Night of apocalypse

Chapter 281 Fatal

"Boy, didn't you ask me what ability I have just now? Do you think I will tell you? I told you that unless the ability of the popular series cannot be concealed, the Awakened with a little hidden ability can't wait to cover up their ability. It is solid. Because it is a taboo for people to know, and things of this level should be well hidden and not let people know, otherwise it will be easy to be targeted, and it will be dangerous at that time."

Long Er taught Shen Qiu.

"Makes sense."

Shen Qiu thought for a while and replied.

"It's not stupid, by the way, you ask me what I do, don't you want to worship me as a teacher?"

Long Er took a sip of wine and asked with a smile.

"What age is this and still apprentice?"


"How about I be your student? You teach me."

Shen Qiu blinked.

"Pfft, what's the difference?"

Long Er sprayed the wine out of his mouth, and looked at Shen Qiu with contempt.

"Then tell me, okay?"

Shen Qiu was also a little anxious and nervous, if Long Er was willing to teach him, he could at least avoid a lot of detours.


Long Er readily agreed.

"Great, you don't know how difficult and slow it is to grope alone."

Seeing that Long Er agreed, Shen Qiu said very happily.

"Stinky boy, you are really right. It is really inefficient to grope alone. Let me tell you, those guys can improve so fast, and they all communicate with each other! Including the captain of the first team, It is also through exchanging ideas with many people that we can break through, and the group has the benefits of the group.”

"It's no wonder that these senior KPI personnel are so strong."

"The vision is superficial. The top personnel in the KPI department are all very impressive. But they may not be the strongest. Let me tell you that the Red Alliance Army and the Cabinet also have a special department, and those people are not vegetarians." , and the various forces also secretly train masters."

Long Er chatted happily with Shen Qiu, and couldn't help talking too much.

Hearing this, Shen Qiu looked at Long Er more curiously.

"How do you know so much? Even the cabinet affairs?"

"I'm doing investigation and intelligence, so I must know a lot! Don't talk about that, come with me to the training ground!"

Long Er drank the wine in the bottle in one gulp, and said to Shen Qiu freely.


Shen Qiu immediately got up and walked towards the training ground with Long Er.

In the center of the general command post, in a simple room.

City Lord Su Yuan was reading the secret document in his hand, while the three of Yun Xiaoxi waited respectfully.

A few minutes later, Lord Su Yuan finished reading the secret document. Her wrinkled face seemed to be getting older, she said hoarsely.

"I have read the secret document, and I will do my best to assist you."

Huayue looked at City Lord Su Yuan and said respectfully.

"My lord, although what we say next may be too much. But I hope you can understand that we are all for the eighth district and hundreds of millions of Hongmeng people."

"Tell me, I have my own measure."

"Then let's just say it straight. We suspect that the situation in the Eighth District has become so bad, and all kinds of coping methods have failed to work. There may be a traitor inside, and the traitor's position is still very high."

Huayue pointed out very seriously.

Su Yuan's old face couldn't help twitching when she heard Huayue's words, and finally she said with a sigh.

"Hey, I actually have this guess too."

Yun Xiaoxi breathed a sigh of relief when she heard City Lord Su Yuan's words, and Li Yan asked at this moment.

"Master Su Yuan, do you have any doubts about the candidate? Can you tell us about it?"

When Su Yuan heard Li Yan's words, complex expressions appeared in her cloudy eyes, and she didn't speak for a long time.

Seeing Su Yuan's reaction, Huayue immediately guessed something, she said to Su Yuan City Lord.

"City Master Su Yuan, the eighth district is really at an extremely dangerous moment, and it may lose control at any time. At that time, not only the eighth district will not be safe, but all your people may face death. If you have any doubts Object, please be sure to tell us."

City Lord Su Yuan's expression squirmed for a while, and finally spoke.

"There are several suspects, and one of them is in a high position and can influence the entire command."


Yun Xiaoxi and the others asked quickly.

"Colonel Miao Tong."

Su Yuan replied with a complicated expression.

"You mean Colonel Miao Tong? Isn't she the commander-in-chief of the Cangye Army? Logically speaking, she should be your confidant!"

Huayue looked at Su Yuan in shock, and couldn't believe that the city lord Su Yuan would say the name Miao Tong.

"Master Su Yuan, why do you doubt her?"

Yun Xiaoxi was also puzzled and asked more.

City Lord Su Yuan said in a deep voice.

"I don't want to doubt her, but do you know that in terms of the overall command and decision-making of the eighth district, she has been in conflict with Commander Jiang Wen appointed by the Hongmeng. However, it has been proved that every decision made by Commander Jiang Wen It is the most correct. It is Jiang Wen's command to overcome all opinions and stabilize the market that is about to collapse in the eighth district."

"Is there any misunderstanding in this? Or is it simply a different idea?"

Huayue asked cautiously, knowing that if Miao Tong really had a problem, the situation would explode.

You must know that the entire Cangye Army is in her hands.

"That's what I thought at the beginning. Until not long ago, there was a problem with the northern defense line. At that meeting! Their opinions appeared again. Miao Tong strongly demanded to disrupt the layout and call in troops from other defensive areas to support the northern defense line. In the end, Jiang Wen vetoed this suggestion to avoid a situation of getting out of control everywhere, and it turns out that the northern defense line was finally held."

City Lord Su Yuan said in a deep voice.

"If you say so, this Miao Tong is indeed suspected."

Huayue thought for a while and nodded.

"One more thing. I have been paying attention to Colonel Miao Tong recently. I found that she seems to be behind my back and doesn't know what to do. Her behavior is very suspicious! But you must pay attention to one thing. Colonel Miao Tong has been in charge of the Cangye Army for many years. Very high. If you have no way to find substantive evidence, you must not act rashly, otherwise it will cause large-scale turmoil in the army, which is very fatal."

City Lord Su Yuan instructed Huayue and the others.

"Okay, thank you Lord City Master, we know what to do, we will leave first."

Huayue said respectfully.


City Lord Su Yuan nodded.

The three of Yun Xiaoxi left immediately, and Su Yuan looked at the backs of the three of them with extremely complicated expressions on their old faces.

She finally sighed and shook her head involuntarily.

General command base · No. 7 independent training ground.

Long Er brought Shen Qiu in, and he said to Shen Qiu.

"Let me tell you, we must pay special attention to the development of abilities and the improvement of the ability realm, and don't blindly pursue breakthroughs in the genetic level, otherwise the eggs will be useless."

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