Night Evolution

Chapter 935: Defection

Chapter 935

"I do not know either."

The young master of the ghosts and gods could not answer the question of King Miluo at all.

"May not be killed."

The King Wanxiang expressed his opinion, "We can all see that the more pieces of the Destiny Compass, the better. Now it is just a preliminary restoration. We are likely to make chess pieces for the Destiny Compass forever."

Hearing what King Wanxiang said, the faces of all ghosts and gods changed.

Because what King Wanxiang said is likely to be true, so they will be imprisoned forever.

The silent dream demon king suddenly appeared in his hand a big dream Qianqiu dish.

In an instant, the Dream Demon King has disappeared in the ghost house.

Everyone was shocked. They did not expect the Dream Demon King to have the Big Dream Qianqiu Die in his hands, and they did not expect that the Dream Demon King would actually use the Big Dream Qianqiu Die to escape, although they would also run away if they had the Big Dream Qianqiu Die, but this did not happen. Prevent them from resenting the Dream Demon King.

Since they are planning to defect, why not take them with them.

Jiuyou Baihu roared in anger, and the immortal ghost and **** clone who retired and refined the immortal origin was also awakened.

The mind swept away, and the immortal ghosts already knew something was wrong.

The Compass of Destiny was gone, and the Dream Demon also disappeared.

Looking directly at Jiuyou Baihu's memory, he immediately saw all the things that happened just now.

The destiny compass disappeared, it was not taken by him at all.

The Dream Demon left with the help of the Big Dream Qianqiu Disc. It may be because of stealing the Compass of Destiny to run away, or it may be frightened by the words of the King of Wanxiang. No matter what the situation, the Dream Demon is the first. The suspect must be brought back.

For the remaining ghosts and gods, they are also suspected of stealing the Compass of Destiny.

The most suspected one is his good son.

In the end, the Compass of Destiny is an immortal artifact. Even if he wants to refine the Compass of Destiny for several thousand years, it will not work. Except for his good son who has had the Compass of Destiny for many years, it is almost impossible for anyone to refine the Compass of Destiny in just two years.

It is not easy to hunt down the Dream Demon even with his own deity.

As for the remaining suspected ghosts, they would rather kill by mistake than let go.

Immortal ghosts and gods did not conceal their killing intent. When he was prepared, even if the ghosts and gods in the ghost house had a second big dream, they would not be able to successfully escape again. The blame is that they didn't look into the destiny. compass.

Feeling the killing intent of the immortal ghosts and gods, the seventeen ghosts and gods including the young master of the ghosts and the King Miluo changed their colors.

Worse than the worst, immortal ghosts plan to kill them.

No one wants to be killed. Almost every ghost and **** is ready for death in an instant. The clones of immortal ghosts and gods want to kill them. Even if they die, they must be beautiful to immortal ghosts and gods. They are not the kind of fools that only exist in humans. Loyalty.

"Trust me, stand-in doll."

Zhao Mu spoke to the young master of ghosts and gods.

Young Master Ghosts and Gods immediately took out two special stand-in dolls, one for his own use and the other into Zhao Mu's body.

Zhao Mu took out the Big Dream Qianqiu disc, grabbed the young master of the ghost and god, and sent it.

Two chains pierced through the ghost house and passed through Zhao Mu and the young master of the ghost in an instant, but the special avatar replaced them for a second, and the big dream Qianqiu dish was successfully activated and took Zhao Mu and the young master of the ghost to leave the abyss of falling souls.

Looking at the two special avatars trapped in the chain of the gods, the immortal ghosts looked very ugly.

He ran away, and he had a second big dream.

Inside the ghost house, the desperate screams of the King Miluo and other ghosts and gods came out. They knew that immortality was great, but they never knew how great immortality was. They thought they could die together under the immortal clone, but they didn’t know that they were immortal. In front of the clone, there is no qualification to die.


In the ghost world of reincarnation, Zhao Mu and the young master of ghosts and gods teleported here.

Of course it's not a big dream, but a time coordinate.

