Night Evolution

Chapter 815: Hunting myth

Chapter 815

"Would you like to have a drink with me?"

Christopher was drunk with a hip flask the size of a water tank.

"How about this wine made from Bacchus."

Zhao Mu sat down beside him and drank a glass of normal human beings.

"Very good, it makes me feel a little drunk."

Christopher exclaimed, since he became a demon god, he almost forgot the taste of wine.

"I'm really dedicated to you."

Zhao Mu said calmly.

"You are so dedicated."

Christopher sneered.

Living in Stormwind Castle over the years, Zhao Mu has provided him with all kinds of top enjoyment.

From eating and drinking to entertaining, it makes him happy.

Then every other year, the avatar will also show other demon genes that help him stabilize his body and reject it.

Zhao Mu's intention is to learn how to enjoy and make him reluctant to die. If he is reluctant to die, he must rely on Zhao Mu. This **** human being can better control him. Although he knows these principles, these beautiful enjoyments that corrupt his spirit. He still couldn't refuse.

I know in my heart that I'm being calculated, but my body is honest and can't refuse these enjoyments.

This made him very dissatisfied, but he couldn't help Zhao Mu.

"follow me!"

A tentacle in front of Zhao Mu suddenly appeared through the void.

Christopher almost slashed over with an axe. At the beginning, he was entangled by this tentacle monster. However, when he saw Zhao Mu walk into the space crack torn apart by the tentacle, he suddenly understood that this mythical shadow life was controlled by Zhao Mu.

"Monster-like humans..."

Christopher followed in.

On the plane of shadow of the Conferred God Universe, Zhao Mu activated the Shadow Attack of Zhu Shen.

The body part of the mythological shadow life provided by Christopher became the perfect medium for the shadow attack of the God of Judgment. I saw a shadow life that looked like a mountain but was covered with strange trees and was drawn into the plane of shadow by the shadow of the God of Judgment.

At the moment it appeared, the tentacles stretched out a strip of tentacles to block the opponent.

At the same time, it reinforces the surrounding space. Otherwise, even if the three myths start his shadow plane with the reinforcement of the real immortal magic element, it will be very dangerous. Looking at the sudden mythical shadow life, Christopher finally understands how the dark blade hunted the myth back then.

"Do it!"

Zhao Mu urged.

Christopher raised the giant axe, the wings of the abyss vampire accelerated to the speed of light, the eyes of the abyss beholder locked the prey, the arms of the abyss giant arm were attached with infinite destructive power, and the blood vessels of the abyss blood dragon attached to the giant ax were enough to corrode the blood poison of myth.

Finally, the law of killing was controlled and integrated into the offensive, and the axe fell several kilometers and was split in half.

In the top half of the split mountain, you can see the endless tree roots inside.

At this moment, these tree roots all came alive, and the earth root system that took root in the Shadow Plane continued to spread. It was originally attached to the cracked mountain. At this moment, the blood poisoning and killing power was dispersed and diluted along the plant root system in the root spreading earth.

But in a blink of an eye, the strange mountain was no longer hurt.

Even the split mountains are re-filled because of the roots absorbing the shadow source of the earth.

"Come again!"

Zhao Mu said.

He chose this strange mountain because of its amazing low offense and low recovery ability.

As long as you are in the shadow plane, waiting for the idle myth to die can not destroy the strange mountain.

However, this is not the original shadow plane of the strange mountain, but the personal shadow plane he opened up. All the shadow sources here are true immortal magic elements to produce immortal magic elements, and then immortal magic elements generate shadow sources. quality.

So everything is under his control, he can't absorb it at all if he doesn't let the strange mountain absorb the shadow source.

Christopher continued to drive the mountain, but this time the strange mountain could not be repaired instantly.

No matter what, Christopher just locked a wound and continued to swing his axe. The blood poison and the law of killing continued to overlap. Finally, at the sixth axe, he successfully divided the strange mountain into two. The tentacle monster trapped half of the strange mountain. Christopher began to leave half of the strange mountain. Continue to divide into two.

Christopher stopped for a few days and his hands were shaking.

Knowing that the shadow of the myth is hard to kill, I didn't expect it to be so hard to kill.

It's been divided into tens of millions of pieces, and it can even be stubbornly blurred into shadows and continuously converge.

As soon as his axe stopped, it would soon recover itself.

This was because Zhao Mu prevented the strange mountain from absorbing the shadow source quality, otherwise it would be more difficult to kill the strange mountain.

No wonder the gods have always sealed the master in dealing with the shadow life.

If you really want to kill, it is also a place where certain powers are distorted after the seal is thrown into the plane of shadow, so that the power of the mythical shadow life in the seal is transformed into a weak ant again, and the mythical shadow life is really killed by the front Few.

In the Dead Soul Lamp, Zhao Mu looked at the strange mountain divided into tens of millions.

Each one becomes a hill, the vitality of this kind of thing is really powerful and terrifying.

It's a pity that the defensive ability is not good but the recovery ability is strong, otherwise he wants to stay as an exclusive meat shield.

The dead soul lamp was extinguished, and an astonishing amount of shadow source quality was immediately transformed.

Although the immortal magic element of Shanzhai is constantly generating the shadow element, there must be a process in the middle. This shadow element of the shadow life of the mythical shadow, he currently has at least several hundred years to produce the immortal element of the shadow.

After all, this is a myth. There are only more than one hundred shadow planes in the world of reincarnation.

At this time, being taken away from these shadow source qualities is equivalent to permanently weakening the shadow plane of the reincarnation world Two days later, Christopher's recuperation ended.

Zhao Mu continued to punish the gods, and continued to trap the target with the tentacles, and then Christopher used an axe to decompose.

This time it was full of aggressiveness, but the Tentacle Monster was not what it used to be.

The shadow plane has an extra mythical level of shadow source quality, mixing immortal magic elements into the body of the tentacle monster, and after strengthening the control of the space, as long as the shadow plane is in the shadow plane, even the rank six of the gods can be easily trapped.

A few days later, the hunt was completed again, and the tentacles were strengthened again.

Even Christopher felt shocked and inexplicable.

Tasting the sweetness continuously, Zhao Mu squeezed Christopher crazily.

By the time the fifth mythical shadow life was hunted down, Christopher felt uncomfortable when he saw the shadow life.

The sixth one, Zhao Mu originally thought it would go as smoothly as before.

However, an accident happened. The target who was pulled into the plane of shadow by the shadow of the **** of death had a second distortion and mutation when it was pulled over, from the form of a giant bird that was distorted and mutated into a mythical shadow life like a sea urchin. The moment it appeared It has exploded.

Well, Zhao Mu ran fast, or he would almost be blown to death in his shadow plane.

Intuition tells him that this is not a coincidence.

The Book of Death, who has been out of trouble, seems to be aware of the abnormal disappearance of the mythical shadow life, so it uses the power of the shadow plane to twist and mutate, and with its own power, it artificially manipulates the target that he locked and pulled, so that it mutates into a sea urchin. The bomb gave him a good look behind the scenes.

Zhao Mu suddenly understood that the mythical shadow life could not hunt for the time being.

But it doesn't matter, there are no gods in the shadow life without the myth.

God of Doom, he has been coveting for a long time.

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