Night Evolution

Chapter 827: Ancient Cthulhu

Mime private 827

Dusk desert, one of the forbidden areas on the main plane.

According to the calculation of twelve months in a year, there will be tornadoes raging here for four months, thunderstorms with light thundering but not raining for four months, and various evil and strange existences will rush out from under the desert in four months, and the last four months The desert absorbs sunlight during the day and burns up flames at night.

Such a weird desert, of course, could not have been generated naturally.

Zhao Mu came to the edge of the desert, and it was the tornado season when tornadoes were raging.

Here is the seal of the ancient evil gods, the storm, thunder and flame are all masterpieces of ancient myths.

There is the power of immortal foreign spirits in the myth, and the power of immortality is naturally more.

The creation giant beast Gula fell, and the power of immortal foreign spirits in his body formed six ancient evil gods on the main plane.

All things must not look directly at God, as long as they don’t see it with their own eyes, there will be no problem without close contact.

The ancient evil gods are different. The immortal foreign spirits in their bodies have too much power, let alone mortals. Even the demigods who have not lit the fire will have a nervous breakdown when they see the ancient evil gods, and the ancient evil gods will even pollute the world.

Wherever the place was polluted by the ancient evil gods, life would be polluted as long as they stepped on it.

Since then, the soul has been twisted and lost its wisdom, becoming a monster that only knows to kill and destroy.

The ancient evil **** almost polluted the entire main plane, and finally the first batch of myths appeared.

Pure strength, the ancient evil **** surpasses the myth of the same level.

Even the ancient evil gods can pollute myths and become true mindless evil gods.

So at first, the situation of the ancient myths was not good, but the ancient evil gods had no brains, and the ancient myths led the ancient evil gods to the plane of shadow, and started a **** battle with the shadow life of the myth that took tens of thousands of years.

There were a total of six ancient evil gods, and four were killed by the shadow beings of mythology with the help of geographical advantages.

At this time, the ancient myths hiding in the dark were shot. They wanted to wipe out the ancient evil gods and mythical shadows. At the beginning of the battle, they took the corpses of four ancient evil gods. The place they chose to seal was this dusk desert.

Later, the gods and the shadow plane went to war completely, and the ancient gods who were lucky enough to win the battle were almost completely destroyed.

It stands to reason that the war of the year was not so tragic.

The ancient gods are not lunatics. Why are they not afraid of death when they are not driven to desperation?

The reason is that one of the six ancient evil gods survived.

This ancient evil **** seemed to be parasitized by a certain mythical shadow life, and turned into a wise ancient evil god. I don't know how to do it. After all, the time magic mirror cannot see everything that happened on the shadow plane.

This transformed ancient evil **** used his own wisdom and his own strength to restrain the myth, and made the gods irrational through a force similar to the guidance of fate. This ancient evil **** of wisdom can be said to be the pioneer of the modern evil **** system.

The fate of this one is more subtle, not dead but missing.

Through the Mirror of Time, Zhao Mu knew that this one had finally left the world of reincarnation.

There is a great possibility that we have been walking in the gaps of the world, and power has penetrated into different worlds of reincarnation.

Not immortal, but at least half-step immortality.

The Cthulhu world of Amelia and other Cthulhu systems that believe in the reincarnation world are basically spread by this one, and there must be a dawn behind them. Compared with normal myths, the Cthulhu system can withstand and resist the power of immortal spirits. It's much higher.

The current Cthulhu system can retain wisdom, the only flaw is that the character is greatly affected.

It is specifically manifested in the poor self-control ability, just like the **** of doom. He has a preference to create doom and play with ordinary and weak human beings. This does not allow him to gain a lot of negative power of belief. This is just a simple hobby that breeds after the xinxing is affected.

"Twilight Desert..."

Zhao Mu greedily took out the Time Mirror.

The entire Dusk Desert was sealed with the corpses of four ancient evil gods.

That's fine, the key is that there is another survivor of the six ancient evil gods here. It survives because this ancient evil **** is a mountain, or a mountain that does not like to move, and its defense ability is even stronger. terrible.

The price for the gods to deal with was too great, and finally the **** of time moved them to the dusk desert.

Because the corpses of the four ancient evil gods were sealed, the depths of the dusk desert were flooded with the power of immortal spirits.

The ancient Cthulhu Mountain giant likes it very much, and hasn't moved a place for countless years.

The last thing he wanted to hunt was this terrifying mountain giant.

Pure combat power, the God of Chaos will be willing to bow down.

He dared to deal with the mountain giant because he knew enough about the mountain giant through the magic mirror of time.

The mountain giant has no wisdom, so he was drawn here by the **** of time.

In the same way, he can also transfer the mountain giants to the Conferred Gods universe through lure and lure, open up a space for the mountain giants, and then collect the power of the immortal alien spirits scattered by the mountain giants, so that the immortal magic element of the synthetic cottage has a more stable Source of materials.

With dark night stealth, Zhao Mu set foot in the dusk desert.

Eyes of the Void caught the movement of the tornado sandstorm along the way, and easily went deep into the dusk desert.

The closer you get, the more you feel the power of immortal alien spirits.

Near the center of the dusk desert, Zhao Mu saw a huge tornado one after another. There are four dark green translucent copper mountains outside the tornado. The material of this copper mountain is made of immortal sacred copper. It is a proper myth. Immortal metal resources on the world.

One could vaguely see the ancient evil gods' corpses sealed inside the four copper mountains.

The four copper mountains spread out the immortal holy copper chains, which are tied to a mountain by the tornado said that the binding may be a bit inappropriate, because it is not the immortal holy copper chains that trap the mountain giants, but the immortality passed on by the chains. The power of foreign spirits.

Zhao Mu could perceive that the power of the immortal spirits in the corpses of the four gods was already less than 10%.

The remaining 90% dissipated when they died, and the rest was obviously swallowed by the mountain giant.

Zhao Mu was close to one of the copper mountains, inside which was sealed the ancient evil **** Snake Mother Giant.

Reaching out and pressing it on the surface, he immediately drew close to five billion time thoughts.

Close to four copper mountains in a row, he gained a total of 20 billion time thought power, plus a few mythological gods, his current reserve of time thought power has reached an astonishing 130 billion time thought power.

Zhao Mu returned to the copper mountain where the giant snake mother was sealed, and began to infuse the power of time and the source of shadow into it.

Time fusion!

The three powers merge with each other, and more and more second-rank immortal magic elements are generated.

Visible to the naked eye, the corpse of the snake mother giant began to dry up.

In the end, there was only a dry snake that was skinny and like dead wood.

After dying for countless years, the divine power in the body has long been exhausted, and the power of the immortal foreign spirit has been taken away by the mountain giant. Now the power of the last immortal foreign spirit has disappeared, and it is a fluke to be able to leave a snake dry. Know if it can be transformed into fantasy ingredients.

Zhao Mu continued to repeat the old tricks, consuming a total of 120 billion time power and the same shadow source quality.

Obtained a large number of second-grade immortal magic elements, as well as a dried snake, a dried rabbit, a dried fish and a dried wild vegetable. The four dried corpses did not have a godhead, and the fire had already been extinguished. Instead, they were born from the condensed laws. The priesthood remains intact.

Not counting the mountain giants, just these four innate priesthoods are already amazing gains.

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