Night Evolution

Chapter 865: Ancestor keel

Chapter 865

  The hot magma converged into the sea and emitted a dazzling red light, and sparks continued to rise from the magma.

   There is no oxygen at all here, and there is only the smell of sulfur and deadly poisonous gas in the air. Zhao Mu came to the edge of the magma sea and looked at a corner of the underground world illuminated by the red magma. He jumped into the sun and fell into the magma.

   The space ability is imprisoned here, and the flying ability is also imprisoned.

   Cracking is not easy but not very difficult, but these are actually just traps.

   It's okay if you don't crack it. After cracking it, this magma sea will collapse.

   The zeroth era ruins in the center of the magma sea will disappear as a result. In the previous life, if a master of the formation discovered the hidden formation here, then there was no way to enter the zeroth era ruins.

   Zhao Mu was swimming in the lava, and the strange snakes flowing around him stared at him.

   Through time to dream, Zhao Mu suddenly understood the origin of these strange snakes.

  Fire horn snake, snake is form, fire is power, and horn refers to the little dragon without legs.

The name    is very appropriate. These fire horned snakes are not a species, but a special life born out of a bone in the eyes of a burning infinite flame in the deepest part of the magma sea.

   The origin of the specific bones cannot be accurately known unless you see the time dream of the bones.

   But what is certain is that this is a keel, and it is still an immortal keel.

Because it was only the radiating power of this keel bone, that part of the magma was eroded and infected by power to have life. Eventually, the fire horned snake with dragon bloodline and strength at the demi-god level was born. This shows how powerful this dragon bone's owner was before his life. .

   In the depths of the magma sea in the previous life, I heard that it relied on some kind of causal transmission.

   Obviously, the Dawn Federation military in the past life could not do anything with these fire snakes.

   You have to know that there are not two fire snakes here. It is conservatively estimated that there are more than 100,000 fire snakes here.

   However, the number is not the most terrifying. The most terrifying thing is that the fire snake will merge into other fire snakes after death, absorbing the power of the dead fire snake, and the living fire snake will become more powerful.

   It is conservatively estimated that there are more than one hundred fire snakes at the peak of the magma sea demigod.

   If you kill a few, then the power will be absorbed by the rest.

  It only takes a very short time, and several mythical fire snakes will be born here.

   It is no wonder that the military in the previous life did not dare to force it.

   Although they don't have time and dreams to know everything easily, they can know the details of the fire snake with various means. The fire snake has no birth myth, just because this creature has no active aggressiveness.

   They have no natural enemies here, and rely on magma for food and do not need to fight for survival.

   is not inherently aggressive. The fire snakes here are basically fused by other fire snakes after they die.

   There have been a few dragonbone swords in the previous life, Zhao Mu never knew where the materials came from?

Now I know. Apparently, after opening the Zeroth Era Ruins, the previous Union military captured a small number of fire horned snakes here, and built a small number of keel swords based on the vertebrae of fire horned snakes. Now these non-aggressive fire horned snakes are all It's his.

   Zhao Mu opened a big mouth in the blood basin, and the huge mouth was connected to the world of dragon kun water.

The surrounding fire horned snakes were eaten by him one by one and came to the world of dragon kun water, and then they were sent to the mythical realm to try enslavement. Unsurprisingly, they failed. These fire horned snakes born from the immortal dragon bones are born with a trace of inscrutable nature. Immortal breath.

   It is this kind of aura that prevents the fire snake from being transformed into a leader.

   has no enslavement value, it really can only be slaughtered.

   Avatar outside!

   Zhao Mu spit out a mouthful of blood, and a drop of blood, a sun dragon kun, made thousands of external avatars.

  The big fish eats the small fish, and the fire horn snake ushered in the disaster of extinction.

   Zhao Mu kept walking through the magma, and gradually went deep into the magma sea to find the immortal keel.

   He will use time and dream identification, if it can be taken away, of course it is taken away, if not, at least he can know some information about this place.

   If possible, he would like to use the super-dimensional shadow to escape.

   But no, this magma lake is very special, he cannot enter the higher dimensional space here.

   Or to be more precise, this place itself is already a higher-dimensional space. Since he entered the magma sea, he has entered a higher-dimensional space. As for the upper-level dimensions here, he is not able to break into it with the power he currently has.

   A few days later, Zhao Mu went deep into the magma sea hundreds of thousands of kilometers and finally saw the fire eye where the fire horned snake was born.

   Far away, the Eye of the Void penetrated the magma and saw a dragon bone several hundred feet long.

   locked the phalanx of this dragon claw, the immortal magic element of the cottage quietly spread over.

   The time dream was formed, and Zhao Mu suddenly saw a time dream that made him incredible.

   He saw the owner of this section of the dragon bone, an immortal real dragon from birth to destruction.

The dragon is a creature with horns like deer, head like camel, eyes like rabbits, necks like snakes, belly like mirages, scales like fish, claws like eagles, palms like tigers, and ears like cows. It looks like nine ordinary creatures. Pieced together.

   In fact, this is true. The first dragon in the world is really a piece of nine creatures.

At the starting point of the dream of time, Zhao Mu saw that in a mysterious sea laboratory, some humans collected the genes of nine kinds of creatures, and used the true immortal magic elements to continuously strengthen and evolve these genes, and finally they were born through the fusion of the true immortal magic elements. The first dragon in the world.

   Although it is the first dragon, there are some things that are not the first and good.

  Experimental products are even more so. With experience, experimenters use the genes of the first dragon to create more and more powerful dragons.

   This first dragon became a purely captive experiment.

Hundreds of years have passed. The first dragon is scarred and dying. Although it was born a myth, this first dragon has undergone too many cruel experiments. It survived only because the experimenters did not let it die. .

   By this time, the cost of continuing to treat the dragon has exceeded its own The dragon was abandoned. An experimenter couldn't bear to kill the dragon, so he released it with a thought.

Perhaps it is the road to heaven. In the last few years of this dragon’s life after being placed in the sea, a large number of true immortal magic elements were unintentionally discovered in the sea, which allowed it to survive successfully, and even its bloodline changed in a dormant place. Ten years later, it has grown to a level equivalent to the peak of the myth.

  Inner hatred, let it avenge humanity.

   The deep-sea base was the first to be destroyed, but what awaited it was the pursuit of humans.

   The zeroth era humans are very terrifying. They almost completely solved the mystery of life. Every zeroth era human being is a myth. Everyone wears a super-reinforced suit, and each has the ability to easily destroy a mountain.

   There is nothing wrong, just destroying a mountain.

   Because of the human world in the zeroth era, both the density of matter and the gravity are terrifying.

   Nowadays, the Dark Continent destroys thousands of miles of myths at every turn. In the zeroth era, the human world can only destroy a mountain, and even the weapons in the hands of the zeroth era are made of immortal bronze.

   If it weren't for confirming that the time dream was okay, Zhao Mu would doubt that there was something wrong with the time dream?

  He must have no problem, that is, the humans in the zeroth era are really terrifying.

  Vaguely, Zhao Mu realized a terrible truth.

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