There is only one real big dream Qianqiu dish that is now in the hands of the dream demon, and his super-dimensional body has changed into a big dream Qianqiu dish, taking the dream devil away to carry out the greatest arrogance, at least now the immortal ghosts and gods are suspected of ghosts and gods Young Master and Dream Demon King.

The life of the Great Dream Qianqiu Die was originally born in the dreams of sentient beings.

The Dream Demon King found a big dream Qianqiu dish in his dream, he would only think that he was lucky and would not doubt it.

And he also guided through the Immortal Dream Realm if he could, and finally let the King of Wanxiang have the idea that immortal ghosts and gods would imprison them.

Speaking of this idea, the Dream Demon King is likely to run away.

Zhao Mu is not worried that the Dream Demon King will not run away, because a ghost and **** who has been alive for tens of millions of years will never pin his life and death between the immortal ghosts and gods. If there is no chance, it will definitely be destiny. Hold it in your own hands.

At this moment, the Dream Demon King is in the Super-Dimensional Kingdom.

Playing dreams, the dream demon who is good at dreams is vulnerable in front of him.

The Dameng Qianqiu Die was transformed by his super-dimensional divine body, and the location of transmission was naturally under his control.

"where is this place?"

The young master of the ghosts and gods has not fully recovered from the immortal ghosts and gods' killing intent.

"Reincarnation ghost world, where I was born."

Zhao Mu replied.

"You are crazy, but here is..."

Young Master Ghost God suddenly exclaimed when he heard the reincarnation ghost world.

"No, this place is not under the jurisdiction of immortal ghosts and gods."

Zhao Mu explained, "The Immortal Reincarnation Disk, the immortal ghosts and gods, only get the right to use it. Now his body is in the Dawn Continent and the clone is in the Abyss of Falling Souls. Even if there are other clones in the clan, he can only monitor the Immortal Reincarnation Disk. The power of the reincarnation cannot control the ghost world of reincarnation."

"How do you know this?"

Young Master Ghost and God asked vigilantly.

"My Ghost God Realm is actually a dream."

Zhao Mu talked about unfolding the immortal dream world, and the young master of ghosts and gods was immediately drawn into the immortal dream world.

In the immortal dream world, the young master of the ghost and **** moved his mind and walked out of another exactly the same self, and the Wushuang King who was suppressed in his body was separated from his body. It really was not reality but a dream.

"Not just living things, I can see part of the dreams of dead things."

Zhao Mu said that he brought the Young Master of the Destiny and the King Wushuang to the time dream of the Destiny In the dream, the Young Master of the Destiny and the Wushuang King saw everything they experienced after the Destiny Compass fell in his hands.

"You knew the destiny compass. You stole it."

The young master of the ghost and **** stared at Zhao Mu resentfully, he was actually deceived by a new born ghost and god.

"not him."

King Wushuang grabbed the arm of the young master of the ghost and god, "The Compass of Destiny is an immortal god. You and I have not refined it for so many years. Unless the King of War and Chess is immortal, he can't refine the board of Destiny in just two years."

"You are wrong. Immortality cannot refine the Compass of Destiny for two years."

Zhao Mu stretched out his index finger and shook it.

"Who holds the fate compass?"

Young Master Guishen coldly snorted.

"Of course it is in the hands of immortal ghosts and gods."

Zhao Mu sighed, "I can see the part of the experience dreams of the dead. I can't see the ones that are too long, but the ones that are not too long are not a problem, so of course I also discovered why the immortal ghosts stay in the abyss of falling souls. The next clone.

The reason why this clone stayed in the Abyss of Falling Souls was one of the reasons why the immortal ghosts wanted to kill us. "

The young master of ghosts and gods didn't believe it at all when he heard this, but Wushuang King somewhat believed. He originally resented the immortal ghosts and gods. If it weren't for the immortal ghosts and gods, he wouldn't have divided his body in half, but he wouldn't fully believe in the king of war chess.

The wargame Wang Ming knew everything, and he pretended not to know anything in recent years.

With such a scheming, half of what he said is really good, but he believes there are two points. It is impossible for the war chess king to control the destiny board with a limited number of contacts within two years, and the immortal ghosts. I really wanted to kill them just now.

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