Night Evolution

Chapter 819: Flip the hole

Chapter 819


Zhao Mu tried again after he hit the Abyss Demon in his dream, which was completely unsuccessful.

Zhao Mu suddenly understood that the current abyssal queen was no longer the queen of a thousand eyes but the real abyssal queen.

But I didn't expect that the will of the abyss would be partial.

But think about it, the abyss gave birth to the entire family of abyss demons. All abyss demons were born from the abyss. The will of the abyss is the mother's completely reasonable and reasonable. If it is male, it will make people creepy.

"You are very nice, are you interested in throwing into my arms?"

The head of the Queen of Abyss flew up and opened her mouth.

"Do you have an embrace?"

Zhao Mu asked with a smile.

"Indeed not."

The Abyss Demon Empress said that the part of the broken neck began to grow flesh and blood.

In a blink of an eye, he has become a charming succubus.


The Queen of the Abyss opened her arms and waved.

Zhao Mu feels that his eyes are going to be blind. The succubus is a creature full of charm and looks good, but can he straighten his head while shaping the neck, and the vertical pupils with rotten brows are scary. , How embarrassed to let yourself into his arms.

He could see that the brain circuit of the will of the abyss was not normal at all.

Think about it, if the will of the abyss is normal, how can the demons born in the abyss be chaotic evil camp.

"Then make you more confused."

Zhao Mu grinned grimly.

The magic mirror of time that the body took over appeared in his hand, and he used the immortal demon to cast time into a dream.

When time enters the dream successfully, the countless dream memories of sentient beings are all instilled into the will of the abyss.

This innumerable is not an exaggerated adjective, but it is really innumerable, because these dream memories come from the believers of all the gods on the main plane, and all their consciousness is drawn into the time dream by the time magic mirror at this moment. Give the abyss will.

Many memories are stuffed into a person's brain, and that person can't tell who he is and which memory is true.

Abyss Will is very powerful, but the Abyss Demon Queen's body is only a small part of Abyss Will.

At this time, being instilled by such a huge memory of sentient beings, it suddenly seemed as if the personality split into countless individuals.

It was just a moment, just now that the Queen of the Abyss, who had thrown him into the arms of the abyss, was crazy.

This move is very powerful, even if the will of the abyss cannot bear it.

If used to deal with myths, the existence of God of Chaos will become a lunatic.

This is a trump card. It was originally prepared for the Lord of the Stars. I didn’t expect to be forced to use it here. After using it once, the gods will directly notice that there is something wrong with their believers. After all, he just forcibly used all the believers on the main plane. Pull into the dream of time and attack the will of the abyss together.

He didn't want this, but there was no way to face the will of the abyss.

After all, strictly speaking, the will of the abyss and the will of the main plane are equivalent to half-step immortal existence.

This kind of existence, even if only part of the will, cannot be dealt with by ordinary means.


Zhao Mu used the power law again.

The entire kingdom of God on earth disappeared into the sea at this moment.

A giant continent suddenly disappeared from the sea, and the sea water poured in and caused an astonishing tsunami. All the gods on the nearby coast were unlucky. The Sea Emperor City closest to the sea even activated the magic enchantment with all its strength to block the tsunami.

The kingdom of the gods on earth disappeared, and Zhao Mu completely moved to the small universe of the gods.

Only the mad Queen of the Abyss was destroyed everywhere. He did not expect to be able to kill the Queen of the Abyss, because as far as he knew, the Will of the Abyss already possessed a bit of immortality, and this kind of existence was almost impossible to be destroyed by forces below the same level. .

Since he couldn't kill it, he simply threw the madman of the Abyss Demon Empress on the main plane and wreaked havoc.

The will of the main plane fell into a deep sleep due to the sublimation of the main plane, and when he regained his awakening, he would be one step closer to immortality. At that time, this mad Abyss Demon Empress couldn't escape even if he wanted to run. He didn't need him to have a headache how to deal with the Abyss Demon Empress.

Although the Queen of Abyss was successfully resolved, the follow-up impact was far more than that.

All believers on the main plane were drawn into a dream and suddenly fell asleep. This sudden change completely left the gods at a loss. They didn’t even know who did it and how they did it. At this moment turbulent looking for behind the scenes.

At this time, suddenly the kingdom of God on earth was the **** of the total storm, no doubt suspicious.

However, suspiciousness doesn't solve the problem. Even if you want to question the God of Stormwind, you have to find the God of Stormwind. Zhao Mu has already taken the earthly kingdom of God that has been collected into the Fengshen universe to the earthly kingdom of God of Doom.

The shadow plane of the Conferred Small Universe, the God of Fortune and the God of Doom, have been severely injured by Christopher.

At this moment, the three parties are in a stalemate.

Beating the falling water dog, Christopher easily hit the **** of luck and the **** of bad luck.

However, at the last moment, the **** of luck and the **** of bad luck have joined forces.

Christopher was confident enough that he could easily kill the two of them, but the curse of luck and curse of doom, which the God of Fortune and the God of Doom were ready to go, made him feel very taboo. He really killed both of them. For a lifetime, luck will never get caught in bad luck.

Imagine the consequences, Christopher's magic axe can't be cut down.

Zhao Mu's subjective consciousness returned to his activated the evil pupils to appear in the dark to the **** of luck and doom.

His eyes rushed out of the natural disaster demon crow and the treasure mouse, staring at the **** of luck and the **** of bad luck, drooling eagerly.

Although the calamity pupil became the mythical pupil technique, it was only the weakest mythical pupil technique.

If these two can be eaten, Calamity Demon Eye can at least be upgraded to Level 3 of the Godhead.

"Night Blade, is it you?"

The **** of luck exclaimed when Zhao Mu appeared.

"I am not the blade of the night, I am Zhao Mu, the **** of storm."

Zhao Mu looked at the God of Fortune who was bound by the ashes of the dead soul, and his body's divine power was poured into the dead soul lamp.

The gray smoke of the dead soul is more powerful. The treasure hunter suddenly bit the **** of luck from above. Obviously the **** of luck can't resist. The treasure hunter bit down but either excitedly bit his tongue or control the muscles of the mouth to cramp and bite. For a long time, the **** of luck didn't even lose his hair.

"Time Fusion!"

Zhao Mu locked the treasure hunter and the **** of luck to use the immortal magic element in the cottage to perform time fusion.

Normally, the current stage of time fusion forcibly merges a myth, even if the myth loses the ability to resist, the fusion will fail. However, the **** of luck self-destructs the law of luck and the divinity attracts the abyss demon, plus his followers are also The **** of doom was almost killed.

Double backlash, the power of the **** of luck is not even as good as some false gods.

To the naked eye, the **** of luck was forcibly integrated into the treasure hunter.

No matter how he struggles, he can only leave behind a lucky curse in the end. However, this is just a dessert for the treasure hunter who swallowed the **** of luck. When he digested the **** and priesthood of the **** of luck, this pupil technique condensed The treasure hunter may become a real life form.

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