Night of apocalypse

Chapter 107 Interception (Part 1)

"Well, it's okay. By the way, there won't be any cameras here, right?"

Shen Qiu stretched his waist, looked around carefully, and said.

"Don't worry, I promise with my head, absolutely nothing! It's very safe here!"

Huang Lang patted his chest and promised.

"Well, by the way, is the person you are looking for reliable?"

"Oh~ my brother, don't you feel at ease when I do things? Let me tell you, the people I'm looking for this time are all famous and famous people, and they are absolutely reliable! They are not short of money and things, and they can afford everything. .”

"Okay, okay, okay, okay, pretend I didn't ask."

Seeing Huang Lang's words were so swearing, Shen Qiu didn't want to say anything more.

But instead, Huang Lang asked with some worry.

"Brother, is that thing authentic? If it's worthless, I'll be miserable."

"Either you have seen it, or the triangular module, absolutely no problem."

Shen Qiu replied with certainty.

"Then don't worry, come, come and drink tea."

Huang Lang courteously served tea to Shen Qiuman.

On the other side, G941 Qingyue Highway.

A black car with a Tiger logo on its front was driving steadily.

The two black SUVs in front of it cleared the way, and the three black jeeps followed closely behind.

Inside the black car, an old man in a decent tuxedo, with an exquisite brooch pinned to his chest, and an exquisite gray metal mask on his face, with calm eyes and gray hair, crossed his hands and sat in the back seat.

Beside the old man, sat a woman wearing a sexy low-cut red dress with a charming and enchanting expression. The woman held the old man's hand, with her cheek on the side shoulder, looking like a little bird.

Sitting in the driver's seat was a middle-aged man in a bulletproof suit with an unshaven beard and sharp eyes.

At this time, the team member's voice suddenly sounded from the on-board communication device.

"Call Captain Chuck, in the highway area ahead, we found troops wearing Sky City uniforms, and set up temporary checkpoints, please instruct!"

"City of the Sky? Temporary level?"

Chuck looked carefully ahead, and just 500 meters ahead, I saw a dozen soldiers holding HK416 automatic rifles, setting up temporary checkpoints with two jeeps and some barriers, waving warning signs to stop.

Looking at this scene, Chuck's expression changed for a while, and then he turned his head and said to the old man behind him.

"Master Wanhui, something is wrong. I didn't hear that Sky City is also locked down and guarded in the outer area. It looks like it's coming for us."

"It's up to you to decide!"

A stern voice flashed across Wan Hui's eyes, and he said in a low voice.

After Chuck was authorized, he immediately picked up the vehicle communicator and spoke.

"Attention everyone, get ready to break through! Dong Miao, Zeng Qiang you two to be the vanguard!"


The team member replied continuously in the communicator.

Immediately, instead of slowing down, the entire convoy accelerated.

Immediately, the soldiers who set up checkpoints in front raised their automatic rifles one after another, and fired violently at the convoy!

bang bang~

The bullet hit the SUV in the front row, sending sparks flying.

But the two SUVs not only did not slow down, but stepped on the accelerator to the end, accelerated and crashed.


Immediately, the blocking car and the barrier were knocked open.

At the same time, one of his subordinates stretched out a gun from the window and fired at the fortified soldiers.

The whole convoy rushed over forcefully.

However, just when they thought it was all right, two vehicles in the wrong direction suddenly appeared in the lane ahead.

The sunroofs of the two vehicles were opened, and two men got out of the sunroof with a rocket launcher and shot them at the two SUVs in the front row.



An SUV car was hit by a big explosion, and it crashed directly out of the protective barrier.

The other SUV reacted extremely quickly, and dodged by swerving the steering wheel.

After dodging the attack, the SUV suddenly slammed on the brakes and drifted, the whole vehicle turned sideways, and intercepted and rammed the two retrograde vehicles.

At the same time, the left door opened and a subordinate jumped out.


Immediately, the two cars that were going retrograde were blocked and could only move forward against the SUV.

The subordinates jumped down and shot at the car without saying a word.

In the black car, Chuck said something to the old man Wanhui.

"My lord, sit down!"

He slammed the steering wheel, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, the whole car crashed into the protective barrier, rushed into the gravel from the left side, and the whole car was also bumped.

Immediately afterwards, Chuck suddenly turned the steering wheel again, and the whole car hit the road again, and then moved forward at high speed.

The three jeeps behind him followed quickly.

Then Chuck said.

"My lord, get rid of it!"

At this time, the enchanting woman sitting behind also held Wan Hui's shoulder tightly and said in fear.

"It's terrible!"

"What's so scary, little scene."

Wan Hui patted the woman's big white leg, and replied calmly.

However, at this moment, the anxious voices of the team members sounded from the communicator again.

"Captain, there are enemies coming up from behind."

Chuck glanced at the rearview mirror and couldn't help frowning.

I saw two pickup trucks chasing up from the road behind, and there were two heavy machine guns mounted on the pickup trucks.

"Damn it!"

He cursed in a low voice, and then spoke.

"Huzi, Xiao Xiao, you two rear guards stop them."


Immediately, the two jeeps slowed down to intercept the two pickups. Of course, this kind of behavior was basically death.

But it does buy time.

Chuck then faced only one jeep left.

"A Tao, drive to the front and clear the way!"


Immediately, the only remaining jeep accelerated and rushed in front of the black car to open the way.

The two cars, one behind the other, were driving extremely fast.

Suddenly, a heavy TK-01 Tiger tank on the road ahead slammed through the guardrail and appeared on the driveway, and its muzzle quickly turned around.


The jeep that cleared the way suddenly exploded, and the flame-burning body flew straight up.

"Tank! How is it possible!"

Chuck's eyes were wide open, and his eyeballs were almost protruding.

Wan Hui, who was sitting calmly in the back row, also showed a look of extreme horror in his eyes at this time.

In the next second, the Tiger tank was fully powered, rushed towards the black car, and directly hit it.

Chuck also slammed the steering wheel, trying to escape.


The right side of the entire black car was wiped, and it suddenly rolled over, hit the ground, and slid tens of meters away.

Since this black car was specially modified, the overall structure did not experience serious deformation or explosion. If it was replaced by a normal car, it would probably be over long ago.

But even so, in the black car, Wan Hui was hit badly.

Chuck, who was sitting in the driver's seat, kicked the door hard and climbed out with difficulty.

At this time, a gun was directly pressed against his forehead.

Chuck raised his head with difficulty, and saw a black long-haired man in a black cloak with a stern look standing in front of him.

Chuck just wanted to say something.

There was a bang.

Then the whole person fell directly to the ground, dying.

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