Night of apocalypse

Chapter 129 Take Action

"They went to the 16th node of the Argolo Tunnel to perform the task."

"Arrange a gunship for me, and I'm going to find them."

"Wait, Xiaoxi, aren't you on vacation?"

"It won't stop."

"Okay! I'll arrange it for you now."

The girl on the phone didn't say much, they really need manpower now.

inside the tunnel.

Shen Qiu led Zhao Lian and Ling Fei all the way forward.

Just when they arrived in a dark place, the emergency lights on both sides were destroyed, and it looked particularly gloomy and terrifying at this time.

Ling Fei held Zhao Lian's hand tightly and said.

"We were attacked in front!"

Shen Qiu immediately turned on the phone's emergency light and walked in front. He looked carefully, and saw a hole was drilled in the wall on the right side of the tunnel, and the ground was covered with blood.

But no worms were seen. If nothing unexpected happened, they should have gotten into the hole to eat.


Shen Qiu gestured towards Zhao Lian and the others.

The three of them ran forward immediately.

Looking at the past along the way, there are blood stains and stumps everywhere.

In addition, on the walls and on the track, you can see drilled holes from time to time.

Shen Qiu took a deep breath, the situation was very pessimistic.

At this moment, Shen Qiu and the others were running, and saw a figure in front of them, walking forward tremblingly.

This person is none other than Mo Chi who escaped alone.

When he heard movement behind him, he turned his head to look over, and when he saw Shen Qiu and the others, he immediately shouted with joy.

"It's you."

"Mo Shao."

Shen Qiu looked at this guy in surprise, but he didn't expect that he was still alive.

"Great, you guys are all right, there are a lot of monsters here, let's go together, we can have someone to take care of us."

Mo Chi excitedly said to Shen Qiu and the others.

"Who wants to go with you, you are a person who only cares about yourself."

Ling Fei looked at Mo Chi and said angrily.

"Ling Fei, what do you mean? If you were me, you wouldn't run away! Don't say it so righteously."

Mo Chi replied angrily.

"I like to quarrel, you continue to quarrel, let's go!"

Shen Qiu said to Zhao Lian coldly, the life and death of Mo Chi and Ling Fei had nothing to do with him.

He wasn't interested in wasting time watching them argue.

Seeing this, Ling Fei and Mo Chi shut their mouths and hurriedly followed.

The four of them walked forward all the way, and the tunnel became more and more quiet, so quiet that it made one's hair stand on end.

Suddenly, a crisp and strange sound came, and Mo Chi cried out in fright.


"Shut up!"

Shen Qiu shouted at him.

Mo Chi immediately shut his mouth.

He looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a clod of soil rolling on the ground.

Shen Qiu raised his head and looked over, the piece of concrete was about to fall from the top of the tunnel, and a hole was punched in it.

"It's okay, keep going!"


Zhao Lian nodded and nodded.

Just as they continued to move forward, they were about to pass through a drill hole.

Shen Qiu heard the slight squirming sound, he grabbed Zhao Lian and stepped back.


At this time, a worm shrunk inside the wall suddenly opened its mouth and sprang out, but it was a pity that it bit nothing.

"Monster! Run!"

Mo Chi and Ling Fei retreated in horror.

"Hide behind me."

Shen Qiu said to Zhao Lian.

"Shen Qiu, what are you going to do?"

Zhao Lian asked worriedly.

"fix it!"

Shen Qiu looked at the bloated monster in front of him, its size was only about three and a half meters, not too strong.

So he deliberately leaned against the subway and rushed over!

"You're crazy, that's a monster that bullets can't kill!"

Seeing this, Mo Chi quickly reminded.

However, it was still too late, that creep had already twisted its head, opened its mouth to reveal its sharp teeth, and bit towards Shen Qiu.

At this moment, Shen Qiu turned to one side, leaning against the wall to avoid the bite, and pressed his hands on the worm's body.


Lightning flashes~

Immediately, the whole worm howled in pain and wanted to struggle, but its whole body was paralyzed and could not move.

By the time Shen Qiu let go, the bloated worm was already dead. His whole body was scorched black from the electric shock, emitting smoke.

"Shen Qiu, you."

Zhao Lian covered her mouth and looked at Shen Qiu in disbelief.

Ling Fei was also stunned, speechless for a long time.

Mo Chi said in shock.

"You are an awakener, you turned out to be an awakener."

"Let's go."

Shen Qiu ignored them and just waved at Zhao Lian.


Zhao Lian and Ling Fei hurriedly followed.

Mo Chi also hurried to follow at this time, he said to Shen Qiu.

"Brother, how about you being my bodyguard. As long as you protect me and get out alive, you can pay as much as you want."

"Not interested in."

Shen Qiu didn't agree to Mo Chi, how could he care about this guy. Now he only cared about Zhao Lian's life, and ignored the rest of the people. If the situation was not right, he would drag Zhao Lian away as soon as possible.

"Ten million! Ten million!"

Without saying a word, Mo Chi offered a sky-high price.

Shen Qiu stopped, turned her head and said to Mo Chi.

"If you don't want to be a worm's snack, keep your mouth shut."

Mo Chi froze in place, Shen Qiu then turned to Zhao Lian and said.

"Follow me."


Zhao Lian nodded heavily.

Ling Fei looked at the scene in front of her with an envious expression.

After all, sometimes if you choose the path of money, you are destined to lose a lot.

And those things are often only experienced at the most critical moment. But by then, it was already too late.

At this time, after being rejected by Shen Qiu, Mo Chi's whole face was blue and red. But he still endured and followed behind Shen Qiu.

Now only by following Shen Qiu can he survive.

The four of them fumbled forward like this, and after walking a certain distance. Shen Qiu turned over the phone and took a look, but unfortunately there was still no signal.

If I'm not mistaken, the signal device in this tunnel should be broken.

Shen Qiu turned her head and asked Zhao Lian in a low voice.

"We should have walked three or four kilometers, right?"

"Almost, but it's still far from the emergency exit."

Zhao Lian said to Shen Qiu.

Upon hearing this, Shen Qiu nodded slightly and said.

"It's okay, keep going, as long as you get out of the area where the monsters overlap, you should be safer."

As a result, he was stunned before he finished speaking.

I saw that the tunnel in front had collapsed, and a large amount of reinforced soil and earth and rocks blocked the tunnel.

"It's over, a dead end!"

Mo Chi said in horror.

"What should I do? I can't go back."

Ling Fei was also extremely disturbed.

On the contrary, Zhao Lian didn't panic too much, she looked at Shen Qiu quietly, as long as Shen Qiu was around, she was inexplicably at ease.

Shen Qiu stepped forward, and he touched the collapsed and blocked concrete blocks.

Looking in through the gap, you can barely see the opposite tunnel.

After confirming the situation, he took a few steps back and turned his head to look around. He saw several drilling holes and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

"Brother, tell me, what's going on? It's scary that you don't talk like this."

Seeing that Shen Qiu remained silent for a long time, Mo Chi couldn't help asking.

"What can I do, the road is blocked. Although the degree of collapse is not serious, we don't have the time and tools to clean it up."

Shen Qiu replied indifferently.

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