Night Evolution

Chapter 802: The Destroyed God Killing Society

Mime private 802

"You are finally here..."

The crimson ghost opened his eyes, and the long hair around his ears formed a line in front of him.

The Book of Death also trembled, and the face on the cover seemed to want to speak but could not say a word that was weak.

"What does the great crimson ghost need us to do?"

Sea Emperor endured the humiliation and anger and asked in a low voice.

"You are too weak."

Crimson Ghost’s red-haired changeable handwriting, "I will let one of you quickly reach the critical point of mythology, and send it to the Miracle Garden in a short time to become a myth. Now you start to kill each other and I only need one."

Seeing these words, the Sea Emperor, Beastmaster and others were shocked and shocked.

The first surprise is a surprise, the latter surprise is a surprise.

Become a myth, this is their ultimate goal.

Now as long as you kill other people, they can be cultivated into a myth by the crimson ghost. They don’t doubt that the crimson ghost can do it. The crimson ghost needs to be at least mythical to get rid of the nail on his body. There is a helping hand.

Almost instantly, the Beastmaster and the Crystal Dragon were attacked fatally.

Although they reacted immediately, how could two against eight be opponents.

The Beast King didn’t have time to turn back into the real Beimon Orc. He was already killed by the Sea King’s eight people. However, a behemoth in the form of a soul flashed in the Beast King whose body was shattered, and his palms were inserted into the ghost admiral like lightning. He tore it into two pieces with both hands and ate it alive.

Whether the ghost admiral is the undead or the ghost body in the undead is fundamental.

There is a law of divinity, because the power of the soul body also possesses the soul in the demigod stage.

With a pure soul body, he has reached the critical point of condensing the soul.

However, at this moment, he was the first half-step myth to be killed.

Although there are still avatars that can be reborn in the kingdom of God on earth, it will take hundreds of years for the avatar to cultivate the peak combat power even with the help of the kingdom on earth. It can be said that the ghost general has completely withdrawn from the conflict of interests on the main plane.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Mu immediately notified the mythical lord incarnation through the dream world to attack the ghost admiral's earthly kingdom.

Originally intended to fatten up, now it seems that the Scarlet Ghost does not intend to give the Sea Emperor their way to survive.

Becoming a myth, can they rescue the scarlet ghosts?

Probably not, because the first contact with Crimson Ghost, Crimson Ghost tried to contact the Black Night Blade through him.

Obviously we need the dark blade to save lives. The dark blade is not easy to talk. The book of death and the dark blade were almost killed in the battle. If you find the dark blade to save someone, it is not to save people but to repair them. .

Even with this risk, the Crimson Ghost still has to take risks, which shows that he is now anxious to get out of trouble.

After the ghost admiral died, the second one to be destroyed was not the crystal dragon but the beast king.

Although he unexpectedly transformed his soul into the form of the ghost Bimon, and possessed super lethal power to the spirit life of the ghost, he faced seven opponents with similar strength.

A few seconds after the death of the beast king, the crystal dragon was also torn apart.

Then, the six Kings of the Seven Seas who were still alive attacked the Sea Emperor at the same time.

"You maggots who don't know how to be grateful..."

Haihuang cursed.

He never expected that the King of the Seven Seas, who had always been on his side, would attack him first.

Although the sea emperor was stronger and still had a magical weapon in his hand, it was only a matter of time before the final defeat after one hit six. Sure enough, the sea enchantment supported by the sea emperor with the heart of the sea was broken, and the sea emperor was also torn into pieces.

Seeing that the Sea King was dead, the remaining six Kings of the Seven Seas immediately began to fight each other.

Zhao Mu shook his head, and the Void Eye looked at the Sea Emperor in the heart of the ocean.

What died just now was just an incarnation, the Sea Emperor transferred most of the law and divinity into the heart of the deep sea during the battle.

At this moment, this more than ninety-point rule divinity has reshaped the rule divine body. The Sea Emperor is obviously prepared. Even if he doesn't kill each other today, he has already made up his mind to escape the control of the crimson ghost by means of suspended animation.

"The Mirror of Time, how did he feign death and resurrect?"

Zhao Mu took out the Time Mirror and asked.

The magic mirror of time suddenly appeared one after another. It turned out that in addition to the giant deep-sea turtle and the heart of the ocean, the Poseidon also left the Poseidon with a one-time artifact, the hourglass, once left by the God of Time.

This thing can reverse time and revive itself at the cost of loss of divinity.

The only limitation is that the hourglass is invalid for myths.

Otherwise, Poseidon would not leave it to Poseidon. This was a one-time artifact made by the God of Time. Now it has become Poseidon’s means of feign death. However, he can fool the King of Seven Seas but he cannot fool the Crimson. ghost.

After a few hours of fighting, the smaller the number, the harder it is to tell the winner.

They are all half-step myths. They have been in the same organization for many years, and they have a lot of points in their hearts. It is easy to tell the victory or defeat when several sieges are made. When there are four people remaining in pairs, it is difficult for a short time. The winner is divided.

In a few more hours, the King of the Seven Seas only left the Astral Neptune and the Mist Neptune.

"I didn't expect it to be you and me."

Astral Sea King said in surprise.

"It's your life and death."

The Mist Sea King said calmly.

"Don't think you can beat me by hiding deeply."

Astral Neptune taunted.

The King of the Seven Seas and the Mist Sea King have always been the weakest ~ As long as they work together, no matter what others say, the Mist Sea King will always nod their heads in agreement.

Over time, everyone despised him.

Unexpectedly, the dog that bites will not bark, and the Sea King of the Mist has been hiding, not knowing how many methods are hidden.

Almost at the same time, Astral Neptune and Mist Neptune released two ships.

The king of the seven seas, of course, has his own ship.

The ship is their most powerful combined large-scale war semi-artifact. Astral Neptune’s ship is like a diamond spar, with no sails or decks visible. Numerous stars on the surface are concentrated enough to kill the demigods. The beam is ejected.

The ship of the Sea King of the Mist is a three-masted sailing ship looming in the mist.

The Xingli beam locks and completely penetrates the three-masted sailboat.

However, the three-masted sailing ship was unharmed, and the star power beam passed through as if hitting the air.

The three-masted sailboat accelerated, and the awl-like bow collided with the Astral Neptune's Starry Sky.

Layers of starlight barriers appeared on the surface of the Starry Sky, not strong barriers but soft barriers.

The collision angle of the Mist should have been bounced when it hits it, but this time it went straight through the barrier like a blur. The collision angle materialized through the hull of the starry sky, and then did not counterattack the starry sky. The opportunity was blurred again, leaving a broken corner.


The horns exploded, and the Starry Sky turned into bright fireworks.

The escaped Astral Neptune watched in disbelief that his beloved ship was destroyed, the Mist Neptune's Mist. He had used the Starry Sky to fight against each other in the name of competition. Although the Mist could be transformed into the mist, it was far less powerful.

With such a powerful strength, the Mist Sea King is the capital of the King of the Seven Seas.

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