Night of apocalypse

Chapter 146 Absorption


At this moment, Yun Xiaoxi's cell phone rang again, but this time it was a call from an unfamiliar number.

Yun Xiaoxi picked it up curiously.

"Hello, you are?"

"Hello, I am the personal butler of Duke Chu Wei. The Duke asked me to bring you something. I am at the gate of the third detachment now. I don't know if it is convenient for you to meet, or if you are not here, I will go find you? "

"So soon, I'll go there."

Yun Xiaoxi was also stunned.

After hanging up the phone, Shen Qiu asked curiously.

"What's wrong?"

"Duke Chu Wei sent something."

"Didn't you say it would take a day or two?"

Shen Qiu's eyelids twitched suddenly, the efficiency was too astonishing, it shouldn't be because of his strength.

"It's better to underestimate the means of the Duke, let's go there."

Yun Xiaoxi said with a sigh.

Shen Qiu didn't say much, and immediately followed Yun Xiaoxi down.

When the two came to the gate of the third branch, they immediately saw a black low-key car parked there, and the butler was waiting quietly holding an exquisite box.

When he saw Yun Xiaoxi, he immediately handed over the box.

"Miss Yun, this is for you."

Yun Xiaoxi took the box and replied politely.

"I'm sorry to trouble you."

"Please open it to confirm. If there is no problem, I will leave first."

"No need, we can still trust His Excellency the Duke to handle matters."

"Then take my leave."

The steward then got into the car and left.

Yun Xiaoxi then handed the box to Shen Qiu.

Shen Qiu was also polite, took the box and opened it directly.

A lightning triangular module and an atomic triangular module are lying there, and the purity should basically be fine.

After all, the object of the transaction is noble to noble, and face is still important.


Yun Xiaoxi asked.

"No problem, this is for you."

Shen Qiu took out the P2 atomic module and handed it directly to Yun Xiaoxi.

"What are you doing here? We are all friends, there is no need to pay or anything, that's not very unusual."

Yun Xiaoxi did not take the module that Shen Qiu handed over, but looked at Shen Qiu puzzled.

"You said you were friends. Is there anything wrong with sending something between friends? Besides, the quality of the weapon in your hand is not very good. With this module, you can make a handy one."

Shen Qiu directly stuffed the atomic module into Yun Xiaoxi's hand.

Yun Xiaoxi looked at the atomic module in her hand, also a little lost in thought.

"Why don't you talk? Isn't it just a triangular module? As for this? Anyway, we have fought side by side, and you have saved me several times. Could it be that our relationship is not worth a module?"

Shen Qiu pretended to be relaxed and replied.

"No, thank you."

Yun Xiaoxi came back to her senses and said softly.

"Okay, it's all trivial, right! I want to ask you, how do I use this lightning module?"

Shen Qiu asked curiously.

"You said that this thunder system module is normally made into a genetic drug, which has the least side effects. But the production process is too troublesome and the cost is high. Moreover, the level of the producers is uneven, and it is easy to fail. I don't recommend making it. .”

"If you don't make it, how do you use it?"

"Swallow it directly, remember to prepare more water when swallowing, so as not to choke."

Yun Xiaoxi said to Shen Qiu.

"Are you sure this thing can be eaten directly?"

Shen Qiu looked at this thunder system module and asked a little uncertainly.

"Just kidding, how can I eat it directly?"

Yun Xiaoxi said with a dumb smile.

"Let me just say, it's a bit weird to eat directly."

"It's like this, you hold it in your hand, and then feel it with your heart to make it enter the resonance state! At that time, you can absorb the power in the module! Of course there is risk, you should pay attention, once the module is activated, then If you can’t absorb it, it’s easy to blow up. There’s another kind that you forcefully absorb, but you can’t control it, and you may lose control and degenerate into a disqualified person.”

Yun Xiaoxi reminded Shen Qiu.

"so serious?"

"Yes, so risks and opportunities coexist. In fact, my personal suggestion is that you can use small modules to practice your hands first, and then slowly absorb the big ones after you become proficient. This will be relatively safe! Of course, the effect of small modules is definitely not big Good module."

