Night Evolution

Chapter 960: Legacy of the Soul

Chapter 960

Unconsciously, Zhao Mu had completed all the dreams of stealing the teacher from the rune machinery.

However, until now, trouble has not come to the door.

Zhao Mu approached Woolf, and it seemed that he was going to be the one who actively asked for trouble.

Looking closer, Woolf was playing with a very delicate metal hourglass with a frown on his face.

Look up from time to time, carefully observe the rune machine in front of you to send the bell.

Zhao Mu just took a look and already understood what Woolf was worrying about.

Send the bell, a very famous four-level rune machine.

After contacting the bell, you will be cursed. By adjusting the time flow speed of the bell, the curse on the cursed target will continue to deepen, and finally the curse will instantly detonate and take a lot of life.

Although it is only level four, it is a rune machine that must be mastered to become a level four rune mechanic.

Rune mechanics spend less time on cultivation, relatively difficult to improve their strength, resources can make up part of it, but in the end they are not comparable to those who concentrate on cultivation, relying on sending bells can take the life of humans and demons to extend their life.

The hourglass in Woolf's hand was just a fake.

It does not have the ability to deprive and absorb lifespan through curses, but it can slightly slow down its own lifespan passing speed. Living for almost a hundred years only reduces the life span of 99 years. The defect is only valid for myths below the triple level.

Third-class rune machinery, among which there is a better effect than this.

So the overall value is not great, but Woolf is trying to become a third-class rune mechanic.

Judging from the semi-finished hourglass, he is not far from the third-class rune mechanic.

It can be said that he is already ahead of Li Qi.

The reason for the reverse superpower is simple. Woolf’s sister married a 6th-level rune mechanic with a deep family, and he naturally got a lot of guidance. Otherwise, it’s absolutely impossible to surpass the Li Qi distance in just a few decades. Waiting for the Rune Mechanic is only one step away.

"Your time series rune array, the 6119th combination is wrong."

Zhao Mu said calmly.

This reminder was like a finishing touch. Woolf suddenly noticed the flaws in the life hourglass he had made. If it weren't for this reminder to rely on himself to find the error, it would take at least ten years to find out.

The person who reminded him could immediately see that he must be a great rune mechanic.

Just about to thank, Woolf, who turned his head, saw a figure he least wanted to see.

He was a genius at his age when he was assessed as a Level 2 Rune Mechanic. However, he was severely beaten in the face during the assessment, and he almost failed the assessment and became a laughingstock. Since then, he has hated Li Qi. .

Every time he loses to Li Qi, he will try his best to surpass it day and night.

Every time he wins Li Qi, he will be excited to the extreme.

In these years, he has not challenged Li Qi for a long time, because in his opinion, Li Qi and him are no longer at the same level. He will soon surpass Li Qi completely. However, just now, Li Qi actually saw his life in the hourglass. Hidden errors.

Just like the previous assessment, he was mercilessly humiliated.

This is humiliation, not a kind instruction at all.

After so many years, he still doesn't know how many catties Li Qi has.

Woolf had already made up for what happened in an instant. It must have been Li Qi's discovery that he had made rapid progress over the years, and he had also discovered that he was making a life hourglass, so he secretly learned of the shortcomings of his life hourglass from other rune mechanics.

In the end, he deliberately said it, the purpose is to humiliate him.

Too insidious...

"For the 2102th test tomorrow, dare to say something."

Woolf hated the voice.

"I'm already a level nine rune mechanic."

Zhao Mu shook his head and refused.

"Level nine, what are you kidding?"

Woolf became even more angry, in his opinion Li Qi was fooling him perfunctorily.

"Really, I got the inheritance of a senior's soul."

Zhao Mu said with a complicated expression.

"Soul Inheritance?"

Woolf's heart trembled.

The Li Qi he knew never lied.

I thought he was lying just because the ninth-level rune machine is too absurd.

But if it is the inheritance of spirits, it is not impossible.

The rune mechanic mainly relies on the spirit.

After the death of a level five rune mechanic, they can store the power of the soul for inheritance. Any official first-level rune mechanic can become the same as the rune mechanic who has left the inheritance as long as they integrate the inheritance of the soul. Rune Mechanic.

Even with this benefit, the inheritance of the soul has always been the first choice for the mediocre generation.

Because of the integration of the Spiritual Inheritance, the level of Rune Mechanic can no longer be improved since then, because everyone's knowledge of everything is completely independent, and the understanding of the rune array at the Spiritual level is covered by the Spiritual Inheritance, I want Mastering the new rune array is as difficult as the sky.

However, what if it is the inheritance of the spirit of the ninth level rune mechanic?

Nine-level rune mechanic is already the highest level of rune mechanics. Even if some eighth-level rune mechanics can’t see the way forward, they may choose to integrate the spirit inheritance. If Li Qi really gets the nine-level rune It’s no surprise that Wen Machinist’s spirit inheritance chooses to merge and make it to the sky.

If what Li Qi said was true, he would not be able to beat Li Qi again in his life.

"Are you here to show off?"

Woolf growled jealously.


Zhao Mu nodded seriously.

Woolf was choked. He didn't expect Li Qi to answer so happily. He used to look at Li Qi's gourd, but he did not expect to deliberately attack and irritate him. He had been stunned before, but now he just wanted to The farther away from Li Qi, the better.

Seeing Woolf turn around and leave, Zhao Mu whispered, "If you leave, I will kill you."

"What do you mean?"

Woolf turned around with a dark face.

"What do you mean?"

Zhao Muhan said.

Woolf was silent, and he didn't know that he used to speak badly.

Every time I tried with Li Qibi, I lost all kinds of slanders and won all kinds of ridicules. Unknowingly, he has become Li Qi’s most hated enemy. Now Li Qi has become a ninth-level rune mechanic and wants to kill him with a second-level rune. The mechanic has too many ways.

Although human beings have powerful enemies outside, it is impossible for them to be truly peaceful and united inside.

If there are conflicts that cannot be reconciled, they can apply to the ethnic group for a life-and-death battle. The active applicants die in vain. If they survive to kill the challenger, they only need to pay twice the value of the resource wealth that the slain can create in the future life expectancy. can.

He is a Level 3 Rune Mechanic, and his potential is estimated to be a Level 6 Rune Mechanic in the future.

Although the cost of killing him was not small, a nine-level rune mechanic could definitely bear it.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Woolf suddenly felt inexplicable fear and fear deep in his heart.

It turns out he was afraid of death, he didn't want to die...

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