Night of apocalypse

Chapter 333 Shot (addition for leader Bingshan Mu Xue)

Many Rafale fighter pilots who were in charge of the siege looked at the scene in front of them and couldn't speak a word in astonishment. The missile attack was completely neutralized.

At this time, the captain of the Rafale Fighter shouted in the communication channel.

"Since the missiles are ineffective, the No. 1, No. 5, and No. 7 formations will follow me to attack at close range, and the rest will cover."

"Yes! Captain Yan Long!"

An unyielding voice responded.


A large number of Rafale fighters in the air turned their noses and flew towards the Silver Wing fighters around the Backlight.

At the same time, a Rafale fighter plane with stars spray-painted on its fuselage took the lead to kill the Backlight.

At this moment, the surface body of the Backlight opened the launch ports one by one!


The sky was shot out like fluorescent missiles.

"Launch decoy bombs and disruptor bombs, rush over!"

Yan Long immediately issued an order.


Pieces of decoy shells and jammers are ejected.

It's a pity that even so, the advancing Rafale fighters were hit one after another, and exploded in the sky like gorgeous fireworks.

However, Yan Long and several Rafale fighters still managed to break through.

Looking at the huge Backlight in front of him, Yan Long roared angrily.

"Call me!"

The aviation machine gun of the Rafale Fighter, strafing wildly!

Ding Ding!

Sparks flew from the armor on the surface of the Backlight, and holes were punched in some areas.

In the control room, prompts popped up on the virtual screen.

"Hint: under attack!"

"Hint: Create an emergency plan and climb the height."

"Begin execution!"

In an instant, the power unit of the backlight fighter made a roaring sound, and jet ports opened one by one at the bottom.

The whole large unloaded aircraft began to climb rapidly.

"Captain, that guy is scared and is climbing the height!"

The raid Rafale fighter pilot team saw this scene and immediately reported it.

"Chasing, we also climb."

Yan Long followed suit, and it turned out that close-range attacks are effective, and this big guy is not invincible.

However, the speed of the Backlight Fighter's climb was extremely terrifying. It broke through 25,000 meters in the blink of an eye, and it was still climbing.

The performance of the Rafale fighter could not keep up immediately, and anxious shouts kept ringing in the communication channel.

"No, captain, the engine is about to stop, we can't climb anymore."

"Damn it!"

Yan Long was also very unwilling, but unfortunately there was nothing he could do.

In fact, the combat capability of the Backlight is very limited, but its biggest function is not combat. It is more used as a command platform, and can release part of the micro drone group support.

At this time, if you look down from a high altitude.

It can be found that the overlapping area of ​​the City of Sunken Stars is getting bigger and bigger.

More and more mechanical weapons were overlapped, including swift mechanical dogs and a large number of mechanical reptiles, and the battle became more intense.

A large number of KPI personnel from Shenxing City also joined the battle, but the situation is still not optimistic.

Because of the abilities of a large number of Awakened, it is simply impossible to cause enough damage to its solid armor.

Some KPI awakeners of the power department even picked up a giant axe, jumped out of an ambush from the street building, and smashed it on the storm tank with one axe.

As a result, the armor was not split, and both hands were shocked and bled.

"Damn, it's so hard!"

Before he recovered from the shock, the storm tank directly began to deform and threw it off.

Immediately afterwards, the cannon barrel lowered and bombarded the awakened person wildly.

City of Sunken Stars Underground Parliament Building.

In a plain and very clean office.

Long Yan, who was wearing a big red gown, was sitting at his desk, and in front of him gathered a member of parliament wearing a white faceless mechanical mask.

Each of these congressmen said in a hurry.

"President of the Council! It won't work if this continues."

"That's right, every time those damned mechanical weapons are fired, the City of Sunken Star will suffer an extra loss. It's all money!"

"That's right, the death toll has soared to 17,821! When did so many people die in the City of Sunken Star!"

"Every human being is invaluable."

At this moment, Long Yan replied in a deep voice.

"All combat departments have already responded immediately. The high-level officers of the military department have also been dispatched."

"That won't work. Our weapons are obviously weaker than the opponent's technology. It's not that it doesn't have any effect on those mechanical weapons, but the effect is super bad! If we continue to fight step by step like this, and when the opponent is eliminated, the city of Chenxing will definitely be destroyed. "

At this time, a vice-president in a white striped gown and wearing a white faceless mechanical mask spoke.

"Vice President Wang Heng, what suggestion do you have?"

"I feel that this war must be ended as soon as possible. Every second of fighting in the City of Sunken Stars is a blood loss. Instead of wasting it like this, it is better to lose the blood! The so-called heavy reward must have a brave man!"

Wang Heng also went all out. Because he knew that if he wanted those masters to work harder, he had to increase his bargaining chips.

Members present also echoed.

"It makes sense, just severely increase the points for killing monsters! Give them twice the points."

"What double, triple points!"

"It doesn't matter if you give them four times! As long as you can protect the city of Shenxing."

Chairman Long Yan's eyes kept changing as he listened to the words of the members present. If this strategy is implemented, it will not be a small sum.

To know all the invading mechanical monsters, the pricing score is very high.

However, at this moment, a tall, very temperamental female secretary wearing a mask hurried in to report to Long Yanhui.

"Chairman, urgent information, there are unknown creatures approaching the City of the Sky through the Tianqing Canal. Colonel Bai Lanxin of the City of the Sky used a large-scale nuclear mine to intercept it outside. But the interception was unsuccessful, and the target was already approaching the City of the Sky , about to land on the tenth ring.”

"I see, you go down first."

Long Yan waved his hand to let the secretary go down.

Afterwards, he opened his eyes deeply, swept across the many congressmen present, and said hoarsely.

"Approved, double the reward."

4 Ring Night Sky Street.

The two storm tanks advanced side by side.

Ding Ding!

The dense rain of bullets and rockets kept bombarding its body, but unfortunately the effect was negligible.

The soldiers blocking the front kept retreating.


Accompanied by harsh sound waves.

A storm motorcycle passed the storm tank at an extremely fast speed, and rushed to the intercepting soldiers in front.

bang bang!


Accompanied by the screams, the storm motorcycle rushed over and scattered in all directions!

Among them, a storm motorcycle with the most momentum took a shortcut and rushed into an alley when it was about to rush out.

Suddenly a hand came out horizontally!


The entire storm motorcycle seemed to have hit an extremely hard wall. The entire front of the motorcycle was deformed. It turned over and fell heavily on the ground, sparking dazzling sparks.

At this time, a man in the uniform of a major general and with explosive muscles all over his body came out and walked straight towards the fallen storm motorcycle.

Its outstretched left hand is like a black rock, exuding a special luster.

At this moment, the storm motorcycle struggled to get up, but what greeted it was a violent punch!


It was directly smashed to pieces.

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