"Okay, I see, is there anything else I should pay attention to?"

Shen Qiu continued to ask.

"One more thing, after using the gene module, under normal circumstances, your ability will be greatly improved! After the improvement, you can still train for a period of time. Training can help you further strengthen and stimulate your ability. There is nothing else It's gone."

Yun Xiaoxi thought for a while and said.

"I see. It's getting late. I'll go back to the hotel first."

"Okay! Slow down on the road."

"See you later."

Shen Qiu then walked towards the waiting area ahead.

Yun Xiaoxi looked at Shen Qiu leaving the back, and she was also in a very good mood.

Not long after, Shen Qiu returned to the hotel room.

He closed the door and pressed the Do Not Disturb reminder.

Shen Qiu then opened the Tianming Dagong APP and opened the exchange window.

He searched for the Lightning System modules and found that they were all empty.

Looking at this scene, Shen Qiu stroked his chin, it seemed that the duke was not lying.

So Shen Qiu cleared up the search information, clicked on item exchange to sort, from expensive to low.

Immediately the interface refreshes.

The most expensive thing Shen Qiu saw was a shield engraved with a lion pattern, and a triangular module was embedded on the shield, and the information showed P2.

This shield shows that it needs 88888 points.

Shen Qiu shook his head slightly, he was not very interested in shields and the like.

However, Shen Qiu was interested in the following piece of equipment. It was a blood-red pistol with a ferocious bloodthirsty beast engraved on it, and an atomic triangle module was embedded in it.

"Blood Fang! Embedded with a P2 Atomic Triangle module. Features: For flesh and blood creatures, it has additional damage, and the attack wound is not easy to heal! It is equipped with a 9MM magazine, with a capacity of 16 bullets."

"The price is 82,000 points."

Although Shen Qiu looked at it very excitedly, she still didn't place an order.

He took a few deep breaths and suppressed his desire to buy.

The points earned with great difficulty are easily used up once you start buying.

And the selling price above is obviously very high, not worth it.

He intends to study it carefully to see how to make the most of it.

So Shen Qiu turned off the app and took out the Thunder System module.

He first tried it with an appraisal pen, although there was a high probability that there would be no problems. But you still have to check it, if the quality is not enough, you will lose a lot.

Fortunately, the test result is P3.

Shen Qiu looked at the Thunder System module in his hand and couldn't help showing a look of hesitation. He just went to the APP, but he actually wanted to exchange some Thunder System Gene Modules to practice his hands.

Too bad it's all gone, which is embarrassing.

Shen Qiu is also a little hesitant now, should he absorb the triangle module of P3 as soon as he comes up.

You won't kill yourself, will you?

Shen Qiu became more and more entangled, but in the end his eyes became more determined, and he decided to give it a go.

Because he may suddenly encounter danger at any moment, and there is no time to come a little bit.

So Shen Qiu held the lightning system module in his hand, he slowly closed his eyes, and tried to feel the triangle module in his hand with his heart.

In an instant, a very wonderful feeling was transmitted to Shen Qiu's mind.

It seemed as if he could see the triangular module in his mind.

At this moment, the triangular module in Shen Qiu's hand began to flash with electric sparks.


Shen Qiu tried to use his spirit to guide the triangular module to release lightning energy, and instantly the entire triangular module was completely activated, releasing terrifying thunder energy into Shen Qiu's body. At the same time, the entire triangular module is slowly melting and seeping into the skin.

Shen Qiu felt that every inch of his body was numb, but it wasn't very painful.

On the contrary, he felt like a tire being inflated, full of strength.

This feeling is very strange.

When Shen Qiu opened his eyes again, his eyes were blue, and his whole body flickered with lightning from time to time. He felt that he had absorbed the module, which seemed to be okay, and it was not as dangerous as Yun Xiaoxi said.

Of course, what Shen Qiu didn't know was that his body had experienced a more terrifying baptism before.

At this time, Shen Qiu suddenly looked around, and saw that the whole room was scorched black, the furniture was torn apart, and the cool wind was blowing in through the broken windows.

The shrill siren kept ringing in his ears.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

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