences, and his shadow plane is not distorted in time and space.

His shadow plane can't make an ant instantly become a myth and deprive him of power. His shadow plane only produces a small amount of shadow source quality, and then relies on the shadow source quality to create shadow life.

Now it's different, and his shadow plane's time and space are beginning to distort.

The generation speed of shadow source quality is dozens of times faster than before.

If there are more sources, the generation speed will be faster.

More importantly, he can instantly mobilize the power of the entire shadow plane, strengthening any life form into a half-step mythology out of thin air. If the origin creates more mythical shadow life out of thin air, it will not be a problem for the current shadow plane.

He needs more evil and strange power, and this power is only available in the myth.

The corpse of the Thousand Eyes Demon God also extracts many mysterious powers.

Zhao Mu immediately synthesized again, and then merged the synthesized origin into his own plane of shadow.

I don't know if it has just reached the critical value. Now his shadow plane can create a mythical shadow life in an instant. Since it can be done, of course he must try it. The devil among the three shadow life is strengthened to mythology for the first time.

At the moment when the enhancement was completed, Zhao Mu was shocked to realize that the source was continuously decreasing.

It was still a permanent loss, he immediately disbanded the power of the shadow life of the demon king's myth, and the permanent loss immediately disappeared.

Zhao Mu suddenly made a guess that what the three energies were fused was not the true origin of the shadow planes of the world of catastrophe, the **** of death did not get the true origin, but a kind of true origin multiplied Secondary origin.

It's just that the **** of death has limited knowledge, and mistakenly thought that what he got was the real source.

"There really is a fourth or even more energy that makes up the real immortal magic element."

Zhao Mu whispered.

He can now be sure that the immortal magic elements he refined in potions in reality are either fake or imperfect.

To find the real answer, you can only go to the shadow city of the faithless.

But before going, he had to deal with a good thing.

Zhao Mu grabbed the flower elves not far away. The **** of death planted a flower here. Under the influence of the secondary source, it came alive and became a flower elves. He was born to control the three extraordinary powers of death, life and shadow.

If it weren't for the lack of energy in this small world, it would be easy for the flower spirit to become a demigod.

Of course he didn’t intend to cultivate a demigod. Demigod is nothing to him. A demigod-level puppet like the Sun God Source Core Crystal can easily be produced. If he is willing to consume incomplete immortal magic elements, he Create a demigod directly by adding points.

What he needs is actually the flower juice of the flower spirit, and the relic of the **** of death obtained by the flower spirit.

Zhao Mu searched and found a quill pen.

Then tear off a few petals from the head of the flower elves, and send the flower elves to the land of mythology to live and grow.

The Book of Death, this is a book that records the death of all living beings.

If it is below the myth, writing down can make a myth below die according to the written content.

It’s not dead in the mythology, but the book of death can show the lethal weakness of a myth, and it can be modified at a huge cost. The flower juice of the flower spirit is the exclusive ink of the book of death, the humble feather pen It is the feather of death.

If it is really hostile, Death's Feather can guarantee that he will not be obliterated by the Book of Death.

Perceiving the plane of shadow, Zhao Mu activated Void Shadow Escape and disappeared into the small world.

No changes can be seen around In fact, he is no longer the main plane but a small world opened by the **** of death in the shadow plane.

Zhao Mu fumbled to the wall and activated the Dark Night Stalking technique to leave the small world.

When I first came out, I saw a creepy scene.

It was originally a cul-de-sac cave. At this time, on the top, bottom, left and right of the rock walls, skinny and shadowy lives grew.


The skinny shadow life moaned in pain with a feeble voice.

Just hearing this sound, Zhao Mu instinctively stuffed his right hand into his mouth. When he recovered from the pain, his hand was almost bitten off. He was affected by hunger and even ate himself. What was even more frightening was that he Heard dozens of shadow beings shouting hungry.

If it is the spiral channel of the rock wall outside the cave, the shadow life growing there is hundreds of trillions of trillions.

So many shouting hungry together, if you don't get a godhead level nine, you will eat yourself alive.

No wonder this is the first forbidden area on the Plane of Shadows, and myths are not enough to die here.

Zhao Mu spit out his own flesh, and the broken wrist was reset and repaired as before.

Zhu Shen's rebellious blade and the blade of vengeance fell in his hands, sealed the 100-point shadow rule with the magic mirror of time, and then unseals the 100-point soul rule into the rule divine body. He has come in now and doesn't have to worry that the gods will find out.

Because although it was made by the gods, the gods can only control the city of the unbelievers on the main plane.

The shadow city of the unbelievers on the plane of shadow is no longer controlled by anyone.

The shadow war puppet in the city of the unbelievers on the main plane is not guarding the scarlet ghost at all, but to guard against the terrifying shadow life here and appearing on the main plane from the seal. If he reads it correctly, a new one will happen here. Changed.

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