Night of apocalypse

Chapter 114 Zhang Can (Jiagen who opened the door to deliver the courier for the leader) (third)

Intersection of three roads, left road.

Lin Jing and the others waited patiently, looking into the distance from time to time.

A Miao, who was leaning against Lin Jing, said in doubt.

"Why has it been so long and you haven't come yet?"

"No, it shouldn't be. Logically speaking, it's not too far away. You should have arrived earlier."

Lin Jing also frowned.

At this moment, a black spot appeared in the distance.


A subordinate shouted excitedly.

"Everyone is ready!"

A wild smile appeared on Lin Jing's face.

However, just as everyone was expecting, they saw a broken scooter, dragging a pile of motorcycle wreckage, bouncing towards it.

There was an old man sitting in the car.

The old man saw the checkpoint in front of him, with so many guns pointed at him, and immediately raised his hand.

"Forgive me!"

Lin Jing rushed forward angrily, grabbing the old man by the neck.

"Where did you tow these motorcycles?"

"It's over there!"

The old man also pointed backward tremblingly.

"Damn! Chase me!"

Lin Jing threw the old man away, waved his hand, and gave an order.

On the other side, on the endless gravel ground.

Shen Qiu and Huang Lang had already run fifteen kilometers on foot.

At this time, Huang Lang sat down on the ground, out of breath, and said to Shen Qiu.

"No, I really can't walk."

"Hurry up, we are not out of danger yet, those guys may search for them at any time."

Shen Qiu frowned and said to Huang Lang.

"No, I really can't get up."

"If you don't get up again, I will leave and leave you here alone, and you will have no regrets at that time."

"I don't believe it, let's go! Their target is you, not me."

Huang Lang acted like a pig not afraid of hot water.

"Indeed, it's true that they are targeting me. But if they can't find me, do you think they will kidnap you and torture you to extract a confession?"

Shen Qiu asked playfully.

"Ah, no. Forget it, let's go."

When Huang Lang heard Shen Qiu's words, he was shocked and quickly got up from the ground.

The two continued to walk forward.

In this way, Shen Qiu and Huang Lang walked another 5 kilometers.

Huang Lang went on strike again, he lay down on the ground like a dead pig.

"I'm really dying, let them kill me, I'm dead."

Shen Qiu looked at Huang Lang's virtue and was speechless. He could tell that this product had really reached its limit.

He sighed helplessly, then walked up to Huang Lang and knelt down and said.

"Come on, I'll carry you on my back."

"Really, that's great."

Hearing what Shen Qiu said, Huang Lang quickly got up and lay on Shen Qiu's back.

Shen Qiu picked Huang Lang up on his back, his brows slightly frowned, this guy is quite important.

"You should lose weight."

"Oh, I don't have time to lose weight. I'm so busy all day long."

"To earn so much money, is there a life to spend?"

"No money is the real death."

Huang Lang replied to Shen Qiu.

When Shen Qiu heard this, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he said to Huang Lang.

"I said you can do it too. I've never recited a girlfriend in my life, but it turned out that you were the first one to recite it."

"This shows that our relationship is strong. Is it important for a woman to have brothers?"

"Come on, tell me about my situation, and I'll charge you one million federal coins per hour, isn't it too much?"

"One million? You want my life, I'd better come down."

When Huang Lang heard that Shen Qiu wanted one million, it was as if his tail had been stepped on, and he was about to struggle as he spoke.

"Don't move! It scares you, it's just teasing you."

Shen Qiu replied angrily.

"Oh, my ancestors don't make such jokes next time, my heart can't stand it."

After hearing Shen Qiu's words, Huang Lang calmed down.

"You really can't be saved, you don't want your life if you want money."

Shen Qiu said helplessly.

"Hey, how far are we from the residential area?"

Huang Lang laughed a few times, changed the subject and asked.

"It's not too far away, let's go another 8 kilometers at most."

Shen Qiu roughly calculated and replied.

"Oh, you carry me on your back for a while, I'll come down and walk by myself."

"Oh? It's strange, so sensible?"

"Isn't it because you're tired?"

Huang Lang said with a dry smile, of course he was actually afraid that Shen Qiu would lose his fighting power if he memorized it for a long time, and that would be troublesome.


Shen Qiu didn't say much.

The residential area of ​​Jinyun residents and the open space outside.

Five short-haired youths in old clothes and tattered canvas shoes were kicking a deflated football excitedly.

"Brother Can, catch the ball!"

A thin, dark-skinned young man kicked the ball to a tall, relatively strong young man with piercing eyes in front of him.

The man went over the block, intercepted the ball, and lifted his foot just as he was about to shoot.

Suddenly, a familiar voice shouted.


Zhang Can stopped immediately and turned his head to look over. I saw a girl about twelve years old with a rough face and a ponytail running over.

He immediately opened his mouth and shouted.

"Stop. Stop kicking."

At this moment, the four companions gathered around one after another and spoke.

"Why is Zhang Xiaomei here?"

At this time, the girl ran up to Zhang Can and said.

"Brother, stop playing football."

"Stupid sister, I don't want to play either! But only by playing this, can I have a chance to enter the professional team and earn a lot of money. You have to trust me, brother."

Zhang Can raised his hand and touched his sister's head and explained.

"But, there's nothing to eat at home, so I can't open the pot anymore."

Zhang Xiaomei lowered her head and said to Zhang Can.

After hearing this, Zhang Can touched his pocket, took out two steel coins of the same denomination and handed them to his sister.

"You take it, go buy a catty of noodles first."

Zhang Xiaomei took the steel coin, raised her head and said to Zhang Can.

"Brother, now two yuan can't buy a catty of noodles."

"How much is a catty now?"

"It's seven dollars."

"Damn it, are those dogs crazy? It has risen more than three times in one night, why don't you grab it, I'll argue with them."

When Zhang Can heard what his sister said, he suddenly exploded.

At this time, the partner next to him quickly grabbed Zhang Can and persuaded him.

"Brother Can calm down, don't be impulsive! It's the same price now, and you go to argue with them, and if they don't sell it to us later, it will be even worse."

"Brother, don't cause trouble."

Zhang Xiaomei also persuaded her.

Zhang Can gradually calmed down, and he said immediately.

"Do any of my brothers have any money? Make some money."

Hearing Zhang Can's words, the four young people present touched their pockets one after another.

Two of them took money out of their pockets, one took out two dollars, and one took out a dollar.

"No, Brother Can, that's all."

Zhang Can collected the money and handed it all to Zhang Xiaomei and said.

"Little sister, go buy these first, and buy as much as you can. Don't worry about the rest, I will find a way!"

"Okay, brother, remember to go home for dinner."

Zhang Xiaomei nodded very sensiblely, took the money and left.

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