Night of apocalypse

Chapter 102 Tidying up (1 more)

"Well, help me get it done as soon as possible, I need it urgently."

Shen Qiu thought for a while and explained that he urgently needs to improve his own strength now. After joining the KPI non-staff, he gradually saw the outline of the new world, and at the same time felt a strong crisis.

"You are still worried about my work, I will contact you right away."

After the profiteer finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Shen Qiu sat in front of the computer desk, tapped lightly with his fingers, and calmly planned what needed to be done.

First of all, the first thing is that he needs to spend some time to thoroughly understand all the free information on Tianming Dagong, including the introduction of the 23 worlds.

In this way, the next time he overlaps to a new world, he will probably not become blind, and his survival rate will be greatly improved.

And those paid materials are also very important, he must find a way to unlock them. Only in this way can he know how to strengthen the system and how to go in the future.

In addition, I urgently need to get some handy equipment and weapons. His only mechanical blade has been lost in the cathedral.

All these behaviors require the support of points.

Therefore, before him, the most urgent thing is to get points.

Thinking of this, Shen Qiu got up and brought the backpack on the bed to the computer desk. He took out all the income from the Fog City this time and placed it in front of the desk.

Except for the book that was sold, a key, potion of truth, purple book, a round module, and an iron ring.

Shen Qiu's eyes fell on the purple book, and he opened the cover of the book.

What caught the eye was a complicated pattern, a bit like a magic circle, with densely packed special characters marked underneath.

Shen Qiu continued to read back, all of them were very complicated characters and special symbols.

He continued to roll back, causing his eyes to narrow.

I saw a very special plant flower pattern imprinted on the middle page of the book. This flower is purple, shaped like the sun, with red stamens densely covered in the middle, which is very enchanting and beautiful.

A test tube pattern appeared at the back of this page, and a lot of incomprehensible text was annotated below.

Shen Qiu subconsciously picked up the potion of truth and compared it, it was somewhat similar.

For a moment, Shen Qiu had a bold guess that this bottle of truth potion might be the product of this book with a high probability.

He remembered what Caen said back then, that this potion could prolong the activity of human cells, thus reviving the dying.

But Shen Qiu didn't want to be a guinea pig, so he definitely wouldn't use it.

He put down the medicine and continued flipping through the book, the more he couldn't understand it.

Although it can be felt that there must be very remarkable content recorded in this book, it is a pity that it cannot be interpreted.

Shen Qiu could only shelve it temporarily.

He looked at the key, which belonged to the underground laboratory of the cathedral, and there was nothing to study.

But the value is also very high, after all, if there is a chance, you can steal it again.

So he picked up the ring and looked again, the pattern on the ring was the same as the book cover. As for other aspects, he couldn't see why.

However, it can be guessed with high probability that the original owner of this ring should have something to do with this book.

In the end, Shen Qiu's eyes fell on the round module, which was a green round module. Compared with the information on the APP, he judged with a high probability that it should be biased towards plants.

He can't use it either, but he can find a way to exchange it for the Thunder system.

After counting the things, Shen Qiu put all the things into the backpack, and then put them into the cabinet to hide.

These things are all painstaking, risking his life, and they are also his greatest reliance in the future.

After collecting, Shen Qiu immediately went to bed and lay down, picked up his mobile phone and began to read those free materials.

The next day, in the early morning, Shen Qiu lay on the bed and fell asleep soundly.

bang bang~

There was a hasty knock on the door, Shen Qiu opened his eyes with difficulty, and sat up tiredly.

Last night, he read those materials and saw that it was nearly three o'clock in the morning, and the constant noise from upstairs made him lose sleep.

Shen Qiu breathed out, and walked towards the door wearing slippers.

When he opened the door, he was slightly taken aback, only to see Sister Wang standing at the door wearing a MiG coat.

"Miss Wang?"

"Shen Qiu, it's not good, hurry up and buy supplies with us."

"Ah, purchasing supplies? What happened?"

Shen Qiu was also a bit unable to react, it was fine yesterday, but something happened today?

"An accident happened. Some people said that the end is coming. Now some cities in the Hongmeng League can no longer buy supplies. If we don't go to the supply point to purchase now, it will be too late."

Sister Wang said to Shen Qiu with a flustered expression.

"Then you go shopping, Lily."

"Leave Lily at home, I've already told her."

"Are you guys alright?"

At this time, Uncle Li next door, while putting on a white short-shirt, urged and shouted at the top of his voice.

"Here we come."

Shen Qiu hurriedly ran back to the bedroom, took out her mobile phone, cash and motorcycle keys.

When he closed the door, the whole corridor was extremely lively, and the neighbors left and right came out.

"Everyone is here, let's go!"

Uncle Li shouted at the top of his voice.

Everyone gathered at the elevator door, and soon the elevator door opened, and everyone squeezed in.

The entire elevator was packed, Shen Qiu stretched out his hand and pressed it towards the -1 floor.

At this time, Uncle Li stretched out his hand to grab Shen Qiu's hand and asked.

"Xiaoqiu, what are you doing?"

"Go to the garage to drive a motorcycle?"

Shen Qiu looked at Uncle Li suspiciously.

"How much can your broken motorcycle hold? Come with the uncle. I will drive a heavy truck!"

Uncle Li took out the key and said to Shen Qiu with great pride.

Shen Qiu couldn't help but twitch, and said to Uncle Li.

"Don't be so exaggerated? Let's drive a heavy truck to buy it?"

"Ah, that's right!"

Uncle Li replied with certainty.


Shen Qiu's expression is also very exciting, as expected your uncle will always be your uncle.

Soon the elevator arrived at the first floor. Shen Qiu and others walked out of the elevator and saw the entrance of the building head-on, and a large number of residents of this building gathered.

Almost every household has dispatched young and strong labor force.

Uncle Li shouted at the top of his voice.

"Listen to me, everyone, we will kill all the supplies later. The man with the handle takes good care of the lady in the same company, and throws all the supplies bought on the heavy truck."

"no problem."

"Based on the statistics now, has every household come down?"

Looking at the scene in front of her, Shen Qiu also sighed.

It is estimated that the situation has deteriorated again.

But having said that, their community is really not generally united.

"Brother Qiu."

"Brother Qiu, you're here."

At this time, several young neighbors in their twenties came over and greeted Shen Qiu one after another.

Shen Qiu nodded slightly in response.

"Akko, you also come to help."


"Be careful and safe."


Just when Shen Qiu was chatting with them, they were all ready.

"Let's go, Xiaoqiu!"

Uncle Li shouted at Shen Qiu.

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