Night of apocalypse

Chapter 271: Really Not Strong (Addition for book friend Huo Yuanzi)

"Are you sure you're not strong? You can't even detect the combat bracelet, this is a LV3 monster!"

"It's LV3, but it's just getting started, don't worry! Go ahead, I'll help you fight!"

Long Er tried his best to encourage Shen Qiu.

"Are you sure, just getting started?"

Shen Qiu always felt inexplicably uneasy.

"Don't worry, we'll definitely be able to fight. I won't be so stupid as to bring you to die, just go ahead!"

Long Er promised with a strong oath.


Shen Qiu took a deep breath, and lightning flashed all over his body in an instant, and even the entire cold night erupted with terrifying thunder.

In an instant, Shen Qiu rushed towards the girl with the gap at an extremely fast speed.

The first reaction of the girl with the gap in front of her eyes was to run away, and she suddenly rushed out to the left.

As a result, Long Er snapped his fingers in front of the gap girl!


The girl with the gap seemed to hit an invisible wall of air, and her whole body froze suddenly.

At this moment of stagnation, Shen Qiu was already close to him, and he swung the flashing Han Ye with all his strength to slash down.

"Thunder Slash!"

Seeing that she couldn't escape, the girl with the gap folded her body and raised her left paw, facing the cold night that Shen Qiu chopped down head-on.


The terrifying thunder light exploded!

The Gap Girl howled in pain instantly, but it still firmly caught Shen Qiu's full blow, with an expression of pain all over its face.

At this time, the right paw of the Gap Girl moved swiftly, as fast as lightning, and swept towards Shen Qiu directly.

Shen Qiu reacted suddenly and wanted to retreat, but unfortunately his speed was still half a beat behind.


Shen Qiu's chest was directly hit by the claws, and five claw marks were scratched on the inner armor he was wearing immediately, and the whole person flew upside down.

Hit it hard on the bench!


The whole bench is falling apart.

The severe pain made Shen Qiu grin his teeth.

At this moment, he wanted to scold his mother, this is called LV3 just getting started? Whether it is speed or strength, it is simply extremely strong.

And this is still the other party's injured state, what if this is not injured?

At this time, the slit girl suddenly jumped towards Shen Qiu.

At this time, Shen Qiu, who fell to the ground, just recovered and felt the danger was approaching, and immediately raised Han Ye desperately to block.

At this time, Long Er quickly rushed over from the side, he drew out a long silver sword, and slashed towards the neck of the girl with the gap.

"Vacuum cut!"

But when the girl with the gaping mouth continued to attack Shen Qiu, this sword definitely hit its neck firmly.

The gap girl's body suddenly made a reverse deflection in mid-air, she fell to the bench next to her, and then, like a reptile, she retreated wildly to create a distance.

Long Er's attack cut through the air immediately, and the air passing by had fluctuations visible to the naked eye.

Shen Qiu got up immediately, touched his back with his left hand, and said with a painful expression.

"Is this what you said was not strong?"

"It's really not strong, I didn't know that you young people are so weak! Hey~ you're not as good as an old man like me!"

Long Er replied with great emotion.


Shen Qiu's expression darkened, he gritted his teeth and released Thunderbolt crazily, and rushed towards the Gap Girl again,

Looking at the soaring Shen Qiu, Long Er felt deeply moved in his heart. It's good to be young and energetic. If I were to suffer that, I probably wouldn't be able to recover for a long time.

This kid rushed forward again like a normal person!

The Gap Girl looked at Shen Qiu who was attacking, and there was a trace of fear in her eyes.

Don't look at it blocking Shen Qiu's attack, it ate all the damage from the lightning on Han Ye.

After finally recovering a little bit, the body was beaten back to its original shape.

As a result, the rip girl turned her head, her jet-black hair suddenly grew longer, tangling towards Shen Qiu!

Shen Qiu's eyelids twitched, and he could only wave Han Ye towards the hair that swept towards him.

Immediately, the jet-black hair wrapped around the flashing Han Ye Knife.

Shen Qiu tried his best to pull Han Ye Dao, but unfortunately he couldn't pull it at all.

On the contrary, the Gap Girl manipulated the hair and directly dragged Shen Qiu towards it, and it immediately opened its mouth, revealing extremely sharp fangs.

Shen Qiu stomped on the ground with both feet and wanted to stop, but the opponent's pulling force was too strong. And he couldn't abandon Han Ye, otherwise he wouldn't have a hammer as his main weapon.

"Hold on!"

Long Er who was standing behind shouted to Shen Qiu.

Shen Qiu turned his head and looked back, only to see Long Er raising his hand towards the girl with the gap, as if he was accumulating strength.

"Hurry up, I can't hold it anymore!"

"It will be ready soon!"

Long Er's eyes suddenly became very sharp.

In an instant, the air in the entire church was shaking.

The Gap Girl seemed to be aware of the danger, and she rushed towards Shen Qiu crazily, as if she wanted to take Shen Qiu as a shield and a hostage.

Shen Qiu naturally sensed the intention of the Gap Girl, and he let out a low growl.


In an instant, the blood vessels all over Shen Qiu's body bulged, and the terrifying thunder burst out, and he crazily penetrated the thunder energy into the entangled cold night.

Immediately, Han Ye's hair was entwined, and it was broken every inch of it!

Swept at the attacking girl with a knife.


The rip girl opened her terrifying mouth, biting the Han Ye Dao directly.

Shen Qiu and the Gap Girl looked at each other at close range, a chill rose from the bottom of his heart, Han Ye Knife was actually bitten by the other party.

He immediately raised his left hand clenched into a fist, and with a terrifying thunder light, he slammed it hard on the cheek of the girl with the gap.

However, this punch not only failed to cause substantial damage to the girl with the gap, but enraged the opponent instead.

Around her extremely scarlet eyes, the blood vessels suddenly bulged, and her right hand clenched into a fist at the same time, and slammed heavily on Shen Qiu's abdomen.


Shen Qiu flew upside down in an instant, and slammed into the bench hard!

Sawdust flying everywhere!


Shen Qiu spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Air burst!"

At this time, Long Er's eyes froze, and he completed the ability structure.

All of a sudden, the surrounding air frantically compressed towards the gap girl.

The body of the woman with the slit was compressed by a vacuum, and her cheeks and skin were sunken.

But she held on.

next second~


An invisible big explosion occurred centered on the Gap Girl, and a terrifying shock swept across.

At this moment, Shen Qiu, who had just got up, almost lost his footing, and the whole person kept moving backwards.

"So strong!"

Shen Qiu said with a slight expression.

However, when the explosion subsided, the Gap Girl was still standing firm, but dark red blood was oozing from her whole body, including her seven orifices.

The overall look is very permeable.

Long Er exhaled slightly, and shouted to Shen Qiu.

"Come on! She's dying, don't give her a chance to escape."

When Shen Qiu heard Long Er's shout, his first instinct was to pick up Han Ye and rush towards the Gap Girl.

As a result, the Gap Girl opened her mouth, accumulated a terrifying dark red light beam, and blasted towards Shen Qiu!

Shen Qiu's heart beat violently, and he forcibly turned around.

A dark red light beam passed by him, pierced through the church wall in an instant, and bombarded the outside.


Suddenly there was a terrifying explosion outside.

"Are you sure she's dead? Why are you still attacking so fiercely?"

Shen Qiu shouted with a dark face.

"Oh, it's just a strong outsider, don't be fooled!"

Long Er said to Shen Qiu.

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