Night Evolution

Chapter 810: Dragon Kun Water World

Chapter 810:

In the Miracle Garden, Zhao Mu continued to take out the Death Soul Lamp and went in as a cover.

Of course, in fact, he has entered the lost city of time in the dream world and enjoys time acceleration. The acceleration factor is not only five times. As his strength becomes stronger and stronger, the consumption of time acceleration is also increasing. It is not so easy to take a shortcut of.

The first kind of divine body he was about to condense was the bloodline divine body of Dragon Kun.

First strip the law divinity and divine fire from the body a little bit.

Then he controlled his body to transform into a dragon kun, and the blood of the sleeping dragon kun revived and transformed into a dragon kun.

The law, divinity and sacred fire then sink into the dragon kun's body, consuming a large amount of the immortal magic element of the immortal magic element of the immortal magic element, and forcibly let the ten form changes in the dragon kun's body merge, completely stripping out the original blood of human and the demon Only the pure dragon kun blood is left.

The ten forms of Dragon Kun began to forcibly merge under the power of time fusion.

A normal dragon kun becomes a myth. It requires the dragon kun's body to swallow the ten major forms to transform the blood. At this point, it is no longer lost to the myth at the physical level. Only the soul and the blood can be completely integrated to become a true myth.

If he is willing to abandon his human identity, he can now become a mythical dragon kun.

But Zhao Mu knew very well that humans were his foundation, so he was not prepared to incorporate the soul into the blood of Dragon Kun.

Bloodline rejection, forced fusion, re-rejection, re-fusion...

In the past ten years, the ten mutated Dragon Kun bloodlines in Long Kun's body began to merge into a community under Zhao Mu's subtle control.

Long Kun’s mouth is still that big, but the mouth grows sharp teeth, and the body begins to become a lot slender. The wings covered with scales and feathers are getting bigger and bigger, like the wings of the sky. The ten tails behind the slender body merge into only one. Pure pale blue.

Since then, there is no need to switch forms, Dragon Kun can directly use all forms of extraordinary power.

All the special physiques and talents of all forms converge in one dragon kun.

In Long Kun's body, relying on ten bloodlines to communicate the ten laws that are ubiquitous between heaven and earth, relying on the original bloodline and a real immortal magic element to open up a truly perfect water world in the body, the completely perfect instantaneous void has evil and strange mysterious powers That is, the power of immortal foreign spirits appeared out of thin air.

At the moment of appearance, Zhao Mu controlled the bloodline divine body and used the immortal magic element in his body to suppress these immortal foreign spirits.

Even if it is the power of the foreign spirit above the myth, it can't resist the suppression of the immortal magic element.

After all, one is genuine, and the other is fake.

Zhao Mu controlled the law of divinity and divine fire, and immediately escaped into the bloodline divine body.

The sleeping dragon kun was activated, and Zhao Mu suddenly felt an unspeakable power. This is a super power that truly belongs to mythology. While controlling these powers, he also felt some disharmony because of his soul and true spirit. It is not integrated into the original bloodline.

In other half-step myths, it is impossible to control the Dragon Kun body.

Because strictly speaking, the current dragon kun and the deep-sea giant turtle's fetus are empty blood divine bodies and not enough divine souls to match.

If it weren't for his true spirit and divine fire to be strong enough, he couldn't control the current dragon kun at all.

His body flashed, Zhao Mu's divine fire and law divinity took his human blood and escaped into Long Kun's body world.

The internal world is huge, at least hundreds of millions of miles away.

The fusion of the laws of the sun and the laws of water in the sky gave birth to a kind of water with the power of the sun, and finally formed a sun composed of liquid water. This kind of solar water has amazing high temperature and stability, but also has amazingly powerful Healing ability.

The law of shadow and the law of water merged to give birth to a moon composed of liquid water.

This kind of shadow water can directly transform life forms into shadow life.

The sun and the moon alternate, day and night appear throughout the world.

There are thunder clouds in the sky, and there are thunder and water in the clouds. This thunderous water can temper the flesh and blood that enhances the flesh and blood.

Looking down from the sky, there are floating islands of white bones growing in the endless sea. This kind of white bones can temper the bones of flesh and blood life, and in the sea, we can also see that some aquatic life has been gradually born.

When he became a dragon kun, he had eaten countless species.

These species were eaten, and all their genes were stored by the dragon kun. At this time, they were all bred in this sea of ​​life. Together with the power of the nether dragon kun, it was enough to induce the law of soul to create a new soul and make the whole world lively.

The normal world usually has only positive space.

The void behind the frontal space does not exist at all, just like the kingdom of the gods. If there is no deep void in the space that penetrates the kingdom of the gods, it will directly appear in the void of the great world outside the kingdom of gods.

But his internal world is different, there is a void birth outside the frontal water world.

The birth of this emptiness has three major benefits.

The kingdom of the gods draws energy directly through the web of laws and the void where the kingdom of **** is.

Long Kun’s water world has void, so he will draw energy from both the void of his own void and the world where Dragon Kun is located. can connect to the real origin of space after the void through his void.

Zhao Mu continued to feel the world and noticed the difference in the flow of time.

He can freely adjust the flow of time in the entire world. If the area where the flow of time is adjusted is a life body below the demigod, it will not be difficult for a few days or a few years. If there is a demigod in the adjusted time area, the time ratio will be greatly reduced. The myth that can only accelerate twice the time.

But it should be noted that this time acceleration does not require any additional consumption.

The energy that the entire world draws from the void can maintain this degree of time acceleration for the myth.

In a short period of time, it is definitely not as good as using immortal magic elements to directly activate the time acceleration talent, but in the long run, the value of this constant and non-consuming time acceleration is beyond imagination. I believe that it will not take long for this water world to be full of life.

In addition to these, Zhao Mu also felt the power of data laws and immortal magic elements.

The life forms born in this water world are naturally equivalent to the characters in the game. Killing monsters can gain experience growth, and will be reborn in the water world after death. The life forms in this world are equivalent to natural super-dimensional evolvers.

Zhao Mu activates triple time acceleration, he is not a myth, and now he can constantly accelerate triple time.

Take out the magic mirror of time and order the immortal demons to communicate the laws of faith.

His mythological law divine body does not intend to incorporate the power of shadow into it. Dragon Kun’s bloodline divine body contains the law of shadow. When the five major divine bodies merge into one in the future, it will naturally have the law of shadow in the ultimate super-dimensional divine body.

Therefore, he is ready to integrate into the law of the God Body, not the law of shadow but the law of faith.

With the help of Time Mirror, this is much easier than condensing the blood and the body.

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